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Status Replies posted by ZoSoRose

  1. I don't know how, but I forgot crybaby Axl Rose did this interview in 2013: http://goo.gl/gJOEdJ, SO MUCH CRINGE.

  2. Today the Lions have a chance to be 11-4 for the first time in my life.

  3. This holiday season has turned into the shitposting season

  4. PODCAST AT 7 EST, Who's in?

  5. PODCAST AT 7 EST, Who's in?

  6. Lordy Lordy Lorde. I am Lorde.

  7. I try to not dwell too much into my personal life on here, but please keep my dad in your thoughts and prayers. Poor guys got a damaged heart and multiple myeloma, and needless to say, he's the best dad anyone could ever ask for. Went to the hospital earlier for strong tightness in his chest. Awaiting results...

  8. Whhhatt my $5 expired? Guess my giving of fucks did too.

  9. Hoes, all of you are hoes.

  10. LOL.....the Grudge Patrol is out in full force today!!!

  11. LOL.....the Grudge Patrol is out in full force today!!!

  12. Well, finishing the Mass Effect Trilogy has been lots of fun. It took me some years to have the time to play it, but was worth the wait. Brilliant games.

  13. Well, finishing the Mass Effect Trilogy has been lots of fun. It took me some years to have the time to play it, but was worth the wait. Brilliant games.

  14. Pretty tough to think about, the beginning of December

  15. Thank you to the kind folks who have alerted me that the crazy woman is trying to fuck with my actual life. I am aware. My attorneys are drafting a C&D letter. lol

  16. I just gave like 50 bucks to the forum (see Subs, I told you I would!), but its December. Will my supporter status go away in Jan?

  17. I used to care, now I want to be torn apart by wild dogs. Coming to a supermarket, near you soon, THE ALL NEW JOHNNY DRAMA DOG FOOD! NOW WITH 25% MORE EYEBALL FOR FIDO!

  18. What happened to the recording studio pic thread?

  19. What the fuck, BS, we were casually enjoying my American chat thread. Do you hate America? Are you British? Will you win best looking male poster second year in a row? There's just no way to know

  20. What the fuck, BS, we were casually enjoying my American chat thread. Do you hate America? Are you British? Will you win best looking male poster second year in a row? There's just no way to know

  21. What the fuck, BS, we were casually enjoying my American chat thread. Do you hate America? Are you British? Will you win best looking male poster second year in a row? There's just no way to know

  22. What the fuck, BS, we were casually enjoying my American chat thread. Do you hate America? Are you British? Will you win best looking male poster second year in a row? There's just no way to know

  23. Rolling Stone magazine gave MyGNR credit for the GNR film story!

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