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PatrickS77 last won the day on February 24 2023

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  1. I'll see you soon?? Geez. And they talked about it?? Suicide is just bullshit. And wreaking havoc on everyone else.
  2. Her sister would be financially supported by the parents as well. I think it's just a general message, otherwise she would have sent that message to the person in question.
  3. Well. Who's to say they actually have her password? Tragic is that she seemed to have realized the problem/things she didn't like, but couldn't get them solved/got them solved in the wrongest way.
  4. Saw them in Munich the other day. They (or what's left of they) still got it. Great fun. Though that catwalk that is hardly used is a bit annoying. Makes for strange viewing. And to my surprise, Gio is now working for them. Did he also do security for them when Axl was singing? Don't remember.
  5. Yeah. And I wonder how much they have really talked since Slash being back in the band. As for the biography, I guess the time was never right. Same goes for an album. Will it ever be?
  6. Nah. She's not. She used to be. Whatever she's done to herself is horrible. Would I mention her if she were?? She just turned 80 and still is gorgeous as ever.
  7. Well, if the granny is Diana Ross or Joyce Kennedy or Lynn Mabry or Sheila E or Cher, I'll take them any day.
  8. Strictly speaking from the physical side, why would a guy, who can get "any" hot young woman (when he throws his celebrity and money into the hat) want to date an old wrinkly grandmother?? Makes no real sense. Strictly physically speaking. Intellectually, that's a different story. But if you're not after a long term thing, intellectual stuff is not really that important. Though there are plenty of older rocker guys who make it work with women young enough to be their daugthers/granddaughters. I think the "problem" is, most men don't have access to that or it would happen way more often. So I'm surprised why you would be surprised about that.
  9. Last thursday I had the pleasure to see Candy Dulfer, Sheila E, Shelby J, Ida Nielsen and Philip Lassiter play the purple jam, one of 5 concerts in Zurich, Bern, Haarleem and Utrecht where they played Prince songs. A lot of fun: https://www.instagram.com/p/C59RUSSKTe5/?igsh=cmNyMmtpeHBoaW5y https://www.instagram.com/p/C5_uc6BKhtW/?igsh=MXhmcDg3Y2Z4MmxoMg== https://www.instagram.com/p/C6CkFbxKztQ/?igsh=MXE0b2JheXY2djZkag==
  10. Surely not. But why the hell would he go on a solo tour and play the songs he plays all the time with GNR instead some of his (and the other member's) own? Doesn't make any sense at all. People who want to hear GNR songs should go there, people who want to hear SMKC songs will go there. Should he get kicked out or leave GNR again, it would make sense for more GNR songs to creep back in, as the SMKC gigs will be the only ones he's doing and the only place you can hear GNR songs with Slash.
  11. Always loved the song and oddly the only (?) song both Prince and Michael Jackson recorded. But also the other classic cover on that album is pretty great:
  12. And Prince isn't versatile?? That's laughable.
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