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My letter to the editor of the Boston Herald


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Dear editor;

I am 35 years old, the ideal demography between the old generation and upcoming new generation of "gunners". Your recent remarks/editorial of the leaked GnR tracks are way off track. A great person (Ali) once said "a man who is the same at age 35 as he is at age 20 has just wasted 15 years of his life". This may be the best way to approach the 'new sound' of Axl Rose and GnR. It would be impossible for anyone to write and perform the same music, even the same sort of music as they did 20 years ago. After all, writers are inspired by their environments and as time goes by things change and people change.

Today I'm tired of all the Whitney's and Puff Daddy's. How many times can American Idol manufacture that same person? What sets Axl Rose apart from the rest is the brilliance of his writing both lyrically and musically. Even the so called 'rock' songs we hear today are comprised of verse verse chorus verse chorus and throw in a guitar solo for good measure, 4 minute measure in fact. Axl's songs are like no others, forever evolving. They challenge is to listen to them over and over until you can find nothing you've missed in the previous 100 listens'. First you figure out all the lyrics, their meanings and the story behind them. Then you meticulously detail the melody, like some child's song you hear on Sesame Street, like a walk in the park on the perfect summer day. When you think you have all that figured out, try holding it all together with the music. The guitar work intertwined with the music and lyrics and how they almost speak to you of struggle or pain or joy or that walk in the park. The mood is constantly changing and it all comes together unlike anything ever written. Axl Rose is this century's Mozart fused with Bernie Taupin and then thrown into a blender with your own heart and mind. The results is magnificent and I don't doubt the rest of Chinese Democracy will be just as affective.

Edited by ace
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Dear editor;

I am 35 years old, the ideal demography between the old generation and upcoming new generation of "gunners". Your recent remarks/editorial of the leaked GnR tracks are way off track. A great person (Ali) once said "a man who is the same at age 35 as he is at age 20 has just wasted 15 years of his life". This may be the best way to approach the 'new sound' of Axl Rose and GnR. It would be impossible for anyone to write and perform the same music, even the same sort of music as they did 20 years ago. After all, writers are inspired by their environments and as time goes by things change and people change.

Today I'm tired of all the Whitney's and Puff Daddy's. How many times can American Idol manufacture that same person? What sets Axl Rose apart from the rest is the brilliants of his writing both lyrically and musically. Even the so called 'rock' songs we hear today are comprised of verse verse chorus verse chorus and throw in a guitar solo for good measure, 4 minute measure in fact. Axl's songs are like no others, forever evolving. They challenge is to listen to them over and over until you can find nothing you've missed in the previous 100 listens'. First you figure out all the lyrics, their meanings and the story behind them. Then you meticulously detail the melody, like some child's song you hear on Sesame Street, like a walk in the park on the perfect summer day. When you think you have all that figured out, try holding it all together with the music. The guitar work intertwined with the music and lyrics and how they almost speak to you of struggle or pain or joy or that walk in the park. The mood is constantly changing and it all comes together unlike anything ever written. Axl Rose is this century's Mozart fused with Bernie Taupin and then thrown into a blender with your own heart and mind. The results is magnificent and I don't doubt the rest of Chinese Democracy will be just as affective.

great work dude rock3 rock1 rock3

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That's a good letter, i'm 19 and think the new GNR sounds great and i'm a huge fan of the older GNR to. I roll into class everyday with some kind of fuckin GNR blastin on my radio and when i party on weekends i usually end up in a drunken rant about why GNR is better then the shit we hear today. If i want to feel sorry for myself i'll put in linkin park and if i want to feel like i'm from the ghetto i'll turn on any radio station that plays today's shit and if i want to feel GOOD AS FUCK i'll turn on some fuckin GNR!

Edited by Captain Chaos
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It's got some nice thoughts in it, but I really doubt they care at the Boston Herald. They aren't going to have some sort of epiphany once they read these fan letters. The problem with their article was that they didn't state the songs were demos. They have every right to not think the songs are good, whether we do or not. I think whoever wrote that would agree that Axl is a great songwriter based on his previous work, but just isn't impressed with the new stuff. That's his opinion. Also when mailing a letter to a publication, you should check for grammar and spelling mistakes first.

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the bosten herald will read this, and just toss it into the trass. They are a newspaper, they are so bias its sad. They make fun of him and the new GnR becuase they know that deep down inside that their wrong and that Chi Dem will be a good CD. I love what you wrote and i agree. But they don't care what people think, they will do everything in their power to diss Axl.

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Dear editor;

I am 35 years old, the ideal demography between the old generation and upcoming new generation of "gunners". Your recent remarks/editorial of the leaked GnR tracks are way off track. A great person (Ali) once said "a man who is the same at age 35 as he is at age 20 has just wasted 15 years of his life". This may be the best way to approach the 'new sound' of Axl Rose and GnR. It would be impossible for anyone to write and perform the same music, even the same sort of music as they did 20 years ago. After all, writers are inspired by their environments and as time goes by things change and people change.

Today I'm tired of all the Whitney's and Puff Daddy's. How many times can American Idol manufacture that same person? What sets Axl Rose apart from the rest is the brilliants of his writing both lyrically and musically. Even the so called 'rock' songs we hear today are comprised of verse verse chorus verse chorus and throw in a guitar solo for good measure, 4 minute measure in fact. Axl's songs are like no others, forever evolving. They challenge is to listen to them over and over until you can find nothing you've missed in the previous 100 listens'. First you figure out all the lyrics, their meanings and the story behind them. Then you meticulously detail the melody, like some child's song you hear on Sesame Street, like a walk in the park on the perfect summer day. When you think you have all that figured out, try holding it all together with the music. The guitar work intertwined with the music and lyrics and how they almost speak to you of struggle or pain or joy or that walk in the park. The mood is constantly changing and it all comes together unlike anything ever written. Axl Rose is this century's Mozart fused with Bernie Taupin and then thrown into a blender with your own heart and mind. The results is magnificent and I don't doubt the rest of Chinese Democracy will be just as affective.

I think this Letter needs to be pinned in the forum so that kids here can have a model to follow when making comments and arguments instead of just say things like "Fuck you you fucking tard newbie! I hope you go and die and never come back!"


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Whatever, it's a good letter yes. However the writer expresses his own opinion on the tracks, and you are in no position to tell him that his opinion is wrong.

**Sorry Gnar, missed your post, well I agree with you**

Edited by I'm Crazy
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Well written letter... and no one is trying to deny the editor's right to an opinion... just trying to get it on record that many others out there disagree.... that could be beneficial the next time Guns plays Boston for example... the Herald may need to take into account that their readers (to the extent these letters come from the Boston area) are not necessarily going to be pleased with a pre-written Axl bash-fest review of the concert. At a minimum... they'll have to send this guy to the gig with a blank computer screen... maybe with a second listening he'll feel differently... or maybe not... that's his right... but if we don't express our dissent- it's likely the Herald will just conclude that there's no GN'R fanbase and that it doesn't even need to bother expending resources to objectively cover the band.

This type of letter is definitely the way to go though. Respectful.

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Why did you send this letter?? Isn't he allowed to have his opinion about the songs??
Whatever, it's a good letter yes. However the writer expresses his own opinion on the tracks, and you are in no position to tell him that his opinion is wrong.

**Sorry Gnar, missed your post, well I agree with you**

I know you guys mean well, but don't be silly. If Ace can't respond as you two suggested, then neither can the author publish his opinion in a newspaper/public forum. Ace is also entitled to his opinion.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. The Writer of the article expressed his opinion and that's his right

However, we are also entitled to our opinion about the demos and the writer's work. And that's exactly what ACE wrote. Ace did not call the Writer some ignorant moraless manipulator or any of that sort, but simply, ACE explained what he thinks the author of the article missed to consider in the Herald article.

That's why newspaper have that "Letters to the Editor" and "Feature" section aswell so we the public can participate in an intelligent manner.

Edited by abitestranged
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Why did you send this letter?? Isn't he allowed to have his opinion about the songs??

Whatever, it's a good letter yes. However the writer expresses his own opinion on the tracks, and you are in no position to tell him that his opinion is wrong.

**Sorry Gnar, missed your post, well I agree with you**

I know you guys mean well, but don't be silly. If Ace can't respond as you two suggested, then neither can the author publish his opinion in a newspaper/public forum. Ace is also entitled to his opinion.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. The Writer of the article expressed his opinion and that's his right

However, we are also entitled to our opinion about the demos and the writer's work. And that's exactly what ACE wrote. Ace did not call the Writer some ignorant moraless manipulator or any of that sort, but simply, ACE explained what he thinks the author of the article missed to consider in the Herald article.

That's why newspaper have that "Letters to the Editor" and "Feature" section aswell so we the public can participate in an intelligent manner.

I am aware that he is making his own opinion heard. However, there is no evidence that the said reporter did not consider these facts. The letter however still is trying to persuade the reporter that s/he is wrong.

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Good letter Ace!!

And yes, the writer of the article can give his opinion about the GNR demos, but we,as fans have also our right to express our discontent with the article and also make a critic towards this misinformed journalist who didn´t say the tunes were DEMOS and that judged them as if they were finished songs.

And maybe Ace was a bit exaggerating when he said that one about Axl being this century´s Mozart but it was beautiful :)

Maybe we should also write to the newspaper and complain/defend our idol. That´s another way of showing our support to Axl/GNR.

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I think this journalist is OK.

Stop whining.

It's ridiculous.

why are you here? :no: people are naturally going to want to support their favorite bands and artists.

Normal people support their favourite bands buying the records and attending the concerts, not writing letters to journalists. Plus the Boston Herald didn't insult Axl at all. So what's the problem with you guys ?

Edited by Alan Niveen
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