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Estranged Reality

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Status Updates posted by Estranged Reality

  1. Have you ever heard of a band called Antony and the Johnsons? I think you'd like them and identify with the lyrics quite a bit! Check them out. And then start a topic about them here.

  2. Ha. Thanks. Now that the album's out, tbh I don't really see a point in posting until something substantial occurs. I feel like there's better things I could be doing w/ my time. I love the forum and everything, I just have been here way too much the past year, and figured now's a good time to slow down a bit.

  3. Yeah, it's honestly pretty hard to wrap my head around the fact that it's from the same guy who directed The Fountain.

  4. I finally saw The Wrestler. Not sure if you were interested in seeing it but it's a fucking brilliant movie.

  5. Season 3 finale tonight, man. Can't miss it! :D

  6. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Nice to see him taking time to go one-on-one with the fans like that. Hopefully next time you'll be around when he starts posting.

  7. I deleted your comment about the song being gay. If Axl views my page I think that, the combination of Sebastian Bach's nipple and the Muppet signature may scare him off. It was a hard choice, between your comment and the Bach nipple, but sorry, I chose the nipple. :(

  8. No, she meant nice double penetration. Not display picture. She's got a twisted mind, that one.

  9. The music video should feature Lestat, Count Chocula, The Count and Sebastian Bach in a Bohemian Rhapsody style backing chorus, but all their voices are drowned out by Axl's lonely teardrops on the piano. I do kind of like the song but its cheeseball factor is a bit high.

  10. Which part of the solo for This I Love is your favourite? I know, it's a tough question.

  11. It scares me a little too.

  12. New name already?! Why?

  13. Nice signature. Reminds me of something.

  14. This I Love is the musical event of the century for REO Speedwagon revivalists who enjoy experimenting with GN'R synthtronica mash-ups and vampires. Get on board or fuck off!

  15. I only looked at your profile twice today! I was curious as to whether you had gotten in any squabbles with Zint yet. Disappointed so far. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

  16. Oh, you're welcome. I try to make my page as amusing as possible. Anyway, I was going to ask you to CYBER ME UP in capslock because I know how the ladies love that sort of talk, but apparently ComaBreak beat me to it. Now I've got nothing! Maybe I'll try it on Madison.

  17. Yeah, it's weird how the verses of the songs match up so well. Glad I'm not alone.

  18. Will Rambo II be called Rambo II or will it be called Rambo V? Was the last one an official "do-over" for the franchise or will having two Rambo II's throw people off? Also, I saw the Rocky IV training montage on TV again today. Never gets old. Goddamn Russians.

  19. Someone told me the other day that I look like the vampire boy from Twilight. I hate vampires.

  20. What, you mean you didn't buy five copies for your loved ones? What kind of Del James Presents Guns N' Roses in Association With Best Buy fan are you? Go sit in the corner and recite Sorry.

  21. Have you shed some Lonely Teardrops while getting This I Lov'd?

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