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Posts posted by IndiannaRose

  1. 'Oh my God' people sweat. It's nice to see that fundamental, legitimate news outlets such as TMZ have picked up on the issue. I did not know of such a thing as 'sweat'.

  2. Kaneda, I am so glad you were able to enjoy the show and give us an 'inside' look from a fan's point of view. It must have been pretty fuckin' chill to get to meet one of your idols after all these years. I will admit, I am the creator of the "Kaneda's Greatest Hits" thread (a chart-topping thread making fun of your negativity), but I forgive you; that's all in the past. The fact that you are able to admit to your ill-doings is very refreshing. I am happy that you are able to look at things from a new perspective.

    Right on man. :thumbsup:

  3. I wish I knew the dude Axl just bashed, so I could point at him and laugh.

    It was to Madison...just some chick with hairy armpits who helps run the forums.

    As far as I'm concerned Eric and GunsGuy should be running this shit...that madison deserved it though. She banned me twice for NOTHING. I responded to someone in the exact same way they attacked me for one...and the other was because I posted something in the wrong spot. Which I didn't know.

    Madison is a bigger cancer than Slash ever will be...Don't know if Axl would agree, but she clearly had it coming. Axl doesn't need some snot nosed punk ass bitch tellin it like it is, when she has NO FACTS to back them up. And she defends cupcakes.

    Pisses me off ya kno...

    Why is this kid not banned/warned for disrespecting Madison like that? How old are you,14?

    O wow...good comeback. did your mommy teach you that one? Go to a fucking Velvet Revolver forum and support Slash somewhere else no one has time to read anymore of your nonsense...

    Yeah I should be banned for freedom of speech? I don't like Madison. She knows that. She consistently starts shit with me for no reason. You need to get facts before making statements buddy, usually helps you win an argument once in awhile...

    O shit...that was a personal attack!!! :shocked::violin:

    Do you realize that you are destroying any credibility that you may have had in the first place? If this is how you acted when you first had your disagreement with Madison then you deserved to be banned.

  4. All I can say is we US fans can hope that possibly since the GNR tour seems to be going well, that Axl decides to grant the US a tour. Awhile back, one of the rock stations in Dallas mentioned the GNR tour when it was starting in Asia and they all agreed it was Axl's call on whether or not to show and actually do the tour.

    I'm puzzled as to why Axl doesn't do a full US tour? I can only assume it's because GNR won't sell out large venues and maybe that's what Axl wants. I don't think it's fair since Dallas has many venues all different sizes as I'm sure many US cities do. Maybe Axl would consider doing a summer festival type tour, so GNR won't be the only headliner and they won't have to do a whole hour or more a night?

    There are plenty of tours coming to Dallas this year and it's only February. If Axl and GNR decide to actually tour the US and they do a show in Dallas, I will definitely get tickets, but I'm not going to dwell on whether it's a go or not. Luckily for me, many of my favorite bands are touring this year and making new music, so I'm good.

    There's just not alot of demand, as you've mentioned. Arenas are too big, clubs are too small...its that 5-6k area which hits the mark yet no venues are that size. they're either 12k or 2k

    How is demand estimated? Is it soley based on album sales? This and some other criteria? :question: I should think the huge success in Asia and Canada would drive up interest and "demand" in the US, if there was any question in the first place, -- and in turn the US would be BEGGING for them to come (however, I may be biased) - - but how do they go about measuring this?

    ...all I know is, I cannot wait - but I must - but I don't wanna do it.....

    Edited grammar error and for clarity

    Umm, how about the tour in '06 had piss poor attendance? And nothing else has changed except a hush hush release of an average album that hasn't been promoted? There's no demand for GNR in the US or the world, which is why they don't have good attendance anywhere.

    Is that why the band is selling out stadiums in South America? Is this not a sign of good attendance? Is South America not part of 'the world' to you? You're so involved with your negative agenda, you fail to realize the reality of what you are actually saying.

  5. I wish at concerts seats where everywhere. I saw Buddy Guy, 10 feet from him and everyone sat down the night. Left feeling awesome and i wasn't sore or anything. And i have a great view as would everyone if people just sat down.

    Are you fuckin' kidding me? It's Rock N' Roll. People wanna feel the groove. That ain't gonna happen when everyone is sitting down.

  6. I don't usually post, I've been here as a guest for years, feels like a lifetime, but wanted to comment on this show.

    I was at this show and the last Halifax show as well and couldn't be happier. Some are saying this show was short but I feel like it was amazing compared to the last one. The stage was better, DJ was amazing both playing and performing to the crowd and Axl's voice was amazing.

    I was lucky enough to bring my 9 year old son with me to his first concert and he was still standing and singing wearing his new concert shirt with his hands in the air at the end of show with me so what more could I ask for. I think we get a bit obsessed with the set list, axl's voice, who did what solo and how long they played. It's rock and roll, let all that go and just enjoy it.

    This concert was special for me because I got to take my son and I'm sure each person that was there has a reason it was special for them. Live shows are meant to be experience and enjoyed in the moment not analyzed from a thousand miles away from crappy videos and set lists.

    But what do I know, just the 2 cents of somebody that doesn't post and had a concert experience he will never forget and with any luck neither will my son.

    I sincerely appreciate your post. At times it's easy to be cynical, but we shouldn't forget why this band is performing in the first place. The Rock N' Roll experience is truly the only thing that matters.

  7. lol Well everyones hair is growing. But look at it this way. It is recovering from being braided for years Thats very hard on it. It's going to start straightening out more and becoming more healthy. I can't believe I just posted on this thread. Hell I don't care abou the hair. I just love see them out there doing so well.

    Nobody gives a shit about Axl´s hair ... just his voice and mental health is important for me :rofl-lol:

    I will say that whoever re-did his procedure did a great job, it looks very natural now. Should've been that way from the start. Look at his mug shot from '98 if you want to see his initial procedure which went terribly wrong. It looks like someone glued hair on his forehead.

    And it looks longer now only because its straight unlike the Asia shows where it was slightly curled.

    You throw all your credibility out the window when you use the mug shot pic as an example. The dude hasn't had a procedure. He's still got his natural hairline, which is thinning a bit. The braids were an effort to reinvent himself and make himself look modern. They weren't a baldness cover. If so, the strain of that would have left him bald by now.

    No I don't - that picture illustrates a completely unnatural forehead hairline - also much, much thicker than just 5 years ago in '93. If you think Axl's never had a hair procedure done, you are on a different planet. He had it done, it went poorly, he had it redone and it looks good now. Even in the early 90's, his hair wasn't nearly thick enough to support those dense braids he sported for 4 years. He's not wearing a piece, it was a transplant procedure using his own hair from the back of his head.

    Are you going to also claim that he's never had any sort of botox and/or chemical peel? His face looked like an oil slick in '02

    You're so passionate about Axl's hair....It's so inspiring. :wub:

  8. It's a fantastic album. The band experiments with new sounds, yet the record is undeniably Bon Jovi. In all honesty, I was beginning to get quite bored with them. My favorite Bon Jovi albums are Keep The Faith and These Days. The raw, sincere craftsmanship put unto those albums is something that I have dearly missed from the band these past few years. Additionally, Jon's voice has deteriorated and is not what it used to be.

    The Circie gives me hope that the Jovi that I knew was still there. To be quite frank, this album is one severe motherfucker. I am quite glad the band has found this particular blood-flow once again.

  9. I liked "Umbrella" by Rihanna, but thats about it from her. For the most part I think she's just a pretty face and the music is just some background noise she does in her spare time.

    I've heard of Lily Allen, but never heard her music. I take it she writes at least some of her stuff, right? Well if I had to choose that would be the tiebreaker. Even if its shit, at least she put forth some effort.

    Wow, you are pretty racist. Only white people write music?

    SHoUP's post did not have anything to do with race. You are seeing something where nothing needs to be seen. Besides, it is pretty evident that Lily Allen writes more of her own material. I see Rihanna as more of an entertainer.

  10. n o they shouldn't Thriller is a great album. a bit overrated of course but still great. better then Chinese Democray in any case. :lol:

    Thriller is a great album. Yes.

    But ONE album shouldn't determine the outcome of a comparison between two artists.

    I'm talking about a career. The topic questions wasn't who had the "best one album."

    Singer, writer, producer, musician, relevance . . . .

    Like sooooooooooooo many people on here have said.

    Michael was a phenomonal entertainer.

    Prince is a much better all-around well-rounded musical performer.

    I suspect that Michael will have TONS of the "popular" song writers on his upcoming album? Timbaland and whoever all those guys are.

    Meanwhile, Prince could go into a studio by HIMSELF . . . write all the lyrics, all the instrument parts . . . . and then PLAY all the instruments . . . . and then produce the album himself.

    Michael will just go in and sing.

    You are grotesquely underestimating Michael Jackson as a songwriter.

    Here is an example of how he works in the studio:


    Besides, fuck Thriller. Dangerous shits all over it.

  11. Seriously, these guys are washed up... No Line is a total mess of an album. The songs don't seem to fit together, the atmosphere of the music leaves the listener feeling cold, the music is a mess, the lyrics are cringe-worthy. Moment of Surrender is a great track but it's the sole bright spot on an otherwise awful, awful album.

    It's incredibly amusing to see reviewers scoring this album highly based solely on U2's status as the media's darling. If this were a debut or, let's say, the GNR comeback album it would be ridiculed ad-infinitum. U2 have done nothing since Achtung Baby. Retire guys. You've gone from "One" to "Get on Your Boots" and "Magnificent". :rofl-lol:

    You could have just posted this particular opinion on the existing 'No Line On The Horizon' thread. Though, obviously, you could care less about civility. It seems that you delight yourself with people's abhorrence for your lack of understanding and politesse.

    You reek the fine scent of a cupcake.

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