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Axl is going to tour again with no album, obviously


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just my personal opinion but i hope axl learnt some things from 2002, i hope he's in shape, hope he's been working on his voice, his younger days were better live.... then in 2002, i think he can pull it off, but it's up to axl if he wants to release this album, like it or hate it.

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What REALLY doesn't make sense is that Axl's going ahead with a tour with no one exactly knowing who's in the band these days. Could lend some credibility of the return of Slash. No doubt the first appearance of GN'R in concert will be highly anticipated.

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I know Guns toured in 1991 before the Illusion albums came out, but it was a much different situation. First of all, Appetite and Lies were only 4 and 3 year old albums, respectively, so the material in addition to the Illusion stuff was still fairly recent. Also, there was a plan to release the albums soon after the first leg of the tour; they didn't just decide to randomly start touring, and then happened to come up with a release date in September 1991. I believe Axl actually said the management or record company (some higher authority) really pressured them into touring before the album, and he didn't want to. Remember, they really only toured from late May to late August 1991, with the album coming out in September, plus they had a single (You Could Be Mine) and other songs, like Civil War and KOHD, which people knew.

This time around, this would be the second time touring w/o an album with a totally different band that wrote most of their playing material, which itself is pretty old now. Without any type of release with this new band, it's not even like it's a reunion tour or a Greatest Hits tour, where they play all the old songs with the old band. It's a new band, and with only 3 or 4 "new" songs being played in addition to the 15 or so old songs, I think it's pretty disappointing.

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I think you all are underestimating what the majority of fans want and that is the OLD songs! People don't go to see the likes of the Rolling Stones, Motley Crue and Metallica to hear new stuff as their current set lists prove, and the same applies to Guns 'n' Roses. Even if CD is released prior to the Euro shows songs from it will account for the minority of the set. The only question that really matters is can these new guys deliver the goods like the original band did, and we all know the answer to that... NO FUCKING WAY! :fuckyou:

The new band can play the hell out of the old material, I don't know what you're smoking!

None of the bands you mentioned have not provided new material for over a decade and then tried to tour on the old material, (Especially not with an already failed tour, trying to do the same thing, behind them.)

I don't think the majority of fans want the old songs. Sure the old songs are great but I think the majority of hard core fans are past ready for new material and would feel insulted (further) to have a tour without the CD drop first. Les hardcore fans probably just don't care anymore and it would take new material on the radio to get their attention again.


Rolling Stones release a Bigger Bang in 2005

Motley Crue released Generation Swine in 1998 and New Tattoo in 2001 and some new tracks on Red White and Crue in 2005

Metallica released ST Anger in 2003 and the current tour is escape from the Studio which sounds like that they need to get on the road and tour

But all of the above have toured on new material

How many songs did they even play for the new records on those tours. All the bands mentioned only played 2-3 new songs out of a 20+ setlist.

Rattlesnake Suitcase is right. The majority of the crowd wants to hear the old stuff. Sure the diehards want to hear the new stuff, but the percentage of diehards at each show is really small compared to the casual fans.

Axl has to play the 'hits' and the most known old songs. He can play the singles off the new album if it ever gets released, but trust me, if he plays the majority of the setlist only CD material, the crowd will be pissed and he will get bad reviews.

Now with all that said, that is your typical American market. Axl can play whatever he wants in Europe and get away with it. They don't care over there.

IMO, These European shows are just for fun. CD won't be released this year. There will be no USA tour after the European tour. If there is to be a USA tour with no new album, they should start releasing dates now, because they will need all the promotion they can get without a new album.

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Why am i reminded of a certain three incidents involving the cities of St. Louis, Philadelphia, Montreal, the band Guns N' Roses, thousands of angry fans, and mayhem?

There won't be riots in Europe...

We're civilised, not a bunch of smelly, drunken hicks ;)

yea your civilized all right, that is unless you lose a fuckn soccer game, and start killing people.

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Axl has to play the 'hits' and the most known old songs. He can play the singles off the new album if it ever gets released, but trust me, if he plays the majority of the setlist only CD material, the crowd will be pissed and he will get bad reviews.

I think Axl's kinda screwed there. If he plays mostly old songs, some critics will blast him for "living off his glory days" or whatever, and if he plays mostly new songs there will be critics who bash him for playing a bunch of songs nobody knows. damned if you do and damned if you don't, ya know?

if his setlist is say 20 songs,in my opinion he should do 13 old songs and 7 new ones spread out throughout the setlist.

it's probably safe to say that the cd will not be out before the tour starts, but hopefully everything will go okay (i expect atleast 2-4 shows to get nixed), and a single will drop in mid summer with the cd out in september (promoted as the first new album of new material from GnR in 15 years).

i think if this turns out to be 2002 all over again, well then, Axl has really screwed himself. If CD doesn't happen soon i wouldn't blame band members for moving on with their careers/lives. one can only "keep the faith" for so long.

Edited by tat2d1
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It's unequivocal that with Axl taking the stage in May, time is running out on Axl to get the album released before then. With under two months to go, it's highly unlikely that the marketing/promotion machine has the time necessary to blow this out for a May release. What makes no sense to me, and I am sure the rest of you are baffled as well, is why Axl even took GNR on the road 4 years ago and then delivered nothing...So this tour is exciting for all of us, but it still does not mean we are any closer to getting Chinese D. The leaked tracks are really no sign of things to come because they were not leaked by Axl himself. So I think this new tour is going to be very interesting, indeed. It's been 4 years since he performed live, will he sound better, worse? Will there be 3 guitarist or 2, and if 3, who replaced bucket?

If back in 2002 when they were touring, I came onto the forum and said we would still be without an album in April/May of 2006, all of you would have chastised me. But here we are, and no it's all starting over again, a European Tour, then probably onto the VMAs again, then an American leg of the tour. But still no official release date.

Personally I think Axl has been a fool for holding onto this material for so long. He should have at least had a studio single out by now. He also looks damn old nowadays. Anyone else feel this way? He looked so much more vibrant and personable back in 2001-2002...but all of these recent Axl shots depect an old man that's hard to look at. He used to be a sex simble back in the Illusion Days, now he looks washed up old man. I don't think he is in great shape and I am worried, that even though the studio material will be great, Axl is going to sound terrible on tour this time around. He struggled in 2002, just compare any of those bootlegs to bootlegs from 91-92, and 4 years have passed and he's probably been sitting on his ass.

My prediction is the studio material is amazing, but GNR LIVE shows are going to be an embarrassment. Which is why I am more excited for the album than any concert. But still no album, depressing.

Its not a tour, its a string of dates. GNR did the same thing before Use Your Illusions, they played a handful of shows, during which time the release date was announced. Expect a release date in May or June, just enough time to get an initial hype that will spur ticket sales.

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Axl has to play the 'hits' and the most known old songs. He can play the singles off the new album if it ever gets released, but trust me, if he plays the majority of the setlist only CD material, the crowd will be pissed and he will get bad reviews.

NOT if the new stuff is GOOD enough which most people agree it WILL be. some old songs thrown obviously for nostalgia and to keep the narrow minded happy.

in all fairness, this is not a reunion tour for money, why play the old songs, it's been done, it was great but it's been done. Axl has balls, belief in his music just as he did when gnr started, they had nothing to go on then and they blew stadiums away. Judging by these leaks, the new line up will go down fucking great so bring on a new era. if some old fans are lost... so be it, they have appettite... but a lot of new fans will replace them. THAT IS LIFE.

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This tour will be cancelled halfway through, because Axl will fail to show up. Furthermore, marketing and promotion agencies will finally realize that a gamble on Axl Rose will always score them a loss. Axl is about as reliable as the weather.

This tour is a joke. I doubt it will get very far before it implodes on itself and Axl Rose seeks refuge for good. The man has waited far too long, disappointed us far too much and cared too little to even matter anymore.

I for one am disappointed in him, but he has made it his point on multiple occasions that he does not share any empathy towards our feelings, and has always preached that he does what he wants, how he wants and when he wants, regardless of what we as fans think or feel he should do. He has also pointed out that he doesn't care how people view him, or what people think of him.

I hate to say it, but there is no hope in Axl Rose.

:sleeper: No hope in Axl Rose for you. Don't try to extend that onto other people. Many people believe that Axl will release an album that can be a very good comeback for him. If you think he's waited too long, fine. No one else cares if you've waited too long, and no one cares if you've given up hope.

If you think the tour is a joke, that's your belief. Look at everything you say: "I for one am disappointed", "This tour is a joke. I doubt it will get very far...", "...there is no hope in Axl Rose.". Cripes, if you were anymore saddened by this tour, I'd be surprised if you didn't cry in the corner after you posted this. Tons of people believe this tour has promise, and that's why the shows sold out very quickly.

Axl Rose may be as unpredictable as the weather, but after times where he hasn't shown up, or times when he has cancelled a tour, he still manages to sell out shows extremely fast. As controversial as he is, he is still wanted at festivals and people want to hear what he has been making. Will it be the best album of all time? Perhaps to some, and many will spit on it because it took so long, but has it cost you anything to wait this long? No. It has only cost Axl Rose to wait this long, but he persists and he says the album will be out. I still don't get why people are pissed off at Axl. He isn't making you wait, it is only a person's choice to wait for an album. This shouldn't be news to anyone.

What you say is pretty funny, because you're one of thos Axl sheep who is so caught up in a delusional fantasy. It's been 10+ years since Axl Rose did anything productive, so all of this belief you have in him is in vain. Even when the man completely shits in your face and ignores your pleas for any sort of sign, you all still follow and worship him like the sheep you are. It's pathetic.

Pull your head out of Axl's ass and stop praying for an album which will never see the light of day.

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What you say is pretty funny, because you're one of thos Axl sheep who is so caught up in a delusional fantasy. It's been 10+ years since Axl Rose did anything productive, so all of this belief you have in him is in vain. Even when the man completely shits in your face and ignores your pleas for any sort of sign, you all still follow and worship him like the sheep you are. It's pathetic.

Pull your head out of Axl's ass and stop praying for an album which will never see the light of day.

no...what he said made perfect sense actually...

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What you say is pretty funny, because you're one of thos Axl sheep who is so caught up in a delusional fantasy. It's been 10+ years since Axl Rose did anything productive, so all of this belief you have in him is in vain. Even when the man completely shits in your face and ignores your pleas for any sort of sign, you all still follow and worship him like the sheep you are. It's pathetic.

Pull your head out of Axl's ass and stop praying for an album which will never see the light of day.

no...what he said made perfect sense actually...

I didn't say it didn't make sense. I said it was funny, because it is.

Every year it's the same thing. People get their hopes up about an album that Axl is supposed to release, and every year they get nothing. It's been like that for the last decade, yet people still bleed their hearts for Axl Rose like he's Jesus the son of god.

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Every year it's the same thing. People get their hopes up about an album that Axl is supposed to release, and every year they get nothing. It's been like that for the last decade, yet people still bleed their hearts for Axl Rose like he's Jesus the son of god.

This year is different : leaks + European tour = album coming soon. ;)

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He'll probably do it again next year. GNR is more like a football team than a band. Live dates are like fixtures. Albums are like trophies they come out of playing fixtures.

is it odd that i found that funny :huh:

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we just have to wait and see, one thing is for sure it won't be the same as GNR we all knew. the real GNR was over since Izzy left, we were lucky to see the Illusion tour. the chemistry wasnt there anymore and you get that once not twice just ONCE. the reunions are tried before by other bands but its never the same. late 80 early 90 was GNR TIME they were there at the right place at the right time and they did it big time. if they where going to evolve as a band like U2 HAVE they had to do it together but they werent smart enough to sort out their differences, unlike OASIS. i dont think that axl has the same passion for the music as he used to. thats why he wasted his prime years in hidding. the other band members at least they tried it.

yes i have a ticket for the dublin gig and yes i love GNR, the original, because the new line up (if there is one) they have yet to prove themselves that they can live up to the NAME.

Edited by Big Gun
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I don't think he is rehearsing enough with these guys. I don't think he ever has. Remember RIRII? He wasn't sure when to start singing on DTJ, got lyrics wrong and on the second half he was out of breath. In HOB 2001 he said that Thursday night was the first time he ever played a set with the new guys. I mean WTF? Why did he even mention that? It's quite embarrassing I'd say. Some people were even getting scared cause the HOB date was getting closer and closer and they hadn't even rehearsed yet. Later on Axl says the band wasn't ready for this. Maybe a little bit of rehearsing would help. Would be good to sing a little after being 8 years 'in the darkness underground'. He is never in the same pic with the band members, it seems that he is always travelling alone when touring, he isn't in rehearsal videos... Bucket says he rarely saw Axl at studio... I can't really appreciate that. It would be about time for Axl to show his ability of "getting things from point A to point B"...

What a magnificent post.

Frankly, I'm disapointed in this fanbase this is not a more widespread opinion.

Because its not, its pretty much why Axl treats us with such indifference. We enable that behavior.

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This tour will be cancelled halfway through, because Axl will fail to show up. Furthermore, marketing and promotion agencies will finally realize that a gamble on Axl Rose will always score them a loss. Axl is about as reliable as the weather.

This tour is a joke. I doubt it will get very far before it implodes on itself and Axl Rose seeks refuge for good. The man has waited far too long, disappointed us far too much and cared too little to even matter anymore.

I for one am disappointed in him, but he has made it his point on multiple occasions that he does not share any empathy towards our feelings, and has always preached that he does what he wants, how he wants and when he wants, regardless of what we as fans think or feel he should do. He has also pointed out that he doesn't care how people view him, or what people think of him.

I hate to say it, but there is no hope in Axl Rose.

The sky is falling and the world is coming to an end. In 2000, all the computers will crash and there's an evil satanic kitten that is wreaking destruction across the world. Nostradamas said that tomorrow will be the End of Days.

I hate to say it, but you don't know what you're talking about. Have a nice day.

I hate to say it, but you and many others continue to cling onto hopeless dreams and it's very saddening.

After spending 4 years in silence, speaking no word to us fans or anyone else, and cancelling what was supposed to be the Chinese Democracy album tour back in 2002 due to his own shenanagins, why should i believe that this year will be any different as far as Guns N' Roses and Axl Rose are concerned? With no official statement or press release from the GN'R camp, nor release date for the supposed Chinese Democracy or any word from Axl Rose himself, why should i believe that this year won't bring anything except disappointment for Guns N' Roses fans?

Given the circumstances and Axl's history, i'd say the odds are in my favor and that you are all in for a rude awakening when this tour goes down in flames, just like it did in 2002.

Why am i reminded of a certain three incidents involving the cities of St. Louis, Philadelphia, Montreal, the band Guns N' Roses, thousands of angry fans, and mayhem?

I don't dream about GnR albums. I live my life, come on this site every once in a while and check for news, and discuss possibilities. What I don't do is waste my time spreading negativity about a band that I obviously don't give a rat's ass about. If I did, I'd be on the Metallica website trashing the garbage they've released for the past 10 years. But I'm a GnR fan, I like the new material, and I understand that life is not static. Cancellation of shows in the past has no bearing on whether these shows will go off. It doesn't matter to me whether you end up being right or wrong. What matters to me is that you are talking out of the wrong oriface of your body, and the stuff that comes out of that oriface smells exactly like what you know.

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He'll probably do it again next year. GNR is more like a football team than a band. Live dates are like fixtures. Albums are like trophies they come out of playing fixtures.

is it odd that i found that funny :huh:

I did too. The fixture bit especially, not the best similie to be honest.

Plus how long does a season last for fottball GNR? have they been in post season or pre season since 2002? And what about before that? From like end of UYI tour to RIR 01?? :huh:


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IMO the only reason they're doing these shows is to make $$$. There won't be a 3rd gtr plyr, they're going to play mostly crowd pleasing classic GnR songs, maybe with an few "new" tunes here & there, just like in 2002, CD release is nowhere in sight, & no US tour is being planned. This is just a way for Stinson, Finck, Fortus, Brain, etc... to get something for sticking around for so long. They probably stopped getting paid when Santuary cut off funding CD, IMO.

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IMO the only reason they're doing these shows is to make $$$. There won't be a 3rd gtr plyr, they're going to play mostly crowd pleasing classic GnR songs, maybe with an few "new" tunes here & there, just like in 2002, CD release is nowhere in sight, & no US tour is being planned. This is just a way for Stinson, Finck, Fortus, Brain, etc... to get something for sticking around for so long. They probably stopped getting paid when Santuary cut off funding CD, IMO.

you hv a point... and it scares me a little. :confused:

axl will perform at these shows, to finish the album with the monwy earned... and pay his bills. :book:

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These shows he is doing in Europe is not a true tour....Stop calling it a tour! They are for the most part festival appearances. These festivals would be there whether Axl shows up or not. These appearances are not because of anything GNR have spearheaded.

The illusions tour was also premature not out of desire but out of booking too early. Axl has commented about that and stated even though the albums were not done they would have lost possibly millions of dollars because the tour machine had started to roll thinking that the album would have been out by then.....in GNR style it was late. They were forced to tour.

Axl has already toured without new material and it was not a success. We've seen this before. If it wasn't successful before why would it be a success now. I actually think it would be a worse situation to try and tour without new material a second time. The reason why bands like Van Halen, Motley Crue, Metallica, Rolling Stones have Successful tours isn't the new music they may or may not have released....its because people relate to the members of the band. For the most part the music is played by people that have been together for many years and there is a loyalty to that. That is partly why the 2002 tour was not a success.....no loyalty to anyone but Axl. If that was the full illusions line up....would have been a greater success.

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rock2 A local radio station in Baltimore (98 Rock), reported yesterday that word on the street is that Slash and the lead bassist left Velvet Revolver to possibly join Axl...My guess is that this is not true, but has anyone else heard this? Nothing has been said on Hair Nation (Sirius) about it. That is where I first heard about the G&R tour. I am just so excited about the upcoming tour that I can't stand it!!! Hope he comes to the Mid-Atantic! :P

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My prediction is the studio material is amazing, but GNR LIVE shows are going to be an embarrassment. Which is why I am more excited for the album than any concert. But still no album, depressing.

Agree, and I've been more excited for a studio album than any concert since 1999.

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