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Posts posted by PatrickS77

  1. 29 minutes ago, Gordon Comstock said:


    But why haven't they released one of the NA shows they filmed last year, or even mentioned a live release? 

    Duh. Because they are still on tour. A live recording usually is released once a tour is finished and not when you want it.

    And really, from a business point of view it makes perfect sense to first tour without new material, as the reunion sells the tour and most people just want to hear the hits anyway. After that it makes sense to release a new album to give people another reason to see them live, even though the majority still will only be interested in the old hits, even if they manage to release a kick ass album. No new material, however good, will ever live up to the old songs in front of a stadium audience.

  2. Still hate that fucking show. Pretty much ruined the major portion of my US-trip. And the fact that some people, who weren't even born, when Axl, Slash and Duff last played together, got in just because of proximity or because they knew someone, while long time fans were left standing outside, annoys me even more. And to top it off, that none of the footage was really shown anywhere.

  3. 1 hour ago, itsprettytiedup said:


    A little bit later, posted this with the jungle of rip offs...@gunsnroses as a desc:


    In that same post, he commented this: Get ready to see a lot more. One year after their reunion show we have prepared a gift for the fans...you're gonna get it all for free!

    So, are we getting new stuff tomorrow? Or soon?

    He probably should have shot from in front of stage. ;-)

    • Like 4
  4. 18 hours ago, cqleonardo said:

    you have to sing up with ingresso.com, yes. About the address, they send the ticket through your mail, don't know how it works outside the country but this website is on the official Rock in Rio site, is about people buying outside Brazil.... https://www.festicket.com/festivals/rock-in-rio/2017/

    Thanks. But that's only with hotel and not the right dates. That all seems a bit strange.

  5. 8 hours ago, Tom-Ass said:

    I was never "into" the Scorpions enough to buy anything. They have some good catchy songs. I have actually seen them twice live though. Both times I was there to see other bands that they were co-headlining with. Both times the Scorpions were fucking awesome.. They put on a great show.. Last time was over 15 years ago though so not really sure how they are these days.

    Still put on a great show. The second concert I ever saw, back in '91. Seeing them again this summer. Not paired with Megadeth though, which is a shame.

    2 hours ago, Top-Hatted One said:

    You have to know Rock U like a Hirricane! 

    Not into them either but I'm sure they put on a great show and if I checked out their back catalog I would probably like some of it. 

     Is Michael in? Amazing guitar player for both the scorpions & UFO. 

    No. He's out since decades and currently angry with his brother. But Matthias Jabs is great too.

  6. 7 minutes ago, bucketfoot said:

    My point is that you're virtually saying 'how dare he charge people for tickets and then fuck around the way he does?' What I'm saying is of course he's going to charge people for tickets and then it is up to people to decide whether they are going to go or not, they don't have to, they know what to expect, they know how unpredictable Axl is/has pretty much always been.

    Right, blame the people who bought the tickets. Well, with douches like you....

  7. 6 hours ago, Silent Jay said:

    GnR took the stage at 3AM that night and said:

    "Love it Hate it Accept it Debate it - You want 8 o'clock shows go find F-R-I-E-N-D-S or hit a cinema somewhere," the band posted on Oct. 7. "Or you wanna be informed go catch the 10 o'clock news.. this is Rock N' Roll! Treat yourself don't cheat yourself thinking you're gonna go to school or work or whatever you 'normally' do the next day. Oh and remember before you get high and never want to come down. 'you can have anything you want but you better not take it from me!' This is Guns N'Roses and when the time is right the stage will ignite."


    @KillYourIdols This is the quote and has nothing to do with Axl's interview in the first post.

  8. 3 hours ago, killuridols said:

    When you are sick you just don't work.

    If you can't work you don't go to work.

    Now if you're sick and you charge your clients but can't do the job, then expect people to become utterly upset at that.

    None of GN'R concerts were for FREE. People paid lots of money to see this guy and the way he talks about the audience in this interview it is just fuckin' disgusting.

    Who does he think he is to tell people to not expect to go to school or their jobs the next morning? :crazy:

    Just like he thinks he's entitled to charge a ticket and not show up to a show or appear 2 hours later, people are entitled to do whatever fuck they wanna do next morning.

    That kind of answer is what makes him completely delusional about who he is.

    I think it was Del, who made that statement, not that it doesn't get any less ridiculous. There are some really out of touch people in that organisation.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Zurimor said:

    No idea, I just remembered they had a lot of rotations on the keyboards in the past and someone might argue, "no, that's not Depeche Mode anymore, too many changes". :)

    They had no rotation at all. Vince Clark left after 1 year and Alan Wilder left 20 years or so ago. The other 3 stayed the same since almost 40 years. No comparison whatsoever. They are a band.

  10. 2 hours ago, Zurimor said:

    I really don't like this argument, there are many bands out there which have only one or two original members left or even none, but nobody would argue they're still that band.

    One example could be AC/DC, guess most wouldn't argue it's not AC/DC anymore although only Angus is left. Or Simple Minds, same. Or Depeche Mode, same. Nobody would say "no, it's not Depeche Mode" or "no, it's not Simple Minds".

    Up until 2015 it was AC/DC for the most part. And why would it not be Depeche Mode? They still got 3 out of the 4 main members.

  11. 2 hours ago, MADDOGJONES said:

    No, you have got it completely the wrong way around.

    I can say whatever I want, because I don't work for GNR, I'm just some idiot on a forum.

    Steven can say whatever he wants too, but if he wants to play with GN'R again the future he cannot, clearly, as shown in this recent interview.

    Jesus, it gets tiring schooling people all day.

    Well. Apparently, should he really be involved in some AFD anniversary thing as you assume, he can or could. He talked shit (which wasn't really shit to begin with) and now supposedly they involved him in some anniversary celebration, despite talking shit  previously. Did they include him because he talked shit (and they wanted him to stop talking shit, so they threw him another bone) or did his shit talking not have any consequences for him, other than getting an assurance that he indeed would be part of that celebration? Or maybe he is not involved, but his talking about GNR could cause some fines for him due to the contract he signed and he got reminded of that?

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