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Posts posted by final_touches

  1. As we know its getting very late in the year for CD top be released and some of you are suspecting that it may be released next year or indeed even 2008.

    The argument obviously stems from production time and getting the CD artwork finished and printed and then getting the damn thing into the shops. Obviously somewhere along the line we'd hear something. i.e its being printed here and there or "Ive seen the finished CD" etc etc...

    Now.. this may seem just a little far fetched but I have a theory that may feasible.

    CD could be in mass production in Area 51 in nevada. This is a top secret facility and its one of the most secure places on earth. This is the sort of place where if you leak information you could be shot on site and we all know how determined Axl can be to keep things under wraps. Also they have air bases there and could easily distribute the CD around the world without having to do it by road etc.

    I for one have started thinking this may be the most likely scenario.

    Dont worry folks... there is still time yet! ;)

    You're joking, right?! Please tell me you're joking!! :scared:

    Your saying its not possible? :o

    Area 51 is military only. Perhaps they develop new weapons there or ar tortuering some "enemy combatants" or drink tea with Alf and Mr. Spock, but they won't let anybody press CDs there.

    Plus: Nobody in the GNR world would even THINK about going there because this idea is out of this world.

    It's like: Yeah, I think that CD is locked in Fort Knox, you know, it's a very secure place and Axl is afraid to see CD leaked. So perhaps he rent some place in there to let it be produced in there. And they have very complex safety controls in there too, so nobody could steal it.

    I think again: Sorry, but couldn't mean this thread seriously!

  2. As we know its getting very late in the year for CD top be released and some of you are suspecting that it may be released next year or indeed even 2008.

    The argument obviously stems from production time and getting the CD artwork finished and printed and then getting the damn thing into the shops. Obviously somewhere along the line we'd hear something. i.e its being printed here and there or "Ive seen the finished CD" etc etc...

    Now.. this may seem just a little far fetched but I have a theory that may feasible.

    CD could be in mass production in Area 51 in nevada. This is a top secret facility and its one of the most secure places on earth. This is the sort of place where if you leak information you could be shot on site and we all know how determined Axl can be to keep things under wraps. Also they have air bases there and could easily distribute the CD around the world without having to do it by road etc.

    I for one have started thinking this may be the most likely scenario.

    Dont worry folks... there is still time yet! ;)

    You're joking, right?! Please tell me you're joking!! :scared:

  3. Yeah, and we told him to play Estranged, drop the braids, release Chinese Democracy in 2001, in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005...

    No, seriously. I don't think the posts on this forum really had an impact on the things you mentioned. It's just that Axl alone decided to do things that coincidentally the majority of people on this board liked to see too.


    We are allowed to discuss this song, aren't we?

    Or has Jarmo taken over this board? :xmassrudolph:

    Don't be afraid dude. I would happily send anyone the link who wants it..."hint hint"...

    Thanks, I'm fine and don't need a pm. It's just that 10 minutes ago a 8+page-thread misteriously vanished...

  4. I got an answer from the station regarding the playing of "Better":

    Von: "delta - hoetel" <mailservice@deltaradio.de>



    Betreff: AW: "Better" - Guns N' Roses

    Datum: 23.10.2006 13:26:56

    Hallo XXXXXXX!

    Vielen Dank für deine Mail! Mmh, da muss sich derjenige von dem du das hast leider verhört haben. Wir haben weder die Single noch eine Promo-CD dieser im Haus. Somit haben sich ja leider deine Frage erledigt. Sorry.

    Beste Grüße aus dem Sender!

    Dein delta radio Team

    My translation:

    Hello XXXXXXX!

    thank you very much for your mail. Mmh, that someone, you got your information from, seems to missheard something. We neither have the single nor a promo cd in our station. So unfortunately we can't answer your further question. Sorry.

    Best regards from the station!

    Your delta radio team

    I'm a little confused right now. Are they lying or do they really haven't any clue? Perhaps just one dj just played the leak without telling anyone at the station?

  5. If it would have been tomorrow we would know. people who are guns fans and are working in music stores would have recived the magic package and would post about the fact that they got it.

    So no, it won't be tomorrow. And don't expect axl to drop the bomb on the show either. It will most likley be very much like the show we saw this summer. ;)

    Sure hope the band play some new tracks.

    Hope: Yes

    Expects: No

    I second that!

  6. I emailed the station and asked if they could give me any details about how they got hand on the song and if they had record label's permission to air the song. I report back when I get an answer.

    Oh, and I played dumb like "Oh, I never knew GNR were to release a new record but this song rocks and Axl sounds great. Please play it again, I want to listen to it!" :lol: If enough German speaking forum users could do the same (request the song and tell the station how they think it rocks) this could get "Better" more airplay. Please send your mail to delta@deltaradio.de :)

  7. merck is telling jarmo wat to do, i think 'sorry' might leak now.

    Why should "Sorry" leak? Because Bach just mentioned the name of the song? I don't think so.

    EDIT: King Dick, you beat me to it. And there are already two other posts between your post and mine. Just shows how this thread is growing and growing as we speak!

  8. If the album really is to be released before Christmas, a single (including a music video) must be released at least 2 weeks prior to the album.

    The tour starts on the 20th of October. Then GNR has a show every 2 (sometimes 3) days up until Christmas. So there is not really much time to shoot a video then.

    Conclusion: The band must make a video for the first single from now onwards and they must be ready with the filming when the tour starts in 3 weeks.

    I think making a (probably) huge video which would include - I assume - at least 100 or even more people to directly or indirectly be involved with, couldn't be kept as a secret.

    Thus I hope to hear rumors about GNR shooting a video pretty soon. If no action concerning a video shoot were to take place until the start of the tour, I would start to doubt that CD is really to be released this year.

  9. ... she´s not talking as if she knew the universal truth, Cherry just gave her opinion and can be wrong like any of us. :)

    Yes, that's exactly what she does: She tries to pretend that her opinion is fact - when it's just an opinion that's no better than anybody else's on the forum. Yet, if somebody dares challenge her opinion, she resorts to childish name-calling and insults. :rolleyes:

    No. I have to defend cherry-bomb! Sorry, but she just KNEW that the girl with Axl wasn't Vanessa. If you would argue with some geography dummy you wouldn't say "In my opinion Paris is the capital of France", you would just say "Paris is def the capital of France, that's a fact!"

    And the first one who was "aggressive", was YOU, Madison (see post number 55), not her!

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