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Status Replies posted by bran

  1. I am the liquor.

  2. nooo, robin williams :'( rest in peace

  3. No one told me that Nashville = Brooklyn.

  4. A boy (man) who was in my class at school has been murdered. So awful. RIP

  5. Hungover following 4th July fun packed evening! Being a tourist on the 5th July! LOVE NYC -- Why have I never been here before!?? :( could seriously live here :)

  6. i may or may not just acquired some m80s for the 4th of july :)

  7. i may or may not just acquired some m80s for the 4th of july :)

  8. i may or may not just acquired some m80s for the 4th of july :)

  9. i may or may not just acquired some m80s for the 4th of july :)

  10. i may or may not just acquired some m80s for the 4th of july :)

  11. I got that job I was bitching about no getting a few months ago! Yay!

  12. In the amount of time that's passed since 2010, CD will be a decade old.

  13. Todd Kerns > Axl

  14. so much hostility in mygnr land...

  15. cant believe quorthon has been dead 10 years already :(

  16. cant believe quorthon has been dead 10 years already :(

  17. On a scale of 1 to Paul Stanley, how gay is it if I throw my lovesick ass on the couch and watch romance films all day?

  18. On a scale of 1 to Paul Stanley, how gay is it if I throw my lovesick ass on the couch and watch romance films all day?

  19. It's my birthday. Only another two to go before I start working backwards and knocking years off ;-)

  20. My kid loves Ozzy/Sabbath. Start them young.

  21. Just convinced a casual who was considering seeing fat Axl in Vegas not to go. I feel dirty.

  22. Now I understand Pappy

  23. Feeling kinda shitty, didn't get a job I kind of really needed =(

  24. 1 week left of my college career.

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