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Arcade Roses

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wow i didn't know any of that, interesting because it was 4 or 5 years before i starting using the net!, i thought message boards were for losers with nothing better to do, now i'm finnished school and have a job and girlfriend, tied down......... you know how it is, so yeah i'm on here alot now,

that pisses me off, the hole posting personal shit about axl on here, that recked the normal people's chance to chat with there hero! role model! whatever! those freaks would get burned out of this forum nice and quick i'm thinking.

Well, it's not as if he came right out and said, "Hey I'm Axl Rose", but some people were able to deduce it based on the content of the messages and some people did some research into his IP if I'm not mistaken. And then of course it was pretty much confirmed that some of those posts were in fact him when he went on his internet rant at RIR.

yeah i worked that out, but i was saying even if they new it was him, why couldn't they just be normal and not freak out? you know turn into mr. and misses stalker!, it just fuckes it up for the rest of us!, like when is someone like me ( in australia) ever going to be able to chat with the legend?, because people can't control them selfs!, those people are fucking sad and need help.

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yeah i worked that out, but i was saying even if they new it was him, why couldn't they just be normal and not freak out? you know turn into mr. and misses stalker!, it just fuckes it up for the rest of us!, like when is someone like me ( in australia) ever going to be able to chat with the legend?, because people can't control them selfs!, those people are fucking sad and need help.

How do you know Axl doesn't post/read here or any of the other Guns forums? ;)

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yeah i worked that out, but i was saying even if they new it was him, why couldn't they just be normal and not freak out? you know turn into mr. and misses stalker!, it just fuckes it up for the rest of us!, like when is someone like me ( in australia) ever going to be able to chat with the legend?, because people can't control them selfs!, those people are fucking sad and need help.

How do you know Axl doesn't post/read here or any of the other Guns forums? ;)

well i don't know, you know something i don't high? wouldn't be the first time man :P:rofl-lol:

i know axl just couldn't come out and tell us anyway, then you would see the freaks emerged from the meat works again!.

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Axl probably does read here. It makes sense to find out what the general consensus of his fans are - especially proceeding the leaks, but he was probably pissed off about that. Axl said he wasn't going to read the internet again but you know that was 5 years ago and things have probably changed. If I was in his position I would maybe check up now and again. Although the thought of consistantly partying in New York sounds a lot more intense so I dunno... Ok the partying one my vote outright. :D

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Crazy, it looks so old. Like when we where using windows 3.1 or something..

actually, it's not that bad of a forum.. have you ever been in a Bravenet Forum? back in 2001 I think those were the popular forums, and this one looks way better than the Bravenet ones.. especially for being so old (1999 right?)

btw, I forgot, I think it's funny and cute that Axl had Felix the cat as his nick! that if it was really him..

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man, thats a blast from the past. I was in like 10th grade when I used to post on that forum. My screen name was something like "rose387"...

fucking 6 years ago.

Axl did post on there, and from what I remember, he was the one that had it shut down. Something about some guy posting his phone number on there.

Hmm, too bad you have no credibuility with all of the BS stories you tell. <_<

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