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Official: Band balked at alcohol ban


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They didn't even mention that the fire marshal threatened to arrest and give a $1,000 fine to fans who attempted to drink or smoke inside the venue (this applied to the Guns N' Roses crew as well). I think GN'R did the right thing by cancelling the show. Can you just imagine the media backlash the band would've gotten after having numerous fans unfairly arrested and fined at the band's concert?

Also, had the show gone on, Axl would have probably gotten fuckin' pissed at the venue's security thus causing much turmoil.

Managment did the right thing. The explanation that Bach, Beta, Axl, and Merck have given us all fits together very well.

Where did that information come from? If true, GNR would have been much better off mentioning it in their press release, rather than making it sound like "the fire marshalls were just mean to us".

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I don't see what the big deal is with the show being canceld. What's a GnR tour with out a mishap/riot/walking off stage?

The only why this would matter is if they didn't play another show... but they did so it doesn't.

Let's all get over it, they didn't play somewhere with a soft market. Big deal.


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Sounds like a load of bollocks.

$250 fine? Sure that's pocket change to the likes of Guns N' Roses, they could just pay that and have their way.

It cost them a hell of a lot more to cancel than to pay an alcohol fine.

It's a load of shite.

I don't see them cancelling over $250.

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Sounds like a load of bollocks.

$250 fine? Sure that's pocket change to the likes of Guns N' Roses, they could just pay that and have their way.

It cost them a hell of a lot more to cancel than to pay an alcohol fine.

It's a load of shite.

I don't see them cancelling over $250.

Ya id say its more to do with indi's post...

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They didn't even mention that the fire marshal threatened to arrest and give a $1,000 fine to fans who attempted to drink or smoke inside the venue (this applied to the Guns N' Roses crew as well). I think GN'R did the right thing by cancelling the show. Can you just imagine the media backlash the band would've gotten after having numerous fans unfairly arrested and fined at the band's concert?

Also, had the show gone on, Axl would have probably gotten fuckin' pissed at the venue's security thus causing much turmoil.

Managment did the right thing. The explanation that Bach, Beta, Axl, and Merck have given us all fits together very well.

Dude, this is new to me! So the fans and crew were not allowed to drink nor smoke in that venue? Well then, it's very simple then. GNR was in their right to cancel the show. GNR concerts are all about having a good rock n' roll time. This includes drinking and smoking for the most of us. If someone doesn't agree, then he or she should visit a fucking Moby concert.

I hadn't heard the part about fans getting arrested and fined for smoking and drinking...what's the source on that info?

If that's indeed the case,then everything makes perfect sense...can you imagine the chaos of that scenario at a rock concert?...let alone a GnR concert??

If true...then management did indeed make the correct decision.

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They didn't even mention that the fire marshal threatened to arrest and give a $1,000 fine to fans who attempted to drink or smoke inside the venue (this applied to the Guns N' Roses crew as well). I think GN'R did the right thing by cancelling the show. Can you just imagine the media backlash the band would've gotten after having numerous fans unfairly arrested and fined at the band's concert?

Also, had the show gone on, Axl would have probably gotten fuckin' pissed at the venue's security thus causing much turmoil.

Managment did the right thing. The explanation that Bach, Beta, Axl, and Merck have given us all fits together very well.

Dude, this is new to me! So the fans and crew were not allowed to drink nor smoke in that venue? Well then, it's very simple then. GNR was in their right to cancel the show. GNR concerts are all about having a good rock n' roll time. This includes drinking and smoking for the most of us. If someone doesn't agree, then he or she should visit a fucking Moby concert.

I hadn't heard the part about fans getting arrested and fined for smoking and drinking...what's the source on that info?

If that's indeed the case,then everything makes perfect sense...can you imagine the chaos of that scenario at a rock concert?...let alone a GnR concert??

If true...then management did indeed make the correct decision.

Just a question: Aren't most indoor venues non-smoking now? Of course, people still smoke, but I believe most are non-smoking and the venue has the right to kick a fan out or have them arrested if they are caught. I doubt its highly enforced though.

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He (fire marshal Collins) said he tried to convince the band's management during a midafternoon meeting Monday to have the musicians limit their alcohol consumption to backstage.

Well that settles it. Show cancelled. This comes from the FIRE MARSHAL'S side of the story, and they're saying they weren't going to let the band drink AT ALL on stage.

Show cancelled. No more threads about Guns being whiny.

I'm Rick James Bitch

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They didn't even mention that the fire marshal threatened to arrest and give a $1,000 fine to fans who attempted to drink or smoke inside the venue (this applied to the Guns N' Roses crew as well). I think GN'R did the right thing by cancelling the show. Can you just imagine the media backlash the band would've gotten after having numerous fans unfairly arrested and fined at the band's concert?

Also, had the show gone on, Axl would have probably gotten fuckin' pissed at the venue's security thus causing much turmoil.

Managment did the right thing. The explanation that Bach, Beta, Axl, and Merck have given us all fits together very well.

Dude, this is new to me! So the fans and crew were not allowed to drink nor smoke in that venue? Well then, it's very simple then. GNR was in their right to cancel the show. GNR concerts are all about having a good rock n' roll time. This includes drinking and smoking for the most of us. If someone doesn't agree, then he or she should visit a fucking Moby concert.

I hadn't heard the part about fans getting arrested and fined for smoking and drinking...what's the source on that info?

If that's indeed the case,then everything makes perfect sense...can you imagine the chaos of that scenario at a rock concert?...let alone a GnR concert??

If true...then management did indeed make the correct decision.

Just a question: Aren't most indoor venues non-smoking now? Of course, people still smoke, but I believe most are non-smoking and the venue has the right to kick a fan out or have them arrested if they are caught. I doubt its highly enforced though.

exactly...it's NOT highly enforced...I see smokers/tokers at concerts all the time.And occasionally they get asked to stop.

But if these Officials were threatening to enforce it...and drinking as well?? (it IS a rock concert)...the potential of a real gnarly evening could not be responsibly ignored.

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So Gn'R cannot perform a show without booze. Couldn't they have simply had a truck outside where Axl and Co. could nip off for a quick swig. Or couldn't they have simply had a few drinks before entering the venue. To call off a whole show does kinda suck. Mind you, if they had sold 10,000+ tickets, i'm sure they would have found away to get on stage :D

The venue only had a 6500 capacity. They sold nearly half and probably would have gotten closer to the latter had the show not ben cancelled. If you use the low ticket arguement then why did they not cancel other shows? Especially the NC show? But I am not sure what really happened. There is no way to really know, so I will not say I definitely know, and don't think anyone should put someone down because they think one way or another. Both excuses are plausable and possible with GNR. I enjoyed the Continetal Airlines show and I know Axl did too. I am just thinking about MSG tomorrow night....

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"Why is it so hard to believe that the show was not cancelled because of tickets sales? The fire marshals and the building made it impossible for GNR to play. Everytime we agreed with something they found something else and that went on for almost 3 hours. Our crew were been threantened every 10 minutes that if they would light one cigarrete they would get a 1000 fine. If any of the fans coming to the show and would be cought smoking they would get a 1k fine. If anyone would look intoxicated they would be arrested. If anyband member would look intoxicated they would be arrested; if they felt that the pyro would cause any danger, they would stop the show and the list goes on. This incident has nothing to do with nybody in axls camp. promotores, our team and management came to the conclusion that cancelling was the right thing to do. Axl and band were not part of their decision at all. so please stop jumping to conclusions. is it better for the tour to continue or hv them arrested and maybe a cancelled tour? is was one show and lets blame the right people. stop jumping axls throat over this. he was going to do the show and got a call from management saying that the show was cancelled."


"I would like to apologise to all of the fans in Maine for the show not happening last night. It was important for us to play there and it is a shame that what should have been a great night for all of us was not possible due to the actions of two people. I agree with and ultimately take responsibility for the end decision not to jeopardise the safety of the fans, the crews, the bands and myself as a result of the methods of these particularly draconian authorities. We are not trying to get away or get out of anything or pull a fast one by combining ticket sales as has been speculated. There are reasons that I have not spoken more about Montreal and Philadelphia that have been extremely complicated and are not legally resolved behind the scenes to this day and could have possibly jeopardized the future of Guns N' Roses.

We have chosen to take the public heat for these events in order to have another shot at the future today with a new album.

The professionals around me felt that Portland was a potentially explosive situation that could have had a somewhat similar result based on the behaviour of the two aforementioned fire marshals (it's not my 1st barbeque!) had the fans been given entry to the building and the show started. In respect of these opinions , our fans, the people of Portland, and the bands scheduled to play with us that night, unfortunately the only sensible decision was not to take that chance. We hope to find another way to play for you in the future. Thanks for even trying to see us. It sincerely is much more than appreciated."


"1. The show in Portland was cancelled last night because the fire marshall made it impossible for us to believe we could do our show without putting at risk the safety of the fans and the band. They made it clear that they intended to harrass our fans, crew and the band through enforcing rules and regulations that are 200 years old to an extent that has not been applied to other artists and that we believed would make the gig a potential time bomb that would explode. Our Production Manager Chris Gratton is a seasoned pro who has worked with everyone from Korn to R Kelley and has terrific relationships with Fire Marshalls and authorities all over the world. This is the first time he has ever come to us and said this is a dangerous situation and these people intend to use their authority in a negative way against our fans, our band and our crew and I need you to do something about it.

The cancellation had nothing to do with pyro or ticket sales. Putting our fans, band and crew first cost $200,000 last night so we did not make the decision without great thought and care and it was made in consultation with our agents and our promoter both of whom lost money as a result and both of whom supported our decision 100% as they too could see that the authorities were more than overzealous in their approach. For all of you to be speculating without any knowledge or credible information that the responsibility for this is Axl's or the band's is nonsense. This band has performed more than 50 shows this year without incident and had every intention of performing last night. They did not perform because we - the professionals around the band - stopped them as we did not feel it was safe for them or for the fans. We take our responsibility to the band seriously and we take our responsibility to the fans seriously. Now if you want to vent your spleens about this do it to the people responsible ie the fire marshalls. We named them for a reason. They are the reason why the Cumberland County Civic Center did not rock last night.

2. I see a number of people flaming Jarmo and the moderators for removing posts at our request. I understand that you feel that we are using our influence to censor you. We are not. If someone wants to express their opinion or critique the band and its performances, recordings, actions etc that does not bother us but when you spread lies and disinformation about everything from ticket sales to release dates to how Pollstar calculate their chart we will use our relationship with Jarmo to shut you down because you cause chaos and confusion and you try to take something good and turn it into something ugly. When GN'R gets on stage every night for two and a half hours it is a positive force. The thousands of fans who are there every night lose themselves and have a great time. That is what rock n' roll is all about but unfortunately the 300 of you that aren't even at the gigs spread a negativity that does not reflect the reality at all as evidenced by the original thread on the Meadowlands show. We were there. We saw 11,000 fans having a great time. We had a great time. For the people in the room it was a great night but it wasn't to be for those of you at home sitting around your computers.

Jarmo is your greatest ally and he has a proximity to us that is to your benefit. No one else in the online community has it. He has credible information for you directly from the source. We are not looking for any negative favours. It is not how the band has ever operated. It is not how Axl operates and it is not how I operate.

3. Ticket sales.

Guns N' Roses have sold almost 200,000 tickets already for this run and we still have 7 weeks to go. We have sold almost 50,000 tickets in the New York area alone this year between Hammerstein Ballroom, the Meadowlands and Madison Square Garden on the back of one interview with Ed Trunk and before the album has come out. Most bands do not go to Portland, Maine because it is what the music business calls a "soft market" but we had a lot of letters from fans in the area and we were determined to play there regardless of whether it was "only" 3500 people. We are doing something positive in a negative world. If you are with us fantastic. If you want to live your live in an adverse way stay at home."


"Tonight's show at the Cumberland County Civic Center has been cancelled due to limitations imposed by local fire marshals.

A band spokesperson commented, "Axl and the band are very unhappy about not being able to play for the fans in Portland but have been advised after several meetings with local fire marshals Nelson Collins and Bob Cadigan that they have made it impossible for the band to perform their show to the usual high standards that their fans deserve.

More importantly, we have been informed that officials intend to enforce rules and regulations that should not and do not apply in this venue. Our production manager and crew have been in this building with Clay Aiken and Green Day and none of the restrictions imposed on Guns N' Roses were experienced by those artists. It is our opinion that they are going out of their way to target and single out Guns N' Roses and the band's loyal fans. Following consultation with the band's manager, agent and promoter, it was felt that it was best to cancel the show. It is a regrettable decision, particularly at this late notice, but it is of paramount importance that our fans have the best experience possible without being harassed and threatened."

Is that enough?

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Merck, Beta and Axl can come up with all the vague, changing accounts they want. The fire marshal's said one simple thing over and over again.

You can believe anyone you want.

I personally don't think Nelson Collins has any sinister vendetta with Guns N' Roses loyal fans.

If we're to judge the events on past behavior... Axl's done this, how many times? Nelson Collins has done the same thing... never?

I don't think the booze alone called the show off for Axl. I think he'd decided not to play because of many factors. Ticket sales were very slow for that venue. Also, I don't think Axl likes being told how he has to do something by anyone, least of all some nobody fire marshall with a wife and kids and a family to feed. Some nobody... who is he to tell Axl Rose that he can't have a bottle of liquor on stage?

If you listen to the interview with Collins on elsewhere, he specifically addresses Beta's story about smoking regulations. Policy is, they inform the somker to take it outside. On second offense, they CAN receive a summons, but he says nothing of this $1000 dollar fine. Same with fans drinking.

To believe Merck/Axl/Beta's drawn out and changing excuses, you'd have to believe that Nelson Collins has some personal issue against Axl and the band. I really don't think that's the case.

I think Axl used the compromises he had to make as an excuse to bail on a poorly selling show in a small market. That's why he told the NJ crowd the night before that he was planning to stay in the area for a while.

That makes sense. He played a successful, nearly sold-out gig in (or just oustide of) his favorite city - NYC. He probably went to celebrate in the city, as he's been known to do. Woke up hung over and pissed the next morning. Saw he hadn't really moved many tickets for the show, got a little bit of static from the fire marshals over his booze, then looked for every excuse he could to bail on the show.

First we got the "pyro" press release. That didn't fly with fans, so Beta came out with the smoking/drinking excuse. Then we get the third press release, that really says nothing, though it has lots of words... Merck defends Jarmo, brags about tickets sold at other venues, complains that Portland's a soft market, blah, blah blah... but nothing concrete about why they pulled the plug. No simple reason. It's like they're flailing to explain something. Meanwhile, Nelson Collins has steadfastly stuck to his one simple, unchanging account of what happened.

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How would they fine fans a grand for smoking? They'd have to know your name & addy to be able to enforce the fine, and i can't see people saying "oh yeah, my name is Richard Cranium and i live at such a such address, please give me my fine". They can't arrest you for being drunk unless you're causing a disturbance OR getting behind the wheel to drive.

I've said it before and i'll say it again. I believe the truth falls somewhere in the middle of both sides' stories.

We know for a FACT that Merck and the GnR "family" are quite capable of lies and deceipt. Rewind to 2004 when word got out about bbf (potentially) joining the band. Within days we get a press release denying that anyone had been contacted about replacing Bucket. They even went on to call bbf something along the lines of an " attention seeking self publicist". Fast forward to the present and through a chat/interview with bbf we learn that he WAS contacted back in 04, but then things got all screwy and it was put off. Shows me that bbf really must be a class act, cuz there's no way in hell i would've still joined the band after that bullshit. Good thing for Axl &co that bbf doesn't hold a grudge.

That little event^^ proves to me that GnR will use their muscle and influence to try to distort the truth( ever notice it's ALWAYS someone else's fault when shit happens). Off of the top of my head, the only thing i really remember Axl taking the blame for was his statement about how he may have unintentionally put GnR at a disservice when referring to Buckethead.

I also still don't believe that they decided to play Portland because they got alot of fan letters requesting they play there. i suppose it's possible, but i just don't buy it.

Edited by tat2d1
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I was so disappointed :( I bought my tickets two months,booked a hotel for my husband and myself & used 1 vacation day. We stayed in Portland because we did not give a 24 hour notice to cancel. We just drove into the hotel parking lot and heard the cancelation on the radio. This is my favorite band of all time. I am still very sad,I am just a small town girl wanting to have a fun night out. Now I can't even look at my CD's,it has been a nightmare.

Thanks for listening


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Let us Mainers get in line a bitch some more. I don't care who to blame, I am just pissed...I took time off, drove 100 miles one way to be screwed over when we got there...I would like to give a few facts about Maine and Cumberland County...I have seen many shows at C.C. and I can't remember one where they didn't sell beer....At Motley Crue last year, the beer flowed around that arena.....As for smoking, they do enforce the laws up here..You pretty much can smoke in your house and that is it..Anything else in public is off limits (bars included)...And as for the band drinking on stage, ...Bands up here are considered employees of the venue, and that is why they can't drink on stage...My friend owns a bar and even there the bands have to wait until a set break to have a cold one....All that said....


Your band was my generations' Rolling Stones......I and many fans have waited a long time for this show.....Anybody who gives a shit about their fans, especially in a rural state would think a bit more to the extra miles (all 100 of them) that we travelled to see you.....You.....The new GNR is Axl Rose....Next time you should give a shit and play the show...Walk out and say hey..We had to make some concessions, we had to do this, or that,but we know you wanted a rock and roll show...Here we are to kick ass here after 15 years....You could have called up WBLM or WTOS and said put me on the air, and said hey here is the deal, we are going to play, but they "man" has put some restrictions..I bet nobody with a ticket would have stayed home........I went from a die hard Gunner to "I don't give a shit about your piece of shit album, band, or tour..The album probably will never come out anyway......Next time don't even get our hopes up...Go through Worcester, then up to Boston, and turn the fuck around.....

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If this stuff is true, why do they HAVE to have alcohol onstage, they should be pumped up enough with the fact that they are playing to a bunch of people who have spent hard earned cash going to see them, they are acting like prima donna rockstar bitches. Hell, Axl was out of the game for the best part of a decade, he should be greatful people are still interested :anger:

As Istated in other threads. Do you think Keith Richards would preform if they said he would be arested if he smoked on stage

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If this stuff is true, why do they HAVE to have alcohol onstage, they should be pumped up enough with the fact that they are playing to a bunch of people who have spent hard earned cash going to see them, they are acting like prima donna rockstar bitches. Hell, Axl was out of the game for the best part of a decade, he should be greatful people are still interested :anger:

As Istated in other threads. Do you think Keith Richards would preform if they said he would be arested if he smoked on stage

According to the fire marshall's interview on elsewhere, the band was allowed to bring booze on stage, just not in the bottles. they had to bring it in cups. Apparently, that was too much to ask.

Really the booze was just an excuse for Axl to cancel a show he didn't want to play.

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If they really didn't play because of the alcohol thing, they're the most selfish band ever.

Why the hell are we still talking about this? Have you guys ever let anythying go before, that was two shows ago, jesus.

Because its a pattern of asinine behavior, and people just take it over and over. There's no other bands around that you're not sure if they're going to show up and play the fucking show or not. Sure other bands cancel shows, but give a ton of notice, rather than just not showing up. Like another poster said, Axl should be grateful as hell that people still care about him and his music and make every attempt to play a show. If attendance bothers him he needs to book his band in smaller venues. Of course you can't have as much fireworks and stupid shit like that in a 2000 seater, so they play to less than half full arenas instead. God, I could rant about this band forever, its even worse because I keep coming back, just hanging onto hope since they were my first real favorite band.

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The "asinine behavior" though, is something about which no one knows. Neither you, nor anyone you know, know why the concert was cancelled, which is what makes the whole argument ridiculous... because the arguments on both sides are predicated on knowing who was at fault for the show's cancellation.

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The "asinine behavior" though, is something about which no one knows. Neither you, nor anyone you know, know why the concert was cancelled, which is what makes the whole argument ridiculous... because the arguments on both sides are predicated on knowing who was at fault for the show's cancellation.

I'm not just talking about this show. And that's my point. If this was a one time deal, if Axl didn't have his reputation (which he completely earned) for blowing off shows, this wouldn't be any deal. He's like the little boy who cried wolf of the music world, in so many ways.

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