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Your thoughts about the warmup gigs in NYC?


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Given the factors of things such as opening night, closing night, mid-show slump, etc etc. -What are your predictions as to which will be the BEST show, and whats your reason?

And I dont want to hear this "theyre professionals, everynight will be their best" shit - Im a professional actor, Ive dont professional theater runs for only a few nights and there is an OBVIOUS drop in enthusiam, energy, etc during the middle shows as opposed to the first and last - So it DOES happen..

So Im just curious to see what you guys htink.....

I think the first and the last will have the best energy. The last will be the best all around performance :shades:

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Reason for the first night is that the atmosphere is going to be nuts. Electricity in the air like crazy. If you've ever been to a Tyson fight and experienced the ring walk and the first round.... I think it might feel a bit like that.

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Ultimately,night 4 has the potential to be the best show!

Night 1 will be high energy for sure,fan hysteria and all that (which Axl feeds off).

Night 4 will most likely be the tightest,most relaxed...and maybe a balls to the wall thrown into overdrive rock and roll extravaganza before the band hits the road blowout!!

The only thing that worries me...(not overly,but it's a concern),will AXL blow his voice out by night 4.

Edited by zint61
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my time machine aint working so im afraid i cant tell you

Good answer, smart ass. If I wanted to know the future I would have asked - Instead I was asking for your THOUGHTS.

So Im just curious to see what you guys think.....

You see, in this band Guns N Roses - The fans never know anything.. So we speculate, assume, ponder and predict.... Its not like what I was asking to do was anything new here. So dont be such a fucking asshole.

So, by all means - If you ever do fix your time machine, you have my express permission to shove it up your ass. Dont be a dick for absolutely no reason - Its a perfectly valid question at this point and could potentially generate interesting discussion about the shows to come...

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