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Posts posted by OTHAFA

  1. Well, let me put it like this.

    GnR is my favorite band, but Pearl Jam is solid.

    Although between the two, I wish Pearl Jam was my favorite band, because they treat their fans so much better than Axl could ever DREAM of.

  2. Yeah I do. I also thik he'll have problems(real or not) and he simply won't show up one night and that'll be his excuse(after the fact). "My throat was sore"

    Now that's just hateful talk! :devil: What kind of fan are you? :D

    Hateful? Possibly.

    Realistic? Definitely.

  3. I love the fact that most of these "Bumblefoot rocks" people probably haven't even seen him play with GnR yet.

    The guy SUCKS, period. What has he ever done in his career of any significance? What was he doing before Axl came along? Putting out some boring solo albums that only the people in his immediate family bought.

    Were you posting that video in an attempt to claim that that is a good attempt at the NR solo?


    That solo is beyond embarassing - I've heard GnR cover bands that can pull off the solo better than that.

    There's a few things that are no-no's in music, and a big one is screwing up the solo for November Rain, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE A MEMBER OF GUNS N ROSES!!!

    Fire this scrub before it's too late, Axl.

  4. The whole "Oh cmon, it's Axl, you should know by now" argument is totally ridiculous.

    This type of behavior is so unbelievably childish. At one point Axl could do whatever he wanted and get away with it, and that is not the case anymore, as Clear Channel proved in 2002.

    Plus, add to that the fact that Axl isn't exactly the most popular guy in music right now. Nu-GNR had a hard enough time selling tickets for the abomination that was the 2002, and now four years later Axl's STILL pulling the same BS? It's not just GnR fans who are used to this that Axl is dicking around with - he's in a position right now where he really needs to win back a lot of fans and garbage like this isn't going to help him.

    And I can understand being a little late, but two hours?! TWO HOURS?!

    It just gets to a point where it's like - dude, you know, you could get to the arena on time if you really needed to. If it was a life or death situation, you'd be on stage at the exact time you were supposed to be there. Stop dicking your fans around and get on the fucking stage at the time you're supposed to be there. There's not something so important going on that he needs to show up TWO HOURS LATE to a show.


  5. The braids make him look like a joke to every music fan in the world that isn't a diehard Axlite.

    They look absolutely ridiculous and is so obviously a weave. He needs to ditch it, ASAP. His hair was fine in 2001.

    Well part of the reason he changed his hair in 2002 is because he picked up so much criticism from people like yourself in 2001 when he showed up for RIR. "He's fat, he can't sing anymore, his face is fucked up," etc. No wonder he changed his hair. It's also a deliberate move to separate himself from his old image.

    I'm not sticking up for his hair (although I don't think the cornrows look NEARLY as bad as the dreads) but good god...you anti-Axl GN'R fans would bash him no matter what.

    He was fat, but WTF does that have to do with his hair? All he had to do to cure his fatness was hit the gym, not put in hair extensions.

  6. Robin's "interpretation" of the solo.


    Give me a break. He fucked it up, end of story.

    You can go watch some shitty GnR cover band (which is almost what this is) and see their scrub guitarist give you his "interpretation" of the solo. People want to hear the solo as it is supposed to be.

    That's really one of the fundamental problems with nu-GnR. The guys can't play the friggen songs. There's already millions of people out there who despise Axl and say he can't have GnR without Slash, Izzy, Duff, etc. So when the general public sees a clip like that, all it's going to do is validate their opinion that Axl needs Slash.

    To the diehard nu-GnR fan it's his "interpretation", to the rest of the general music public it's him horribly botching the solo.

  7. ..that an enclosed DVD of the hammerstein gigs will be released...that's also the fuckin' reason why they have created the "hammerstein - GNR" logo...

    ..so it would make no sense to play a lot of new songs...

    ..i also think the "new" songs they played..will not even be on the disc..

    ..that's the reason why TWAT was also just played once...cause it will be on the album for sure...


    So The Blues, Better and the title track of the album, Chinese Democracy, won't be on it?

    Yeah, no.

  8. Uh, they don't. Kid Rock is garbage now. He only appeals to white trash hicks, not New York rock fans, or GnR fans. His first couple of albums went platinum, and then his career dropped like a rock. I think his last album went tin foil.

    He's old news, and having him on stage doesn't benefit Axl at all. It just shows how out of touch he is with today's music scene.

    I'm a Guns fan and I like Kid Rock. He just released a live album and just filmed a live dvd. The guy sells out everywhere he plays. Just because you don't like him(fuck you don't even like GN'R as it is today) doesn't mean jack shit.

    That's unfortunate that you like him, because he blows.

    Nobody buys his records anymore, and only people who live out in the sticks go to his concerts anymore.

    He was huge in like 1998, when shit like him and Limp Bizkit polluted the airwaves.

    Now, not so much.

  9. Uh, they don't. Kid Rock is garbage now. He only appeals to white trash hicks, not New York rock fans, or GnR fans. His first couple of albums went platinum, and then his career dropped like a rock. I think his last album went tin foil.

    He's old news, and having him on stage doesn't benefit Axl at all. It just shows how out of touch he is with today's music scene.

  10. Kid Rock?

    KID ROCK?!!

    KID FUCKING ROCK?!?!!?!??!

    You've got to be shitting me. What is Axl doing bringing this fucking scrub on stage. Why are jokes like him and Fred Durst even allowed at these shows in the first place? Maybe Axl thinks bringing them on stage will the "younger fans" connect with Axl.

    NEWSFLASH AXL - Nobody cares about Kid Rock anymore! People stopped caring about him 6 years ago! And he was never any good to begin with!!!

  11. I am hardly a "the sky is falling without Slash" guy, but even I must admit 'Estranged' seems pretty hard to picture without him.

    Some songs are just too distinct. Look at VR. Sure, they play some GNR. But they don't try something 'Welcome To The Jungle' for instance because you can't do that one without Axl.

    I see this as sort of the same thing. Slash is such a big part of 'Estranged', might not be the best idea without him.

    That hasn't stopped him from playing November Rain or SCOM. People will ALWAYS associate those songs with Slash.

  12. um yeah, there was a thread where someone talked to him after the show, saying he was in Contract disputes for a year or so. i think he's been a full fledged band member since a week - meaning he got his contract and was rehersing with the group with new and old material being played.

    Give me a break. Contract disputes for a YEAR?

    Who honestly believes that?

    No knock on Mr. Bumble, but I highly doubt his door was being knocked down with offers to play in bands before G'n'R came along.

  13. The excuse being made for some of Bumblefoot's sloppy play at the Hammerstein shows is the fact that Axl just hired him last week.

    LAST WEEK?!!?!

    Ok, this tour is Axl's big comeback. His final chance to prove to the general public that HE is for real, that the BAND is for real, and that the album IS coming out. This is for all intents and purposes, make or break for Axl's career with nu-GNR.

    So does anyone find it odd that he just decided on his lead guitarist one freaking week ago?

    Buckethead quit the band in 2004, so WHAT on earth has Axl been doing for the last two years? Has the band been doing ANYTHING in that time period? I find it shocking that they never hired someone in that period.

    Plus, it's quite obvious that this tour is something that has been planned for months now, at least ever since Axl's appearence at the Korn party got the wheels in motion. They STILL don't hire a guitarist.

    So now, they hire a guy a week ago, who just auditioned TWO weeks ago, to come play guitar on the tour that may define Axl's career? A guy who is basically brand new to the band and really has no chemistry with anyone yet.. who knows how they'll all get along with him a month or two from now? How will the personalities clash?

    Combining that with how Axl lost his voice after the first show, and didn't even bother having any kind of help from a voice coach until Bach led him to someone, makes me wonder how much Axl really prepared for this tour, and makes me fear that we may just end up having a repeat of 2002.

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