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coolio GNR

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ok, move along....nothing to see here. just a drunk guitarist teaching his son how to play the bass and a really,really

really old looking guy trying to hide the fact that he can't sing anymore...


eddie used to be cool...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fuck man...seeing Dave standing there with them has got me stoked.

I'm totally into this!

(I saw the original line up twice back in the day,so I'm not shedding any tears over Michael not being there...though it would have been cool).

I think it's going to be kinda fun seeing a 15 year old with one of the biggest rock bands of all time.

What 15 year old rock fan wouldn't want that gig??!!

Just the curiosity factor behind it is enough reason for me to accept Wolfie on bass.

But damn...look at Dave standing there with the Van Halen bros!!...too cool!

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Fuck man...seeing Dave standing there with them has got me stoked.

I'm totally into this!

(I saw the original line up twice back in the day,so I'm not shedding any tears over Michael not being there...though it would have been cool).

I think it's going to be kinda fun seeing a 15 year old with one of the biggest rock bands of all time.

What 15 year old rock fan wouldn't want that gig??!!

Just the curiosity factor behind it is enough reason for me to accept Wolfie on bass.

But damn...look at Dave standing there with the Van Halen bros!!...too cool!

I have to say I'm quite excited about this. I didn't think I would be after seeing DLR on Leno last year.

And yeah, that's so awesome for Wolfie!

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Are they coming to the UK or do thay only have tour dates up for America?

Right now its 40 dates in North America this summer, but the dates haven't been announced yet.

On this picture, does this mean there will be an interview with the band in the next "Rolling Stone"?

I hope so.

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I'm totally into this!

I think it's going to be kinda fun seeing a 15 year old with one of the biggest rock bands of all time.

Zint, I enjoy most of your takes, but this enthusiasm with Wolfie surprises me. What happened to your demand for making it the hard way, no short cuts, and only old school authenticity? You've got no problem with MA being out after all these years and 15 year old Wolfie being given the ultimate easy ride? It's exactly because of this type of nepotism within the entertainment industry that I don't begrudge others(without famous family connections) who find alternative ways to make it.

Saw the original VH a handful of times and they always put on an AWESOME show, in large part due to DLR. Even though it smacks of a pure cash grab, I can't wait to see them again after all these years.

But the MA/Wolfie thing is a big downer...

Edited by Turn_It_Up
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Hagar on Wolfie:

Wolfie's a great guy; I love Wolfie. But I don't think Van Halen should bring a 15-year-old kid to replace Sam, Dave and Michael Anthony," Hagar says. "That's a lot of pressure for Wolfie. Just 'cause he's Eddie's son doesn't mean he can go out and play in arenas and perform and entertain an audience for two hours. I would love to see Eddie and Alex get behind Wolfie, with a kid of his age singing, and produce the record for him and help him launch a career. I'd rather see it go that way than come out and say 'Wolfie's the bass player in Van Halen and maybe singing, too.' Van Halen's got way too much history to have that put on him."


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Hagar on Wolfie:

Wolfie's a great guy; I love Wolfie. But I don't think Van Halen should bring a 15-year-old kid to replace Sam, Dave and Michael Anthony," Hagar says. "That's a lot of pressure for Wolfie. Just 'cause he's Eddie's son doesn't mean he can go out and play in arenas and perform and entertain an audience for two hours. I would love to see Eddie and Alex get behind Wolfie, with a kid of his age singing, and produce the record for him and help him launch a career. I'd rather see it go that way than come out and say 'Wolfie's the bass player in Van Halen and maybe singing, too.' Van Halen's got way too much history to have that put on him."


I agree with Sammy. However, the wheels are in motion, Wolfie will play bass on this tour. I've accepted it even though its a slap in the face to Mike. But whatever it takes to get Ed and Dave on stage again, its been over 20 years.

Zint and Turn it up,

You've seen VH/w Dave more than I have, I've only seen them once in 1984. If you get a chance, PM me your experiences seeing the original Van Halen. Here's mine:

-Velcros opened, they weren't booed off the stage, but they were ignored.

-No Pyro

-M.Anthony threw his 'Jack Daniels' bass from above the drums to the stage floor(during his solo), my t-shirt rippled, it was loud

-Ed and Mike played keyboards for "Jump" and "I'll Wait".

-When Ed finished his solo, he went up the 2 steps from the lower platform, and fell, turned around and gave his famous "Whooa" opened mouth look to the crowd, and continued playing the next song. I'm sure Ed skinned up his knee/leg, but he kept on playing.

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I'm totally into this!

I think it's going to be kinda fun seeing a 15 year old with one of the biggest rock bands of all time.

Zint, I enjoy most of your takes, but this enthusiasm with Wolfie surprises me. What happened to your demand for making it the hard way, no short cuts, and only old school authenticity? You've got no problem with MA being out after all these years and 15 year old Wolfie being given the ultimate easy ride? It's exactly because of this type of nepotism within the entertainment industry that I don't begrudge others(without famous family connections) who find alternative ways to make it.

Saw the original VH a handful of times and they always put on an AWESOME show, in large part due to DLR. Even though it smacks of a pure cash grab, I can't wait to see them again after all these years.

But the MA/Wolfie thing is a big downer...

I get what you're saying.

In response..I'm not REALLY enthused about Wolfie.I would have preferred the original line up.

For me,in this case,it comes down to personal opinion.I'm not overly bummed about MA because he never really did anything for me as a member of the band.Good bass player,but I never cared much for the girly-man backing vocals.(but hey...that's just me)

So his presence in the reunion isn't make or break for me...kinda like,I can still enjoy a Stones concert without Bill Wyman being there (no digs on Bill...wish he WAS there!!).I can still enjoy an AC/DC show with Brian Johnson on vocals.

Now,as far as Wolfie in the band,I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.I'm not calling "short cut" or "making it the hard way"..and I base that on Eddie's comments about Wolfie's SKILLS as a musician.

Eddie has said that Wolfie is THAT good...good enough to play in Van-fucking-Halen.I don't think he's in the band simply because Daddy says so.If he was a complete novice...really mediocre,I don't think they would have given him the shot.

If he IS that good...then he's been practicing damn hard and he's earned his shot (in a band that...indeed...earned their success).

The band (for whatever reason) needs a bass player.Members in established bands come and go,and replacement musicians are needed.In this case,apparantly Wolfie just blazes on bass and is worthy of the position that was available in the band.I don't care if he's 15 or 45,if he can hold his ground...cool.

It worked for Sammy Hagar...why not Wolfie?In my last post...what I was getting at,in lieu of MA not being there..I'm going to enjoy it for what it is,and have fun watching a frikkin 15 year old who's mind must be completely blown at this opportunity.And it sounds to me that,based on his apparant skills,he's earned his shot (hopefully it's not just proud papa boasting,but like I said...I don't think they'd give him the slot if he couldn't cut it).And that's the curiosity factor I mentioned...it'll be interesting to see if this actually works!

I think it's going to be a blast!...Dave's back!

Jonezy...I'll be back later and I'll give a concert rundown then.

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Hagar on Wolfie:

Wolfie's a great guy; I love Wolfie. But I don't think Van Halen should bring a 15-year-old kid to replace Sam, Dave and Michael Anthony," Hagar says. "That's a lot of pressure for Wolfie. Just 'cause he's Eddie's son doesn't mean he can go out and play in arenas and perform and entertain an audience for two hours. I would love to see Eddie and Alex get behind Wolfie, with a kid of his age singing, and produce the record for him and help him launch a career. I'd rather see it go that way than come out and say 'Wolfie's the bass player in Van Halen and maybe singing, too.' Van Halen's got way too much history to have that put on him."


I agree with Sammy. However, the wheels are in motion, Wolfie will play bass on this tour. I've accepted it even though its a slap in the face to Mike. But whatever it takes to get Ed and Dave on stage again, its been over 20 years.

Jonezy, amen, although I'm still holding out some clearly false hope they'll bring MA back into it before things kick off. I really did think we'd see Axl and Slash back together before DLR and Eddie, and I'm getting more and more geeked about this every day. Can't f'in wait to see them again!!

Zint, I'm sure Wolfie is incredibly talented and if so, I'd love to see the kid make it big. But I think it's a HUGE stretch beyond reality to think Eddie would have him in this tour if he wasn't his son. No way. It's pure nepotism, but it's Eddie's band and he calls the shots. Push comes to shove, gotta admit I'd much rather see this lineup any day than the Hagar lineup with MA.

Added: BTW, the concern with Wolfie is much more than just his playing ability. To keep this band functioning with DLR and Eddie is going to take every ounce of their collective experience and know-how and I'd feel much better with a vet like MA involved than Wolfie. For example, it's easy to imagine in the heat of a show, DLR making some offhanded jab at Wolfie and WWIII breaking out because Eddie's his dad. Just a much different, dangerous dynamic, especially for this band, IMO...

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Completely agree with everything you said Turn It Up.

I doubt Wolfie would be in the band if it wasn't for the family ties.However,I don't think Alex and Eddie would have given it the go ahead if he didn't cut it on bass.

A full on reunion with all four members would have ruled..but this is still going to be amazingly huge!

Think the Police tickets are selling fast??...watch what happens with this tour!

And yeah,a lot's going to revolve around Dave's mouthiness,I hope he keeps it in check.I think he will...there's too much coin on the line.

If the Van Halen bros think Wolfie can cut it in Van Halen,that's good enough for me.It would have concerned me greatly if they needed the approval of Paula Abdul and guest judge Olivia Newton John first :tongue2:

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Don't know if this has been posted yet, but here you go:


Van Halen On Hold

Updated 12:38 PST Tue, Feb 20 2007

It's true. The Van Halen tour that was never officially announced is now officially postponed indefinitely, sources told Pollstar.

The rumored tour took on an air of reality after a trade magazine announced that original singer David Lee Roth was about to sign on the dotted line, and that was soon followed by a press release via Eddie Van Halen’s spokeswoman-slash-girlfriend.

Unfortunately, the worldwide frenzy of a VH reunion was too good to be true, at least for the present day.

However, there was a lot of paper getting inked and Pollstar understands that a tour announcement might not have been far off.

Poll Star


Hopefully its not postponed for too long. :(

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Don't know if this has been posted yet, but here you go:


Van Halen On Hold

Updated 12:38 PST Tue, Feb 20 2007

It's true. The Van Halen tour that was never officially announced is now officially postponed indefinitely, sources told Pollstar.

The rumored tour took on an air of reality after a trade magazine announced that original singer David Lee Roth was about to sign on the dotted line, and that was soon followed by a press release via Eddie Van Halen’s spokeswoman-slash-girlfriend.

Unfortunately, the worldwide frenzy of a VH reunion was too good to be true, at least for the present day.

However, there was a lot of paper getting inked and Pollstar understands that a tour announcement might not have been far off.

Poll Star


Hopefully its not postponed for too long. :(

Uh oh!! I swear if Ed and Al screw this up.....................................

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