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Posts posted by ironmt

  1. I think it because he is

    • Getting older
    • Goes long periods of time (months, years) without singing
    • Doesn't edit the setlist to ensure that he can perform the songs played
    • Has a lousy soundman who naps and eats bananas during the show

    Much better reasons then the million and one other excuses that we have all heard on this board, although I'm not sure the soundman has much to do with It. What you hear on the soundboard Is what you get, and even If It was the soundman, Axl has been In the music buisness going on what, 26 years, you would think he could find a competent soundman.

  2. He's 50 years old......give it a rest. It's not 1991. He's doing fine. It doesn't have to be perfect....and if you want perfect, just listen to the album.

    Give what a rest? It's a forum, someone posted What the hell Is wrong with his voice, people are responding.

  3. Well,there are lot of dickheads here.I watched Bon Jovi last year in Zagreb and Acdc 2008 in Belgrade,for example.Jon didn't have a voice even he didn't sing but Bon Jovi fans were happy with him and didn't bitchin.With acdc is the same situation.We have Axl Rose who has much much better voice than Jon,Brian,Bono and still bichin him.We have Axl Rose who have gave 3 hours shows and still bitchin.What the fuck you stupid dickheads want?

    Because Axl's supposed to be on an entirely different level of awesome! :rolleyes:

    Honestly, it's probably cuz he's the only original member left now, he's the one that decided to pull this band along so people expect him to "bring it". :shrugs:

    And there Is no doubt the energy Is there and he does bring It(amazing 3 hour show), but voice wise, I think Brian and Bono both have him beat right now.

  4. I think what is more funny is the people who call out others who criticize Axl's vocals during this tour, when its pretty blatant that he is having issues. Stop it with the denial, jesus christ. I love Axl and GNR, but I can be honest and say, yea Axl sounded like shit on this song, that doesn't make me a cupcake or less of a fan. You can't tell me Sorry and Rocket Queen weren't horrible tonight. Other than that I love the show, but those songs sucked, and many other parts here and there. Thee End!

    It Is pretty funny listening to people make endless excuses for his voice. You have to love these few examples, The tour Is so long that he Is probabaly saving It, or he Is saving It for the next album, he has bronchitis 4 months later, or It's the mix(livestreams fault) or his voice Is awesome and It doesn't sound any different then It ever did. I love Guns N Roses as much as everyone else on the board, I have decorated my body with GNR Ink that will be there for life, as I am sure many of you also have, but this Is not the same band and Axl sounds nowhere near what he once did, hell he doesn't even sound half as good as what he did In 2010. All I am hoping for at this point, Is just one good recording with strong vocals In the second part of Estranged.

  5. I never said that.ACDC is to big band to open for any other band,probably one of the biggest.But,Van Hallen not.Maybe in US but not in Europe.

    There Is no doubt, Guns Is the smaller band here In the U.S. They could turn that around or at least be on a level playing field ,If they take the ball and run with It, continue to tour, get good reviews, start on time(never happen), avoid cancellations, avoid riots and release an album with a few singles that will get regular air play and grab peoples attention.

  6. ofcourse not,but also it's stupid to say "gnr should open for acdc".Two big rnr bands with diferent history,way,style...

    I never said GNR should open for AC/DC. I was just looking for your opinion on AC/DC opening for GNR.

  7. Chinese Democracy is selling at $0.99 stores right now.

    Van Halen's CD will never meet that fate.

    Irrelevant point. Best Buy got stuck with a bunch of albums they couldn't sell. Most of that had to do with their pathetic attempt to market the album.

    Do you really think CD would be selling for that price if it had been released widely and had been available in tens of thousands of stores from the get go compared to the roughly 900 (rounding up) Best Buy locations?

    The reason it couldn't sell is because nobody gave a fuck. People heard the album on Myspace and didn't want anything to do with it. Stop making excuses.

    Radio stations were hyping the album and even played it in its entirety. CD could have sold a little more in the first week had GNR management not been so stupid to put it on Myspace. That killed curiosity sells. It's better for people to find out the album is a turd after they have already bought it. Best Buy should have never allowed that to happen. IDIOTS.


    No more so than somebody who posts on a forum of a band they don't like. Only a complete douchebag would do that.

    And yes. Cd was a real turd. Selling 4-5 million copies of a CD makes it a complete failure. Because what really matters is the hype or how long a record took to make, and not the actual sales totals.

    And sorry to tell you this, but the combined sales of CD and the next GnR release will blow away the sales of the two VR albums or the two slash solo albums.

    Don't like Axl and the current band? That's fine. I'm sure the nickelback forum would love to have you!!!!

    Not to nitpick man, but where are you getting it sold 4-5 million, as most evidence (chart positions) seems to realistically point it's at 3-3.5 million, which is not bad for your regular release, but this was not your ordinary release.

    The first VR album is at 4 million worldwide, with two very successful songs that still get regular airplay. No post original gnr album has had that kind of success. As for Libertad, yeah it was a dissapointment, but we don't have official worldwide numbers, other than US numbers from 4 years ago which weren't THAT far away from CD numbers.

    As for the next nu gnr album, I wouldn't place bets just yet. It seems like the next album is gonna be what Axl already has done with dj and whoever else mixed in. It's either gonna sink or swim on it's own merits. There's no aurora or big curiosity surrounding this album like there was for CD, and based on most reactions for CD, I don't think it's gonna do much if it's in the same vain.

    Agreed. I think the next album Is going to be a tough sell, just do to there being no big curiousity or mystery like there was for CD. I have said It before and I will say It again, the next albums success hinges on a few excellent singles that will take off and get regular radio play.

  8. Acdc is big all over the world,van halen not.Watche acdc in stadium in Belgrade 35000 were there,watched guns in arena 15000,but guns had much hardcore fans

    So should they open for Guns as being suggested by some members on the board?

  9. ACDC can open for GNR.

    Oh REALLY?

    Okay just to be clear, people....


    Don't get me wrong. I love GnR. Probably my favorite band. But AC/DC opens for NO ONE. They're the biggest rock band in the world. They're bigger than U2, and just about as big as the Rolling Stones.

    Bang on my friend. I'd say that AC/DC themselves would (and have done in the not so recent past) open for only one band - The Rolling Stones

    For all the morons who think that AC/DC should open for Guns -

    Axl himself is on record that the pre-Chinese music was largely inspired and has its roots in the music of AC/DC and Aerosmith.

    Have you geniuses ever stopped to think why WLR and Riff Raff are tunes that Axl and this line-up keeps going back to, to get pumped up???? Hell, sometimes I think that the way Axl moves and sings, Bon Scott does really possess Axl.

    It just isn't this line-up even - even Slash is on record about how is in awe of AC/DC. When GN'R first played WLR in the UK, the crowd there was actually yelling ANGUS! ANGUS! in between the opening chords.

    Forget Axl and Guns. In a recent episode of the Metal Show Crazy Dave fuckin' Mustaine waited in line like a schoolgirl to ask a question on the episode with Brian Johnson (Even though he's a self-declared Bon era fan).

    I actually prefer the music of Guns and new Guns these days but there is no doubt in hell or heaven that the hard rock throne still belongs to AC/DC. Bon Lives.

    A while ago I couldn't stand Bono anymore but he's kept to himself lately. I like that.

    :lol: +1

    And BTW, the drummer's Larry Mullen Jr. and the bass player is Adam Clayton.

    I can't name any other member of U2 besides Bono and The Edge. Edge is a great guitar player.

    Lol, I know that the drummer is Larry Mullen Jr., but for the life of me, I could never remember the bassists name :tongue2:

    Check out the comments - Axl and this line up being torn to shreds.

    Did that give your little dick a hard on?

    :rolleyes: Axl and the line up are torn to shreds by a lot of morons. Get in the ring.

    Only on this board, would some members actually believe that Ac/Dc and Van Halen should open for Guns N Roses. Even In there prime(91-93) when they were playing stadiums, the best you could have hoped for, would have been a co-headling tour like the Metallica/Guns tour. I am not even going to take the time to go over the numbers ,because anyone who thinks these two bands should open for Guns at this stage In the game, well I am just going to leave It at that.

  10. The next record will probably be a record containing some old songs (the best of the lot) and some new songs. Axl's initial plan to release 2-3 records in the vein of CD has probably been scrapped as years has gone by and the original contributors to that plan has left. Now he has to deal with a new situation, a new time, new members, and they want to contribute themselves, not just play on other people's songs. This means more time until the next record, but hopefully, some day, Axl will get round to releasing the old songs, some way, some how.

    I agree. This Is the most logical explanation.

  11. Another thing CD and Truth have in common. Generic lead singles. Yes we all known Chinese Democracy is a good song but it is the most generic sounding song on the album.

    At least Bumblefoot's rhythm and Buckethead's leads aren't generic like the guitar work on Tattoo. Buckethead does some really great mix of whammy pedal and the killswitch while EVH doesn't go anywhere. Also Bumblefoot's fretless riffs are totally awesome and they are not your standart rock riffs.

    Tattoo? one of the worst singles ive ever heard. Everything in it feels uninspired and even Eddies solo is recycled and predictable. But i guess most of you love these generic 80's hair metal-ish boring songs anyway so this would be better than CD for you, no doubt.

    Yawn. Eddie's solos on ADKOT mop the floor with anything on Chinese Democracy.

    Uh, not the ones I've heard. Care to show me some over the top guitar playing from EVH? Remember - it's not the 80's anymore and a few years ago he barely could play his own song Eruption, but I guess he's improved a lot since then.

    What does Bumblefoot do better, or play better then Eddie?

    You have to be fucking insane to even ask that. Anybody with a little knowledge could tell you that his playing is countless, light years more complex than whatever Eddie came up with. I'm not saying that anybody is better than anybody here because Ron himself would not say that, but dude... that's some ridiculous question. Think about it before you ask something like this.

    Also, the thing about "who influenced who" is bullshit and shows a lack of argument - I know that's common around here. Jimi Hendrix was influenced by B.B. King but he came up with much more and diverse ideas hence why he's the guitarist that influenced the most. If I remember correctly who showed him the wah wah pedal was Zappa, but who changed the way the world viewed/played it? Football was created in England but Pele changed the football history. He didn't created shit but changed how the world played it.

    Again: the "he was influenced by him, that's why he's not as good" argument means shit. Better yet, means lack of knowledge and argument.

    I've listened to Van Halen many times, I prefer Normal.

    You obviously have a hearing disability. Either that or just an IQ of 2.

    You obviously should not act like an asshole and respect everybody's opinion. Who are you to say what he should or shouldnt like? I like Normal much better than the last Van Halen album, so what? If you are into generic hard rock that's fine, but dont tell others what they must like or not.

    Hopefully Guns will somewhow find themselves back with Slash, Izzy, etc.

    It'd be alot more promising than Chinese Shit Part 2.

    Yes, that's right! Let's hear more generic rock songs and forget about evolution. Yea, that's it! What if Clapton never played an electric guitar? What if Hendrix never came up with new and inventive guitar playing - what if he was cool with the equipment and techniques that were around at the time? What if Led Zeppelin never tried to compose more complex songs? The music world would be as boring as your musical taste. I'm glad that we have people that think forward and not backwards. In other words I'm happy that people like Axl and Ron aren't trying to come up with AFD pt 2.

    Obviously you aren't the one with that little bit of knowledge then, are you? Don't down play my question, or try to Insult me, with that Is a ridiculous question, and I should think about It, before I ask something like that, bullshit. I never said that Bumblefoot being Influenced by EVH was relevant to the argument, but the fact remains that he was, It Is also a fact that all most every major music or magazine publication dealing In the music Industry ranks EVH In the top ten guitarists of all time, with no mention of Bumblefoot. It's all an opinion, and yours Is that Bumblefoot Is better then EVH and mine Is the opposite. So fuckin deal with It.

    Nobody mentioned magazines or music industry publications. You asked "What does Bumblefoot do better, or play better then Eddie?" and that was my reply. I dont even know what the fuck those magazines have to do with my point. I never said who's better, and guess what? You can't read and understand posts as well. In fact I even said that I wont say "who's better than who", but ignoring my comment did fit your fantasy world, so be it. All I wanted to say is that comparing them on a technical aspect is insane, so I don't care about what your music magazines have to say about them.

    My point was and Is, the majority, Including anything and anybody related to the music Industry, consider EVH a top 10 guitarist of all time, bumblefoot Isn't even a thought. If bumblefoot Is In a class with EVH, why doesn't he get the recognition he rightfully deserves? You are contradicting yourself with your, "I won't say who Is better then who" and then saying "comparing them on a technical aspect Is Insane." Like who you like, that's what the boards are for, but you can stop trying to get your points across by throwing little Insults around, like calling people fucking Insane, assholes and basically trying to belittle there posts with remarks like this "You have to be fucking insane to even ask that. Anybody with a little knowledge could tell you that his playing is countless, light years more complex than whatever Eddie came up with. I'm not saying that anybody is better than anybody here because Ron himself would not say that, but dude... that's some ridiculous question. Think about it before you ask something like this."

  12. Another thing CD and Truth have in common. Generic lead singles. Yes we all known Chinese Democracy is a good song but it is the most generic sounding song on the album.

    At least Bumblefoot's rhythm and Buckethead's leads aren't generic like the guitar work on Tattoo. Buckethead does some really great mix of whammy pedal and the killswitch while EVH doesn't go anywhere. Also Bumblefoot's fretless riffs are totally awesome and they are not your standart rock riffs.

    Tattoo? one of the worst singles ive ever heard. Everything in it feels uninspired and even Eddies solo is recycled and predictable. But i guess most of you love these generic 80's hair metal-ish boring songs anyway so this would be better than CD for you, no doubt.

    Yawn. Eddie's solos on ADKOT mop the floor with anything on Chinese Democracy.

    Uh, not the ones I've heard. Care to show me some over the top guitar playing from EVH? Remember - it's not the 80's anymore and a few years ago he barely could play his own song Eruption, but I guess he's improved a lot since then.

    What does Bumblefoot do better, or play better then Eddie?

    You have to be fucking insane to even ask that. Anybody with a little knowledge could tell you that his playing is countless, light years more complex than whatever Eddie came up with. I'm not saying that anybody is better than anybody here because Ron himself would not say that, but dude... that's some ridiculous question. Think about it before you ask something like this.

    Also, the thing about "who influenced who" is bullshit and shows a lack of argument - I know that's common around here. Jimi Hendrix was influenced by B.B. King but he came up with much more and diverse ideas hence why he's the guitarist that influenced the most. If I remember correctly who showed him the wah wah pedal was Zappa, but who changed the way the world viewed/played it? Football was created in England but Pele changed the football history. He didn't created shit but changed how the world played it.

    Again: the "he was influenced by him, that's why he's not as good" argument means shit. Better yet, means lack of knowledge and argument.

    I've listened to Van Halen many times, I prefer Normal.

    You obviously have a hearing disability. Either that or just an IQ of 2.

    You obviously should not act like an asshole and respect everybody's opinion. Who are you to say what he should or shouldnt like? I like Normal much better than the last Van Halen album, so what? If you are into generic hard rock that's fine, but dont tell others what they must like or not.

    Hopefully Guns will somewhow find themselves back with Slash, Izzy, etc.

    It'd be alot more promising than Chinese Shit Part 2.

    Yes, that's right! Let's hear more generic rock songs and forget about evolution. Yea, that's it! What if Clapton never played an electric guitar? What if Hendrix never came up with new and inventive guitar playing - what if he was cool with the equipment and techniques that were around at the time? What if Led Zeppelin never tried to compose more complex songs? The music world would be as boring as your musical taste. I'm glad that we have people that think forward and not backwards. In other words I'm happy that people like Axl and Ron aren't trying to come up with AFD pt 2.

    Obviously you aren't the one with that little bit of knowledge then, are you? Don't down play my question, or try to Insult me, with that Is a ridiculous question, and I should think about It, before I ask something like that, bullshit. I never said that Bumblefoot being Influenced by EVH was relevant to the argument, but the fact remains that he was, It Is also a fact that all most every major music or magazine publication dealing In the music Industry ranks EVH In the top ten guitarists of all time, with no mention of Bumblefoot. It's all an opinion, and yours Is that Bumblefoot Is better then EVH and mine Is the opposite. So fuckin deal with It.

  13. They

    Look, whether you enjoy Chinese Democracy more or Another Kind of Truth more, it doesnt fucking matter. Its YOUR opinion whether one album is better than the other. Doesnt make it a fact.

    Sitting here fucking arguing over this is ridiculous. Van Halen and Guns arent even close in style.

    You guys need to get over yourselves. Seriously, its crazy some of the shit that is said on this forum.

    And you people call yourselves fans.

    Who Is arguing? Everyone Is giving there opinion, Isn't that what you do In a forum? Are we less of a fan of Guns N Roses because we like other bands, or think that EVH Is a better guitar player then bumblefoot?

    It's ridiculous. We're all Axl fans, but I don't see why we have to pretend that we're fans of each and every person he has brought into New GNR over the years.

    we don't, and to be quite honest, I thought the 2001 lineup was rather embarrassing, with buckethead. I'm not taking anything away from his guitar playing skills, but It truly looked like a traveling circus. They look and sound like a band now, which as you stated, doesn't mean that we have to like every person he has brought Into the band over the years.

  14. Look, whether you enjoy Chinese Democracy more or Another Kind of Truth more, it doesnt fucking matter. Its YOUR opinion whether one album is better than the other. Doesnt make it a fact.

    Sitting here fucking arguing over this is ridiculous. Van Halen and Guns arent even close in style.

    You guys need to get over yourselves. Seriously, its crazy some of the shit that is said on this forum.

    And you people call yourselves fans.

    Who Is arguing? Everyone Is giving there opinion, Isn't that what you do In a forum? Are we less of a fan of Guns N Roses because we like other bands, or think that EVH Is a better guitar player then bumblefoot?

  15. ...and yet this forum has become a complete clusterfuck with the same endless arguments hijacking every thread...

    Yup! I can point to specific members who are contributors to this but just in general it sucks to have everything turn into a New band vs. old band argument ending with everyone calling each other cupcakes

    You have the people who make digs at the new band (saying they aren't "real gnr" in every single topic), people who make digs at Slash and old band regarding the HOF (like saying "the alumni can watch the new band while they eat their dinner" or variations like that), and people who respond to those immature posts with even more immaturity

    It theoretically should be about the music, not the politics surrounding it that we personally have nothing to do with.

    True but you can't deny the fact that you always get some sort of negativity trying to demean the original band (or specially Slash). They can't keep their mouth shut and I, as an original band fan, will not allow that. Then you have new members with less than 20 post saying shit like "Fuck the cover band, hired hands, Axl and his dummies, etc), but they don't last long, they are banned in a couple of days. Yet, you have idiots like lolcano and a couple more talkin' shit since 2009 and they're still here. :shrugs:

    I think lolcano Is on vacation.

  16. The big difference is that the people who made the Van Halen album are an actual band and the people who made the GNR album are a combination of a band that never really got going, studio musicians and newer touring members who may or may not make an album together in the future.

    True, it's very Important that the current band record an album together. That way Bumblefoot can floor Eddie.

    In Bumblefoots case yes, he was influenced by Eddie, but Bumblefoot plays better. Eddie may have been the one who popularized the two hand tapping but he certainly wasn't the first. Jazz musicians do it, classical guitarists. If Eddie didn't do it first someone else would have.

    What does Bumblefoot do better, or play better then Eddie?

  17. Tattoo? one of the worst singles ive ever heard. Everything in it feels uninspired and even Eddies solo is recycled and predictable. But i guess most of you love these generic 80's hair metal-ish boring songs anyway so this would be better than CD for you, no doubt.

    Yawn. Eddie's solos on ADKOT mop the floor with anything on Chinese Democracy.

    While I think Eddie's solos are one of the few redeeming factors of ADKOT, Buckethead's TWAT solo dances in circles around all of them.

    Yeah TWAT, Prostitute and Shacklers put all of Eddies solos to shame.

    I would take Eddie every day of the week over buckethead.

  18. ITW2012,man you can go on Vh fan forum and talkin shits.Cd is amazing record,and also you can suck whole mygnrforum.com members di...

    He Is allowed to express his opinion. If he thinks one album Is better then another, that Is his opinion and doesn't warrent a comment telling him to suck the entire boards di...(unless of course he Is into that type of thing, which In that case, I choose to not participate. No offense ITW2012) He also doesn't deserve to be called a cupcake, or any other off the wall names that some members of the board have been throwing around this past week. Just because someone has a difference In opinion, doesn't make them a cupcake. Now back on topic, I think both albums were decent, with neither, living up to past releases. I would go with Chinese Democracy as far as song quality and ADKOT for those amazing guitar riffs. What more can be said of Eddie Van Halen that hasn't already been said.

  19. ...and yet this forum has become a complete clusterfuck with the same endless arguments hijacking every thread...

    Yup! I can point to specific members who are contributors to this but just in general it sucks to have everything turn into a New band vs. old band argument ending with everyone calling each other cupcakes

    You have the people who make digs at the new band (saying they aren't "real gnr" in every single topic), people who make digs at Slash and old band regarding the HOF (like saying "the alumni can watch the new band while they eat their dinner" or variations like that), and people who respond to those immature posts with even more immaturity

    It theoretically should be about the music, not the politics surrounding it that we personally have nothing to do with.

    I am not here to argue with anyone about anything, especially when It comes to the new band vs old band. Everyone Is entitled to take what ever side they see fit, or like whichever version of the band they choose, or like both versions, I really don't care, but since we don't seem to have any rules on this board, I guess I will have to take It upon myself to let It be known, that I don't appreciate every post I am engaged In, Interrupted with the words cupcake, by some little cock smoker like volcano. I don't bad mouth the new band, and have stated repeatedly how much potential I believe that they have and how great of a live act they are, but alot of members are more than fed up with the constant bashing of the old band, by assholes like volcano.

  20. Where are the mods?

    There are none. If there were, a few members wouldn't be here.

    Agreed... like you

    Shouldn't you be In school this time of day?

    Why the fuck would I be in school? I graduated college a long time ago.

    Try again cupcake

    Fuck off you stupid little cunt. I can see by reading other posts, you are back, doing what you do best, and that would be trying to start shit with other members. You know there are other ways to boost your post count, rather then labeling other board members cupcakes, you might want to try having a semi Intelligent conversation and actually contribute something useful In your posts.

    I don't give a shit about you or "post counts"

    Major fail again!!!

    Must suck to fail at everything :shrugs:

    My those are tough words, the volcano has erupted. I feel like such a failure calling you the little cunt that you are.

  21. Where are the mods?

    There are none. If there were, a few members wouldn't be here.

    Agreed... like you

    Shouldn't you be In school this time of day?

    Why the fuck would I be in school? I graduated college a long time ago.

    Try again cupcake

    Fuck off you stupid little cunt. I can see by reading other posts, you are back, doing what you do best, and that would be trying to start shit with other members. You know there are other ways to boost your post count, rather then labeling other board members cupcakes, you might want to try having a semi Intelligent conversation and actually contribute something useful In your posts.

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