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Posts posted by ryanf23

  1. 27 minutes ago, DarkLotus1111 said:

    Nothing else is out there. It's all bs rumors and trolling. The leaks are done. No one has The General or Tonto with vox because they don't exist on hoarder hands. If they did.. we would already know by now. Where's the proof? All that exists is VMA rehearsal and maybe pro shoots of shows.. that's it. Keep expectations low :)

    Before the Locker leaked, we knew nothing of state of Grace , perhaps, eye on me etc. although I’m skeptical there is more we will get, I have to believe there is stuff recorded that we have no idea exists. Maybe one day

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Finck2006 said:

    They said estimate 15 songs and I think they included released songs



    State of Grace

    Eye on you




    Going down

    Tommy demo







    The blues


    I count 17 songs

    I oersonally think that chairman realised the idea of trying to trade on the past days.

    The big guns of the cds has been leaked he tried to get something and you dont need to have a big gun to trade a cd with unreleased instrumentals for a simple rehearsal.

    17 different songs but several tracks with vocals. Multiple versions of Chinese Democracy for example. 

    I know you’re most likely right in that they are only instrumentals, I’m just hoping they aren’t.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Finck2006 said:

    At least on unreleased songs.

    The reason I have some mild hope is 1. Originally before any leaks we were told there were only 15 (I believe that was the number) songs with vocals. That was far from the truth. 2. I have to believe the Chariman, who is trying to trade disc 2 for other hoarded stuff (vma rehearsals), I have to believe that as a trader, you’re holding the big guns for last to use as trade bait. So, that’s what has me hopeful although as a gnr fan, I’ve grown accustomed to being disappointed and letdown lol

  4. 3 minutes ago, jamillos said:


    So, if the leaker reads this and says “okay, screw you then. No more leaks”. What have you accomplished?  It’s about being cool to the people who are giving you stuff no need to call them assholes


    8 minutes ago, THELINESMAN said:

    Why tease though? That makes the leaker an asshole!

    The leaker isn’t an asshole. Whoever it is should be thanked for all the stuff not called a name

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, GoForJMark said:

    Performance wise it was tight. Frank improved, can you believe it? No new songs performed, but hard school and UYI deep cuts were added on the alt setlist. 

    I wouldn’t put it past the band to be intentionally adding those songs to troll the fans. Just like oh my god and perfect crime being added to the alt. setlist and they haven’t played yet since reuniting

  6. 3 minutes ago, Gunner927 said:

    Only partially true. The actual full version of the song wasn't on the discs. The instrumental supposedly is under the name 'Prom Violence'.

    But yeah, if that is actually in the hands of anyone, I wouldn't expect it to leak anytime soon. That's about the only thing that would still be valuable, since it'd be far less circulated and likely to get out.

    What I don’t understand, I’ve been a Lerker in the forum for years and I always hear talk of certain people having holy grails they are hoarding to sell. But I never see anyone selling? How do people even buy when no one knows who has what and nothing is being offered up for sale. Is there a deep secret internet web room for gnr stuff?

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