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Christian Rock!!!

Gracii Guns

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Not really Christian Rock, but I was forced by some friends to go to a gig by a Christian Ska band called "Seeker's Planet" a year ago or so, and it was horrible.

I always focus on the lyrics in songs, and since I can't accept and agree with these religious beliefs, this concert was not really enjoyable for me.

Leave religion out of music please.

Music is singing what you know about. People should be free to sing about whatever they feel. If you don't like it, you don't have to listen to it. When you try to censor someone thoughts or feelings, you're no different than the PMRC trying to censor rap & rock music.

@zint61: No, thank God my dad never attempted Christian rock, and it was never done at his church. As far as I know, he's never even listened to it.

Edited by luvaxl4ever
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I was forced by some friends to go to a gig by a Christian Ska band

...and Gracii said some friends got her into some Christian bands

That's what I'm talking about...it's another form of door to door crusading.

Friends getting friends to check out this "really cool band".

The intention is to get people to find Jesus,and quite frankly...I find them using rock and roll as a vehicle to do so insulting and disturbing.

Rock and roll was not intended to be a......stairway to Heaven.

Edited by zint61
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I can't belive that it is people that belives in god!!! it's stupid. It's like beliving in superman or spider-man :huh:

It's a bit more real than that.

yeah it's much more likely that Spider-Man would exist than a stupid Gooooooood :tongue2:

A GOD! :blink:



god :rolleyes:

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I can't belive that it is people that belives in god!!! it's stupid. It's like beliving in superman or spider-man :huh:

It's a bit more real than that.

yeah it's much more likely that Spider-Man would exist than a stupid Gooooooood :tongue2:

A GOD! :blink:



god :rolleyes:

Seeing as how there's been a god for various cultures for thousands of years and Spider-Man hasn't been around for 100 years.

Edited by luciusfunk
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I can't belive that it is people that belives in god!!! it's stupid. It's like beliving in superman or spider-man :huh:

Yeah, its exactly like that. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I agree with zint; it should not be used as a recruiting method. Although the door-to-door crusading is far worse. I had a lady come to my door, and even after I told her that I'm Christian, and that my dad and most of my uncles are ministers and if I want to know about God I can turn to them, she was still trying to shove HER religion down my throat. I had to slam the door in her face. A couple of weeks later, she sent me a phamplet about her religion and said when I was ready, I should call her. That's just taking it too far. For me, being a Christian involves respecting other people's beliefs (or non-beliefs), not trying to shove my religion down people's throats.

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Christian rock makes me think of those scary "happy clappy" Christian Republicans in America...

Fair enough, rock is an exciting type of music that people of all different beliefs should be free to play, but I find it a bit disturbing when it's used to attract particularly teenagers to religion. Especially when rock is so often associated with rebellion against such conventionally oppressive institutions.

:lol: at Desperado.

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For me, being a Christian involves respecting other people's beliefs (or non-beliefs), not trying to shove my religion down people's throats.


..that's why I have such a problem with it infiltrating rock and roll,it's a calculated move for all the wrong reasons

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[u say its about singing bout what ur feeling. exactly my point! and u dont just feel one thing. you feel many things, if someone just sang/made music about his shit and loving jesus was a PART of it well thats all good but check the name, CHRISTIAN rock, theres a specific intention there. and y'know, the bible open to interpretation thing is basically a contemporary cop out that some people use to escape the fact that they dont really follow through on what they believe. sure some of it is open to interpretation inasmuch as the message or moral, but some of it just flat out tells you w'sup. this "what being a christian means to me or u or him" etc kinda detracts from the fact thats its a doctrine, a set of beliefs, a specific set of beliefs whereby this altering interpretation serves to dilute the orignal intention of the religion.


Edited by frankwhite
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For me, Christianity is like a safety blanket. I personally don't know whether I believe in God, but I can see why people do. I think it just makes them feel safe, knowing that everything happens for a reason, and that bad things happen so that you can be happier in the end of the day.

But Christian rock is super-duper lame. I've listened to an album or two, and it pretty much sucked. Christians go crazy for all Christian band, no matter how good they are. If you can scream out 'PRAISE JESUS' in a song, then you can be sure you will get people at your Christian concerts.

You don't pray to God for musical talent, you sell your soul to the Devil.

Christian Rock is an oxymoron :)

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To people like me, I believe that Christian rock is the only way of worship i can connect with, because you should enjoy worshipping God- some churches do it better than others. I don't think it's a way of roping them in at all-its a way of having fun and reminding yourself that God wants you to enjoy life as part of his family. It's just like anyother gig you go to- just without the horns rock3 and drunks. :blink:

Whenever I used o go to church at the end of my church runs I would bring a CD player in and listen to mixes(Pink FLoyd, Led Zepplin, GNR) just to enjoy it and relax.....people didn't like it very much but what can you do? I tried enjoying my "stay" with God...

my beliefs have changed since then about religion and God.

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I see what you're getting at Frank.... "If you can't beat them, join them."

I also think it's weird that only 50 years ago, religious groups would crusade against rock.

Yeah, just like all Germans hated the Jews, all Muslims are terrorists and all Brits have bad teeth. :rolleyes:

The only reason some religious groups gained notoriety is because they were the most outspoken. The majority of Christians did not campaign against rock n' roll in the '50s. Even Elvis was a Christian.

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I see what you're getting at Frank.... "If you can't beat them, join them."

I also think it's weird that only 50 years ago, religious groups would crusade against rock.

Yeah, just like all Germans hated the Jews, all Muslims are terrorists and all Brits have bad teeth. :rolleyes:

The only reason some religious groups gained notoriety is because they were the most outspoken. The majority of Christians did not campaign against rock n' roll in the '50s. Even Elvis was a Christian.

you're completely ignoring the point in favor of some really quite detached analogies there dude. a VAST cross-section of the 'old guard' of christianity DID campaign against rock n roll. and you dont just need to be waving a banner to protest. hows about the hundreds of thousands of god-furrin' ol' time parents that stopped their kids from listenin to it or goin to "THA SOCK HOP BALL". why'd u think so many people identify with the hiding and listening to rock n roll or makin up some shit to go to parents to go to a gig.

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I see what you're getting at Frank.... "If you can't beat them, join them."

I also think it's weird that only 50 years ago, religious groups would crusade against rock.

Yeah, just like all Germans hated the Jews, all Muslims are terrorists and all Brits have bad teeth. :rolleyes:

The only reason some religious groups gained notoriety is because they were the most outspoken. The majority of Christians did not campaign against rock n' roll in the '50s. Even Elvis was a Christian.

The "majority" PERIOD campaigned against rock and roll in the 50's.

It was feared and hated and rallied against.What saved the day for rock and roll (ultimately) was the fact that it made a shitload of cash for the god fearin' straight laced business community...via the rabid devotion of the kids who refused to NOT listen.

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I can't belive that it is people that belives in god!!! it's stupid. It's like beliving in superman or spider-man :huh:

It's a bit more real than that.

yeah it's much more likely that Spider-Man would exist than a stupid Gooooooood :tongue2:

A GOD! :blink:



god :rolleyes:


you sound like that stupid weird kid in that south park movie.

mole! that was his name.

that french douchebag kid.


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I can't belive that it is people that belives in god!!! it's stupid. It's like beliving in superman or spider-man :huh:

It's a bit more real than that.

yeah it's much more likely that Spider-Man would exist than a stupid Gooooooood :tongue2:

A GOD! :blink:



god :rolleyes:


you sound like that stupid weird kid in that south park movie.

mole! that was his name.

that french douchebag kid.


mmm... ok but I don't give a fuck.

but there is no god and you're a supersillyspacemonkey.....oh wait :xmassrudolph:

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I can't belive that it is people that belives in god!!! it's stupid. It's like beliving in superman or spider-man :huh:

It's a bit more real than that.

yeah it's much more likely that Spider-Man would exist than a stupid Gooooooood :tongue2:

A GOD! :blink:



god :rolleyes:


you sound like that stupid weird kid in that south park movie.

mole! that was his name.

that french douchebag kid.


mmm... ok but I don't give a fuck.

but there is no god and you're a supersillyspacemonkey.....oh wait :xmassrudolph:


actually there is one and it is supersillyspacemonkey.

if you take out every letter said a second time, convert it to binary code and reverse it you will see me in some vision or something.

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I can't belive that it is people that belives in god!!! it's stupid. It's like beliving in superman or spider-man :huh:

It's a bit more real than that.

yeah it's much more likely that Spider-Man would exist than a stupid Gooooooood :tongue2:

A GOD! :blink:



god :rolleyes:


you sound like that stupid weird kid in that south park movie.

mole! that was his name.

that french douchebag kid.


mmm... ok but I don't give a fuck.

but there is no god and you're a supersillyspacemonkey.....oh wait :xmassrudolph:


actually there is one and it is supersillyspacemonkey.

if you take out every letter said a second time, convert it to binary code and reverse it you will see me in some vision or something.

...back on topic please (all of you)

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