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new ultimate-guitar article


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Slaytanic1986 :

lmfao! i love the axl axl axl section, what a joke that man is. it amuses everyone, but he doesnt realise that he is a laughing stock.

i fucking hate people like him,

they dont realise we have a colony of gnr fans just waiting to run him over

The best way to avoid these kind of people bother us is to ignore them,as if they didn´t exist. ;)

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i guess all publicity is good publicity, at least its showing the non GNR fans that Axl is back in the public eye again, ya never know, it may generate more CD sales and if that happens we may (and i do emphasise MAY) get another album after CD.........probably in 2020 when we are all really old and shitting ourselves but hey at least we can rock out in our wheelchairs!!!

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Slaytanic1986 :

lmfao! i love the axl axl axl section, what a joke that man is. it amuses everyone, but he doesnt realise that he is a laughing stock.

i fucking hate people like him,

they dont realise we have a colony of gnr fans just waiting to run him over

The best way to avoid these kind of people bother us is to ignore them,as if they didn´t exist. ;)

Yeah, that's a great way to face reality.

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Slaytanic1986 :

lmfao! i love the axl axl axl section, what a joke that man is. it amuses everyone, but he doesnt realise that he is a laughing stock.

i fucking hate people like him,

they dont realise we have a colony of gnr fans just waiting to run him over

Agree. It's just.. ARGHH!!

They're those people that doesnt know shit about what's going on with the new band - "0mgg th3 new Gn'R sucks! why iz buckethead in the band? ??? who does AXl have those dreadlocks?? Gn*R is SlASH, why Doesss Axl cancel all hIs zhowz??" and I'm like "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

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Slaytanic1986 :

lmfao! i love the axl axl axl section, what a joke that man is. it amuses everyone, but he doesnt realise that he is a laughing stock.

i fucking hate people like him,

they dont realise we have a colony of gnr fans just waiting to run him over

Agree. It's just.. ARGHH!!

They're those people that doesnt know shit about what's going on with the new band - "0mgg th3 new Gn'R sucks! why iz buckethead in the band? ??? who does AXl have those dreadlocks?? Gn*R is SlASH, why Doesss Axl cancel all hIs zhowz??" and I'm like "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"


i dont know whos worse, Velvet revolver fans or them dumb fucks

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Everyone hates Axl on ultimate guitar.

its a place for Ultimate guitar... and fact is that axl is credited with pushing one guitar guy with a top hat out the door - thats one guitar guy that some of these kids look up to and idolize wayyy more than axl. thats a fact and a reason for some of the bashing.

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Slaytanic1986 :

lmfao! i love the axl axl axl section, what a joke that man is. it amuses everyone, but he doesnt realise that he is a laughing stock.

i fucking hate people like him,

they dont realise we have a colony of gnr fans just waiting to run him over

Agree. It's just.. ARGHH!!

They're those people that doesnt know shit about what's going on with the new band - "0mgg th3 new Gn'R sucks! why iz buckethead in the band? ??? who does AXl have those dreadlocks?? Gn*R is SlASH, why Doesss Axl cancel all hIs zhowz??" and I'm like "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"


i dont know whos worse, Velvet revolver fans or them dumb fucks

both are really lame. really..

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Welcome to the internet. NOT everyone in the world is going to have the same opinions you do and there are TONS of people out there that bash Axl, just like there are TONS of people out there who bash every other band. Don't worry about it. :)

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i fucking hate people like him,

they dont realise we have a colony of gnr fans just waiting to run him over

Agree. It's just.. ARGHH!!

They're those people that doesnt know shit about what's going on with the new band - "0mgg th3 new Gn'R sucks! why iz buckethead in the band? ??? who does AXl have those dreadlocks?? Gn*R is SlASH, why Doesss Axl cancel all hIs zhowz??" and I'm like "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

Thankyou, those people are all around me these days.

agree'd 150%

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There really isn't a point to bash anyone or any band, but people do anyway, and we just have to learn to deal with it. Also, what's wrong with Velvet Revolver fans? I like VR and I don't bash the new GNR because of that, infact, I think the new GNR is great! It's not lame to like both, and bashing us VR fans is like when people bash fans of the new GNR.

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It wasn't bottles, it was coins.

Axl, couldn't continue the show in JULY, not August, and before some smart bastard says, it was past 12 o' clock(as the show was on the night of 31st July), it wasn't when Axl walked off. The show finished at 12:15 Axl left just before 12.

So, get you're facts straight, reporter!

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It's unfortunate that they only focused on the bad in that article. Having said that, Axl really let himself in for it this year by promising the album and then not delivering.

And in '99 or 2000, one of the two, '02, '05...see a pattern? I still think it will TRULY be out by '07.

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They didn't even mention love in the article(mother fuckers)

that beat the hell outta the arctic monkey's album

they did't mention syd barrett

nothing of army of anyone


chris cornell

nothing about how gnr's played many sold out crowds this year despite not having an album out

nothing about the uk hall of fame


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