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AXL ARRESTED - and later released - IN STOCKHOLM!

Idiot Wind

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Is this a joke? :huh:

Demanding Jack Daniels between 10 and 15 degrees celsius?

Biting people?

Fighting with - --- a woman? (I guess Tommy Hilfiger was too much for him - and now he's resorting to hitting women. lol)

Seriously though -- does anyone else find all of this kinda sad? The guy is - what - 44 years old? He's not some punk in his 20s.

Just play the music Axl -- and get the album out.

Axl is the hard core rock star,that seems to be what people who love him want, hes not known for being a quiet little rock singer. He cant help himself, this is just him, and ya gotta love him. 44 is not really that old. now if he was 84 totally diff story. :rofl-lol:

Id bet the security guy is either quite a small man or quite old, if Axl's history of only taking on people smaller and weaker than himself is an indication.

I reckon he should sue Axl for all he's worth, God knows if i was doing my job and some freak bit me I'd sue for sure. Chances are this guy also wishes he could smack the little prick out but knew he would have lost his job if he didnt remain composed.

Ive worked in 5 star hotels and I can tell you his behaviour wasnt cool or rock star it was pathetic and obnoxious. The next person he does this to should just break his nose and shut him up.

uh, few people take on someone they KNOW is gonna kick their ass

huh,,agree,Axl would kick their ass!

im a man, and when im arguin with a man whoose bigger than me, theres a zone i dont go into - Chris Rock

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Thats the way to do it AXL...

No problem, it´s good that the Swedish cop did get what he beg´d fore..

And shame to that chick how was so DUMB to start to grawl whit AXL.. She didn´t now what she was getting into... DUMB bit##

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Is this a joke? :huh:

Demanding Jack Daniels between 10 and 15 degrees celsius?

Biting people?

Fighting with - --- a woman? (I guess Tommy Hilfiger was too much for him - and now he's resorting to hitting women. lol)

Seriously though -- does anyone else find all of this kinda sad? The guy is - what - 44 years old? He's not some punk in his 20s.

Just play the music Axl -- and get the album out.

Axl is the hard core rock star,that seems to be what people who love him want, hes not known for being a quiet little rock singer. He cant help himself, this is just him, and ya gotta love him. 44 is not really that old. now if he was 84 totally diff story. :rofl-lol:

Id bet the security guy is either quite a small man or quite old, if Axl's history of only taking on people smaller and weaker than himself is an indication.

I reckon he should sue Axl for all he's worth, God knows if i was doing my job and some freak bit me I'd sue for sure. Chances are this guy also wishes he could smack the little prick out but knew he would have lost his job if he didnt remain composed.

Ive worked in 5 star hotels and I can tell you his behaviour wasnt cool or rock star it was pathetic and obnoxious. The next person he does this to should just break his nose and shut him up.

uh, few people take on someone they KNOW is gonna kick their ass

huh,,agree,Axl would kick their ass!

im a man, and when im arguin with a man whoose bigger than me, theres a zone i dont go into - Chris Rock

i think u missed my point...

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from gunsguy fourm

Guns N' Roses Knock Out Stockholm

Guns N' Roses W. Axl Rose was released this evening after having been arrested at 8 a.m. this morning in the lobby of his hotel in Stockholm. The arrest followed an altercation with a hotel security guard. Guns N' Roses had just played a triumphant show to a sellout audience of 15,000 at the Globen Arena and had enjoyed the city's hospitality until the morning hours when the incident occurred.

Axl Rose commented, "We had a great gig in Stockholm and I am not going to let this incident spoil that. My assistant Beta and I were talking in the lobby of the hotel when security started to give us a hard time. My only concern was to make sure she was ok."

Axl Rose is now in Oslo, Norway and the Swedish authorities are no longer pursuing this matter.

From: Sanctuary

i say the press need to back off axl and the band

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And shame to that chick how was so DUMB to start to grawl whit AXL.. She didn´t now what she was getting into... DUMB bit##

Beta's the DUMB bit##. :huh:

I know the thread is 30 pages and people don't want to sorth thru the whole thing, but you gotta fiigure some facts may have changed since page 1.

Edited by Patience 4 Axl
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Axl Rose commented, "We had a great gig in Stockholm and I am not going to let this incident spoil that. My assistant Beta and I were talking in the lobby of the hotel when security started to give us a hard time. My only concern was to make sure she was ok."

ok... so why did the security guy feel the need to intervene when he and Beta were only "talking"?

And how would defending Beta lead to Axl taking a bite of the security' s leg?

Some things just don' t add up here...

Edited by Lumikki
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Axl Rose commented, "We had a great gig in Stockholm and I am not going to let this incident spoil that. My assistant Beta and I were talking in the lobby of the hotel when security started to give us a hard time. My only concern was to make sure she was ok."

ok... so why did the security guy feel the need to intervene when he and Beta were only "talking"?

And how would defending Beta lead to Axl taking a bite of the security' s leg?

Some things just don' t add up here...

Axls word is gospel < didnt you know?

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Axl Rose commented, "We had a great gig in Stockholm and I am not going to let this incident spoil that. My assistant Beta and I were talking in the lobby of the hotel when security started to give us a hard time. My only concern was to make sure she was ok."

ok... so why did the security guy feel the need to intervene when he and Beta were only "talking"?

And how would defending Beta lead to Axl taking a bite of the security' s leg?

Some things just don' t add up here...

Axls word is gospel < didnt you know?

n the gospels r a buncha bullshit...

the plot thickens...

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yay it made australian news too


good to see Axl still has the aggressive streak... its his volitile nature that lets him rip into AFD classics like Jungle and nightrain etc etc////keep punching AXl,, your still a badd ass, more hardcore than any gang banging rapper who hide behind there guns n gangs.. Axl does it himself..

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On the news they showed Axl walking with 2 women..One of them was the swedish model.Was the other one Beta?

If so,then she sure has changed alot over the past few years..

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yay it made australian news too


good to see Axl still has the aggressive streak... its his volitile nature that lets him rip into AFD classics like Jungle and nightrain etc etc////keep punching AXl,, your still a badd ass, more hardcore than any gang banging rapper who hide behind there guns n gangs.. Axl does it himself..

shut the fuck up, seriously :lol: do u realise how many bodyguards axl travels with? u really think he would get far in a bust up with 50 Cent, Eminem etc i mean be fucking HONEST, ur blinding urself here. who exactly was slim shady hidin behind when he bust up Guevera in a parking lot, pistol whippin him cuz he laid hands on his wife?? n as for the guns shit, it was uncle rose himself who has a house fulla fuckin Uzi's n shit. im not tryna diss axl, im all over this board singin his praises but for fuckssake, where did that attack on rappers come from? :lol: face it, he got put in a headlock n he bit someone...this does not make him Jack Dempsey.

Edited by marina
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I'm having too much fun with this heh heh...

The police arrive and cuff a struggling Mr. Rose

axl: wha hay! can't a man scamper? I thought dis waz 'merica. Freedom, manmpplff

policeman: no, this is sweden

axl: oh I see yah commie bastads! you wanna fight? *axl tries to assume fighing postion but collapses in a drunken heap and vomits on the cop's shoe*

Policeman: *sighs and drags axl away into one of sweden's ultraefficient, environment friendly, air powered police vehicles*

LOL! :lol:

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The following is not stated as fact but was the story told by a staff member

Axl was supposed to be meeting up at the hotel with Beta and others at a prearranged aftershow booze up and was late by 5hrs. Beta went to bed and was woken by axl thumping her door in a very drunken state, he didnt even have any idea what time it really was. She got dressed and went out to see what was happening axl had already gone back to reception looking for someone to ring her room. She met him in reception where a shouting match insued and a bit of a scene was caused. Axl was asked to keep the noise down and take his arguments elsewhere by security so Axl freaked and started the rockstar tirade of do you know who you are dealing with etc? axl threw a sign at a wall mirror in the lobby. At this point security floored him and were holding him down until the police came. While being held down he decided to leave his mark on one of the guys.

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The following is not stated as fact but was the story told by a staff member

Axl was supposed to be meeting up at the hotel with Beta and others at a prearranged aftershow booze up and was late by 5hrs. Beta went to bed and was woken by axl thumping her door in a very drunken state, he didnt even have any idea what time it really was. She got dressed and went out to see what was happening axl had already gone back to reception looking for someone to ring her room. She met him in reception where a shouting match insued and a bit of a scene was caused. Axl was asked to keep the noise down and take his arguments elsewhere by security so Axl freaked and started the rockstar tirade of do you know who you are dealing with etc? axl threw a sign at a wall mirror in the lobby. At this point security floored him and were holding him down until the police came. While being held down he decided to leave his mark on one of the guys.


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The following is not stated as fact but was the story told by a staff member

Axl was supposed to be meeting up at the hotel with Beta and others at a prearranged aftershow booze up and was late by 5hrs. Beta went to bed and was woken by axl thumping her door in a very drunken state, he didnt even have any idea what time it really was. She got dressed and went out to see what was happening axl had already gone back to reception looking for someone to ring her room. She met him in reception where a shouting match insued and a bit of a scene was caused. Axl was asked to keep the noise down and take his arguments elsewhere by security so Axl freaked and started the rockstar tirade of do you know who you are dealing with etc? axl threw a sign at a wall mirror in the lobby. At this point security floored him and were holding him down until the police came. While being held down he decided to leave his mark on one of the guys.


infact its not as funny as sad.but the fact he was drunk and did all this,late for 5 hours,didnt know what time is,yelling in the lobby,bit guard....... is funny :lol:

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The following is not stated as fact but was the story told by a staff member

Axl was supposed to be meeting up at the hotel with Beta and others at a prearranged aftershow booze up and was late by 5hrs. Beta went to bed and was woken by axl thumping her door in a very drunken state, he didnt even have any idea what time it really was. She got dressed and went out to see what was happening axl had already gone back to reception looking for someone to ring her room. She met him in reception where a shouting match insued and a bit of a scene was caused. Axl was asked to keep the noise down and take his arguments elsewhere by security so Axl freaked and started the rockstar tirade of do you know who you are dealing with etc? axl threw a sign at a wall mirror in the lobby. At this point security floored him and were holding him down until the police came. While being held down he decided to leave his mark on one of the guys.

sounds reasonable...

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Not exactly a 1st hand Source!! but mate of mine knows one of the admin staff at the hotel. Apparantly the hotel cant work out if it is good or bad publicity for them! :rolleyes:

I think it can be only good for the hotel...name gets noticed around the world, famous people stay there and security tried to deal with situation...dont really see how theyre reputation is harmed

Edited by mesa
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It seems that people are way more enthusiastic about the old songs than the new ones.

The following is not stated as fact but was the story told by a staff member

Axl was supposed to be meeting up at the hotel with Beta and others at a prearranged aftershow booze up and was late by 5hrs. Beta went to bed and was woken by axl thumping her door in a very drunken state, he didnt even have any idea what time it really was. She got dressed and went out to see what was happening axl had already gone back to reception looking for someone to ring her room. She met him in reception where a shouting match insued and a bit of a scene was caused. Axl was asked to keep the noise down and take his arguments elsewhere by security so Axl freaked and started the rockstar tirade of do you know who you are dealing with etc? axl threw a sign at a wall mirror in the lobby. At this point security floored him and were holding him down until the police came. While being held down he decided to leave his mark on one of the guys.

sounds reasonable...


What's reasonable in all this?

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That is old fashion bullshit, if the woman deserves it and asks for it

I hate pussy guys who let a woman get away with all the shit they pull because they are woman

:blink: Are you for real?

Although you listed yourself as a woman in your profile, I have a tough time believing it, given this comment. No woman in the world would ever condone a man assaulting a woman under any circumstances. (The only possible exception would be those who are into BDSM "role-play" - and even then, it's a different scenario and confined to certain mutually-agreed upon situations).

In case you still don't get it, men are physically much bigger and stronger than women. So, for a man to physically assault a woman in order to "win" an argument or fight - well, it's just wrong.

Before everybody jumps up and down, I am not commenting on Axl here. I'm simply responding to this member's post about men who assault women in general.

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Axl Rose commented, "We had a great gig in Stockholm and I am not going to let this incident spoil that. My assistant Beta and I were talking in the lobby of the hotel when security started to give us a hard time. My only concern was to make sure she was ok."

ok... so why did the security guy feel the need to intervene when he and Beta were only "talking"?

And how would defending Beta lead to Axl taking a bite of the security' s leg?

Some things just don' t add up here...

Did he say like that? If so, it sounds good. The gig was awesome and shouldn't be spoiled by this fight afterwards. It was two different things... Nothing will change that the concert was great!

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That is old fashion bullshit, if the woman deserves it and asks for it

I hate pussy guys who let a woman get away with all the shit they pull because they are woman

:blink: Are you for real?

Although you listed yourself as a woman in your profile, I have a tough time believing it, given this comment. No woman in the world would ever condone a man assaulting a woman under any circumstances. (The only possible exception would be those who are into BDSM "role-play" - and even then, it's a different scenario and confined to certain mutually-agreed upon situations).

In case you still don't get it, men are physically much bigger and stronger than women. So, for a man to physically assault a woman in order to "win" an argument or fight - well, it's just wrong.

Before everybody jumps up and down, I am not commenting on Axl here. I'm simply responding to this member's post about men who assault women in general.


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It seems that people are way more enthusiastic about the old songs than the new ones.

The following is not stated as fact but was the story told by a staff member

Axl was supposed to be meeting up at the hotel with Beta and others at a prearranged aftershow booze up and was late by 5hrs. Beta went to bed and was woken by axl thumping her door in a very drunken state, he didnt even have any idea what time it really was. She got dressed and went out to see what was happening axl had already gone back to reception looking for someone to ring her room. She met him in reception where a shouting match insued and a bit of a scene was caused. Axl was asked to keep the noise down and take his arguments elsewhere by security so Axl freaked and started the rockstar tirade of do you know who you are dealing with etc? axl threw a sign at a wall mirror in the lobby. At this point security floored him and were holding him down until the police came. While being held down he decided to leave his mark on one of the guys.

sounds reasonable...


What's reasonable in all this?

feasible then...n madison, i think he was jus commenting on the almost hypocritical nature of the fact that men n women r to be treated equal but by virtue of the statement u jus made, which is a statement most sane civilised people would agree with, its impossible for that to be the case. i actually agree with u though, jus thought i might stick my oar in n possibly explain what i interpreted that dude to be tryna say.

Edited by marina
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It seems that people are way more enthusiastic about the old songs than the new ones.

The following is not stated as fact but was the story told by a staff member

Axl was supposed to be meeting up at the hotel with Beta and others at a prearranged aftershow booze up and was late by 5hrs. Beta went to bed and was woken by axl thumping her door in a very drunken state, he didnt even have any idea what time it really was. She got dressed and went out to see what was happening axl had already gone back to reception looking for someone to ring her room. She met him in reception where a shouting match insued and a bit of a scene was caused. Axl was asked to keep the noise down and take his arguments elsewhere by security so Axl freaked and started the rockstar tirade of do you know who you are dealing with etc? axl threw a sign at a wall mirror in the lobby. At this point security floored him and were holding him down until the police came. While being held down he decided to leave his mark on one of the guys.

sounds reasonable...


What's reasonable in all this?

feasible then...n madison, i think he was jus commenting on the almost hypocritical nature of the fact that men n women r to be treated equal but by virtue of the statement u jus made, which is a statement most sane civilised people would agree with, its impossible for that to be the case. i actually agree with u though, jus thought i might stick my oar in n possibly explain what i interpreted that dude to be tryna say.

It's not hypocritical, it's a matter of common decency.

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