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Chinese Democracy (Track - not the album)


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I don't hear many people saying this, but I believe that the title track of Chinese Democracy is one of the best new songs. Alongside 'IRS', I'd have to say it was my favourite. Why? I can't exactly put my finger on it, but the main reasons are because:

-Axl's voice sounds cool

-A nice, catchy, yet simple riff driving the whole song

-A very nice solo

Most new GNR songs have grown on me, but I pretty much liked 'Chinese Democracy' from the first listen. So - is there anybody else out there who is a fan of the track?

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It doesn't really do anything for me TBH. :unsure: Gets boring very quickly...

EDIT- 'the recognition it deserves'- dude, it's not even been released yet :lol: It's not like alot of people outside the New GnR world have heard it.

Edited by SlashRock
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Chinese Democracy def has a killer riff, but I just think it's missing a little something to put it over the top... can't quite put my finger on exactly what that is though :question: It's got a real hard rock sound, but the way Axl sings it is a little soft. I think he needs to break out his "Devil Woman" voice and really let rip, ya know. Like get a real badass few lines and just belt them out as loud and high as he can near the end of the song. Something like that would add the little extra to this song that I think would make it a great opener and single.

P.S. - Check out the article on Axl in September's issue of GQ, with Clive Owen on the front. It's pretty sick, and gives a great look into who Axl is, where he came from, and the supposed demons he's been battling over his life and how that has affected him. Real good article, insightful as well.

That's all. Peace out bitches!!!!!!!! :P

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Guest cherry_bomb

i love it. but listening back to the recordings from 2002, whats missing is robins backing vocals nowadays, like on madagascar.

anyway its an awesome song, really catchy, the studio version should rock.

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IMO, the Vegas 2001 performance of it was perfect. The angrier Axl sounds the better it is. I also do not like the part they added to the guitar solo.

It might work for them to take out some of the choruses to shorten it up into a really cool intro or outro to the album instead of a regular track.

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A few months ago, a member of this forum described Chinese Democracy as the 'It's So Easy' on the new CD. I think this is absolutely true! It's got a definite hard rock element to it, and the opening riff is sure to be remembered.

I really hope they continue to play this live and that we see it on the new CD.

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i love it. but listening back to the recordings from 2002, whats missing is robins backing vocals nowadays, like on madagascar.

anyway its an awesome song, really catchy, the studio version should rock.

:( yeah i miss his backing vocals, and the sort of techno intro :xmasssanta:

Robins vocals seemed to fill it up, its not the same anymore, none the less still a great song

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i love it. but listening back to the recordings from 2002, whats missing is robins backing vocals nowadays, like on madagascar.

anyway its an awesome song, really catchy, the studio version should rock.

:( yeah i miss his backing vocals, and the sort of techno intro :xmasssanta:

Robins vocals seemed to fill it up, its not the same anymore, none the less still a great song

The reason you could hear Robin's vocals so clearly in 2002 was because Axl was (a) out of breath (B) muted and © they had very poor sound checks or something, because Axl's mic was always going out or wasn't loud enough. Half the time when he was singing YCBM or CD or ESPECIALLY It's So Easy, it was Robin's voice that overpowered Axl's.

Thats not Robin on Its So Easy, thats Tommy and Dizzy

on topic, CD is a great tune, I'd personally love to see them open a show with it, or use it as the opening track on the album. Perfect song for that.

Favorite version is Rio III after Axl introduces the band. I agree with Cherry, Robin's background vocals are perfect in the song.

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