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Posts posted by PatrickS77

  1. 3 minutes ago, Magnus Cavalerra said:

    To practice, maybe they know he already arrived, and they bring him to sound because they know he got nothing better to do.

    They talk to each other but maybe they don't know that Steven wants to play at that day, maybe they think he's joking and not be serious about him, the way Steven talks maybe helped them confuse if he was serious or not.

    Ah, yes... the operating word here is "maybe". But you don't know.

  2. 4 hours ago, God of Thunder said:

    That quote did not refer to the concert itself. Guns were great. The concert itself was the worst organized concert I have ever attended (and I visited a lot of concerts over the years). It started with a mega traffic jam (of course no public transport to the arena); huge lines for everything, a shitty venue layout (it was much too long, so standing in the back was really really far away from the stage). The worst was the stupid non refundable cashless system which was actually an organized robbery. You had to stand in line for about 1 hour to charge  money on an rfid chip on your wristband. Then you needed to stand in line for about 90 minutes (at least) in order to get a drink; the food stands were about 2 hours long. At the drinks stand they had exactly 1(!!!!) person pouring the drinks (very slowly and disorganized) and 2 people organizing the line. Lateron there were about 5 security guys there as people got really angry. I saw about half the show from standing in line for drinks. My friends needed even longer to get some food, which ran out by the time they were in line. When I was finally in line they had run out of nearly all the drinks except rum & coke. Many people did not get anything at all!

    So at the end of the show many people had left hundreds of  non refundable dollars on their useless wristbands, were not able to get any drinks or food for hours, missed out on half the concert due to the huge lines and if standing in the back saw practiclly nothing of the stage except two completely out of sync video screens. Finally we were only able to leave the concert because we walked 4km to our private driver who had waited for us in the traffic jam.

    So the organizers screwed up in so many ways while ripping off the fans by cashing most likely tens of thousands of dollars that the concert goers were not able to spend. Absolutely horrible experience

    Well, your own fault if you go to a concert to eat and drink. Usually I refuse to buy anything when they come up with a stupid cashless system.

  3. 17 minutes ago, tsinindy said:

      If he does, then that would explain why he refuses to interact with Steven don't you think?

    Well, I guess it's quite obvious that for whatever reason Axl doesn't like Steven and the others don't care enough to jeopardize the whole thing.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Magnus Cavalerra said:

    Maybe they just bring Steven to soundcheck for some practice? But at the same time they didn't know that Steven have intentions to play at that day show.

    Nevertheless, it's Steven own fault tho, if he didn't forcing himself to play at the show that one song accident would never happen, he practically embarrassed himself and then playing victim, he should respect the contract and if he really wants to come to the show don't try to do anything stupid and just stand there in the pit like the rest of his family.

    That's pure assumption and speculation on your part. Considering he has been doing soundcheck with Slash and Duff, it is very much possible and likely, they he got their okay to play during the show. Don't you think they talk to each other? Why else do the soundcheck on the first show?

  5. 17 minutes ago, tsinindy said:

    I agree for GnR:



    That's the rumor.

    Well, without new music that really would be milking this thing to the ground. I'd really much rather if they'd take a break, record some new songs and then go on tour again.

  6. 16 hours ago, Elevation516 said:

    Former Guns N' Roses drummer Steven Adler recently came out with some potentially damning comments regarding the GNR reunion. Well-respected podcaster Mitch Lafon was the one who captured this candid interview. In this episode Brando and Scotto try to get to the bottom of Adler's comments and bring on Mitch to break it down.

    Please subscribe to The AFD Show on iTunes and the iHeartRadio App!



    Geez. How are they gonna get to the bottom of this, when they don't have the ability to talk to anyone involved?? How is talking to the guy, who talked to Steven, helping to get to the bottom of anything?? A big waste of time listening to that show.

  7. 9 hours ago, Lucky girl said:

    The 2017 RIR edition gonna have all bands of my teen
     Guns, Aeromisth, BJ and even RHCP so nice


    And we gonna have Axl Rose and Jon Bon Jovi at same place at same period, just one day of difference. JBJ almost  will open to GNR
    they could make a feat, one photo together, dont you think?

    I pretty sure Slash wiil be special guest of AB gig

    Alice Cooper is playing too. Man, I think I'm gonna go. Do bands on Palco Mundo and Palco Sunset usually play at the same time or is it possible to see both?


  8. On 3.3.2017 at 7:18 PM, metalms said:

    Very sad!  I am thankful I live where I do.  We have our problems but  this I can't see happening here.   I hope they can be refunded too

    Huh? You can't see a traffic jam happening shortly before a concert event with 10s of thousands of people attending? Had they gotten there in time there wouldn't have been a problem. It's kinda common knowledge that close to the beginning time there might be some major traffic and parkng problems.

  9. On 4.3.2017 at 9:56 PM, themadcaplaughs said:

    First off, I have no issues with Frank, but it always hits me how great Steven sounds when I watch these videos.

    Others here have stated my feelings. I would LOVE to see Steven back, but I am sure there are reasons to rely on him. Look how he ran his mouth after playing a few songs with the band at a handful of shows. Can you imagine the shit he'd say about Axl, Slash, and Duff after a whole tour? As someone else mentioned, Steven knew how many songs he'd play, and he even admitted the band paid for him to fly. Furthermore, after watching that video a few times, I'm not even entirely convinced he started to play. It looked like he was just mugging for the crowd.

    Geez. Are you thick or what? Can't you see that the reason for him running his mouth is the very fact how he has been treated?? How he was not made a permanent part of the reunion. How he was made to watch someone else play his songs. Would he be allowed to do a whole tour, there would be no reason for him to be running his mouth. Axl, Duff and Slash's treatment of him is the reason for him speaking out. We, as fans, pay top dollars for these shows and make it all possible. It's disrespect to the max to both Steven and the fans of having Steven in the venue, to have him play a teaser worth of one song and then to have him step aside. It's not only Steven that gets disrespected. We get disrespected too.

    • Like 2
  10. 47 minutes ago, cqleonardo said:

    I don't believe is hard for guys that have a musical carrer for over 30 years to sit down and write 12 songs for 30 days or something, they (he) just don't want to

    Of course it's not hard. Just listen to Slash's songs. But the certain magic is not there. But don't get me wrong, I'd very much settle for Slash songs, sung by Axl.

  11. On 4.3.2017 at 9:41 AM, AlexC said:

    Well my point was that there must be a particular reason for the 3 month break and it's definitely not just to have a rest. So I'm optimistic that it's because they're working on/planning something. Not necessarily new music but something. As I said, no reason to take a 3 month break and do nothing, they don't need that long of a rest for reasons I stated above.

    Like you said. Axl's been at it for almost a year, with little breaks and really, open air shows in Europe do not really start before late may/early june, due to the weather. So there you have your explanation for the long break.

  12. On 23.2.2017 at 11:45 PM, Asia said:

    Look people, it is irrelevant wheather this tour is a cash grab or no cash grab (whatever your definition is), NOONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would ever seirously consider Steven Adler to be a part of something this big and important, especially as the main drummer. Just because it so cool for some to bash Axl and now also Slash and Duff and turn the leftover Izzys and Stevens into some walking true rock'n' roll saints dosn't have to mean that you have to lose all rationality :shrugs:

    Steven Adler is a heavy drug addict, who FUCKED UP EVERY SINGLE UNDERTAKING HE STARTED SINCE 1990 for fuck's sake! And the comparison to Slash and Duff being addicts as well holds no water whatsoever because regardless of their state they never fucked up a single tour - be it GNR or outside of GNR due to their addiction, they never suddenly disappeared for 2 years leaving the other musicians in the hotel with the tour to fuck themselves with. Adler did that repeatedly. Can't you see the difference, really? Plus they're sober for years and Adler is supposedly sober two years or something which we have no idea whether is true cause he had been lying about his sobriety a million times before.

    Truth is the guy hasn't even faced the facts yet, which is the first step to conquer addiction and for God's sake he still believes that it was Axl who ruined his career in GNR and his life, not drugs. The guy is completely delusional and still living his sick drug-addict denial-inspired version of reality!

    Also, something you apparently don't see in him and it surprises me is that he is emotionally unstable and a bit retarded, probably as a result of the long years of drug abuse. He changes his mind about who he loves and who he hates every five minutes, today he wants to hug somebody and cry on his lap, tomorrow he wants to kill them and he has to share each of these emotions with the press. Is it really normal? Do normal grown-up people do this? Additionally, he pretty much does everything his monster-mother tells him to. At times he might be sweet and endeering, I agree, but let's face it, the guy is a walking catastrophe for anyone who wants serious business with him. You coud just as well try to do serious business with a dysfunctional 12-year old. They'd have to be sick in the heads or suicidal to want him instead of Frank.

    I am not saying Axl, Slash and Duff are saints, far from it. They wanted good, I believe, but they played it out in a wrong way and probably should have never offered any spot in the reunion to Steven. The Argentina thing was a fuck-up, they shouldn't have given him one song, it was offensive. They also should do many things they're not doing, not do many things they are doing, bla, bla, bla but to draw conslusions like - this is just cashgrab, Axl is forcing everything on everyone (as if Slash and Duff had no say in whether they wanted the reunion or not), this is not meant to last long and all that kind of shit just because Steven talks some shit again is pure craziness. We know almost nothing but we do know that all three of them seem to be genuinly happy, much happier than they have been in years and greatly enjoying this tour. They get along well, surprisingly well as they have all stated. And I don't believe this is just because they think of the cheques all of the time, if it was all just about the money, they could have done it 20 years ago.

    The three of them have been the only ones out of the five who have kept busy in the rock'n'roll world for the last 20 years. Adler is a dysfunctional addict since 1990 or earlier, Izzy doesn't even care to tour or promote his own music, he's a recluse. Slash and Duff have been hardworking and creative all these years, Axl is Axl but he did tour the world extensively despite the different circumstances and shit. They are also the ones who stayed in the band the longest. Izzy and Steven didn't even make it past the first real moment of fame. And they didn't prove themselves as actual working musicians in their solo careers at all. In these circumstances is it really surprising that Axl, Slash and Duff wanting a prrofessional, successful band chose not to rely on those who haven't been in one such band for the last 20 plus years and never even showed any true interest and effort of being in a band like that? To me it is quite understandable.

    And yet Steven never demanded to be the main or only drummer. He just wants to play his songs and not having to watch somebody else play his songs. He is fne with an additional drummer being there playing the other songs

    • Like 3
  13. 13 hours ago, BOSSY78 said:

    You know I wonder if Steven wouldnt have had more songs had he just showed he is trustworthy. Instead he is bashing them in the media and his mother has made some comments that were very negative and she doesn't know what she's talking about half the time when it comes to GnR business

    Don't put this on Steven now. They had one year to do it right, but chose to treat him like shit and only gave him breadcrumbs, which fell off the table. Steven kept his mouth shut for one year. What happens now is on them.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Gunner927 said:

    This. 1000%.

    Seriously, did people just tune out of the part where Adler still claims that him being fired had nothing to do with his drug use, and he was using the least of anyone in the band? Or where he again blamed Axl for firing Izzy, Duff, and Slash? Or accused Axl of wanting to become Elton John or Billy Joel, and saying songs like November Rain "aren't Guns N' Roses"?

    Steven is my favorite GN'R drummer, and I'd love to have a full reunion one day, but it cracks me up to see everybody kissing his ass and taking his words as gospel. If he really wanted a full reunion, he'd keep his goddamn mouth shut.

    Well. He didn't fire Duff and Slash, but he could as well have. He certainly drove them away and both wouldn't have left, had he not been such a diva and easier to work with. Both left out of frustration. If Slash had the ability to really put his foot down, there would be no keyboards and pianos in GNR. So why do you hold that sentiment against Steven? And at the time Steven got fired, all of them were pretty much wasted all the time, by their own accord. And really, none of us were there when Steven's firing really transpired, so who are we to say his pov is wrong?

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