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Posts posted by Bards

  1. I hope the guy beats this. He is quite the character, and for some reason, I have grown to respect the guy.

    Interesting enough and I don't mean this as a joke, more of a cautionary tail. Rob Ford smoked crack, more than he let on for sure, I also knew a guy that was into crack for a time. As "rare" as this cancer is (less than 1% of all cancers) he too had this one.

    Correlation does not imply causation, or as some scientists and statisticians are known to say the plural of anecdote is not data.

    Thank god someone is taking up for the crackheads!

  2. I enjoyed the album although my friend and I used to nickname it "Izzy goes to Melon Camp" because of it's Mellencamp-ish vibe. Seemed like classic Izzy though, it was like he recorded most of the album then got to the last couple of songs and said "fuck it, just throw on whatever we have recorded".

  3. Zint pretty much covered it all. In no universe was the question out of line. Even if Tyson felt it was, did he really think that response on a live cable news station was going to make him look anything other than terrible?

    • Like 1
  4. Much like in Duffy's case, Guns N' Roses' sales of Chinese Democracy were the kind that an average band in 2014 would welcome, but the problem with this release was how much money it had taken to create it in the 17 years since GNR had last released original material (1991’s indulgent Use Your Illusion I and II). The studio spend has been estimated at $13m, so the album was never going to recoup. All original members of the band had long been eviscerated as singer Axl Rose became the all-powerful Kim Jong-il of hair metal. Replacement members joined and left with rapidity, while the album seemingly came no closer to completion. The band sporadically played shows to road-test material, but soon retreated to their studio bunker, hinting at release dates and then cancelling them. In the time they had been locked away, grunge, Britpop, nu-metal, drum'n'bass, speed garage, grime and TV talent-show pop had all come and (for the most part) gone, meaning the “most dangerous band in the world” had become the most unheeded band in the world.

    It's unfortunate that media tend to think that all that was created during the CD sessions are the songs found on CD. If the band releases more of the material created, with presumably modest costs, then the price per song released will be completely different than it is today. So far 13 MUSD has been spent on one record released, but it could quickly be 13 MUSD spent on three records (CD, its follow-up and a remix album), which is not that bad.

    People have been clinging to that flimsy excuse for six years now. You can only judge what you have, not hypothetics.

    It's not an excuse. Everybody involved from current band members to former band members, additional musicians, managers, engineers, music critics, etc, have confirmed that more songs were made then those on CD. In other words, those 13 MUSD did not only go to the creation of CD. Of course this is only of academic interest if nothing else is ever released, but if something else is released - and that is my premise - then suddenly it won't seem as bad as it does today.

    This is simple mathematics. No need to go all forum drama over it.

    It's more the idea of "well when you tally up all the millions and spread it over all the albums that don't exist, it's not so bad" point just falls on its face because there's literally nothing tangible to support it.

    How many albums have Universal got out of their investment from 1996-present day? 1. That's simple mathematics.

  5. Much like in Duffy's case, Guns N' Roses' sales of Chinese Democracy were the kind that an average band in 2014 would welcome, but the problem with this release was how much money it had taken to create it in the 17 years since GNR had last released original material (1991’s indulgent Use Your Illusion I and II). The studio spend has been estimated at $13m, so the album was never going to recoup. All original members of the band had long been eviscerated as singer Axl Rose became the all-powerful Kim Jong-il of hair metal. Replacement members joined and left with rapidity, while the album seemingly came no closer to completion. The band sporadically played shows to road-test material, but soon retreated to their studio bunker, hinting at release dates and then cancelling them. In the time they had been locked away, grunge, Britpop, nu-metal, drum'n'bass, speed garage, grime and TV talent-show pop had all come and (for the most part) gone, meaning the “most dangerous band in the world” had become the most unheeded band in the world.

    It's unfortunate that media tend to think that all that was created during the CD sessions are the songs found on CD. If the band releases more of the material created, with presumably modest costs, then the price per song released will be completely different than it is today. So far 13 MUSD has been spent on one record released, but it could quickly be 13 MUSD spent on three records (CD, its follow-up and a remix album), which is not that bad.

    People have been clinging to that flimsy excuse for six years now. You can only judge what you have, not hypothetics.

    • Like 2
  6. i think axl will never forgive slash for saying the CD album would suck before it came out - this was on much music or something and I remember when he was saying it and imagining how axl would react and i was like that was a dumb move slash you don't CB someone that close and important to your potential in making great music again on TV so that fans side with you and the media sides with you

    in all of axl's craziness i actually get it

    slash does need to apologize for that comment as much as he may have appeared to be cornered in his final days and bitter about the break up - you shouldn't bad mouth someones work that hasn't even be released especially via the media

    he's got apologize to axl or via the media - something tells me the former will be the way through

    Except he never said that. He always said CD was going to be good, he just had his doubts whether it would see the light of day.

    Yes, the comments about CD, and all the smug commentary in the promotion of VR (not to mention the actual name of VR being a play on GNR name) Slash and Duff were so full of themselves and so smug about answering the questions "Yeah, now we actually have a singer that shows up and works hard..." and stuff like that, while everyone knew they were basically saying a junkie-diva was preferable to Axl.

    Axl was of course going to be livid, and the fact that they piggy-backed onto the GH release, so that Contraband and GNR GH were literally beside each other on the New Release shelf of music stores. Slash and Duff basically believed they had created the new GNR, and during that time where they believed that they both made some terrible references and implications towards Axl. It's when they realized VR's music wasn't what it should've been, was not adored by the fans, then they both collectively back-tracked on all the anti-Axl comments, but it was too late by then. Well at least for Slash....

    I think if Slash had gone to see Axl without Perla and without being intoxicated, on Axl's turf, they might've worked it out. But alcoholism was a major factor in the lack of communication between Axl and Slash during the breakup, so for Slash to show up drunk off his ass when he goes to make peace with Axl was incredibly stupid, and worked against him and led to the two different versions of that story. Bringing Perla was stupid too, just have a car take you, and be a man and go by yourself.

    Izzy made up with Axl in that same way, going to see him at his house on his turf, his terms, alone and sober. They eventually worked it out. Slash, now several years sober if you believe him, has never really tried that, or maybe he just doesn't want to anymore? Or maybe the window for trying it may be closed anyway for now.

    Piggy-backed onto the GH release? The release everyone in the old band tried to stop? Are you high? Not everything everyone else does has something to do with Axl. Sometimes people do things of their own volition. I know, shocker.

    As for showing up at his house, he tried to mend fences. He was turned away. It's not like Perla went to the door with him and demanded to give Axl a piece of her mind. This is a pretty poor reconstruction you're attempting.

    There are valid reasons to criticize Slash over the break-up and subsequent fall-out. None of them have been presented in the posts above.

    Grouse pretty much hit the nail on the head.

  7. For those that really believe that Slash said to Axl that he had to take the Snakepit material as is and not make any changes to it whatsoever: Slash let Eric Dover write his own lyrics and melodies for that record. ERIC DOVER.

    "Had Slash stepped up and written what we captured glimpses of, it would have created an environment that was beyond Slash’s ability to control.

    I still don't know what Axl means by this.

    • Like 1
  8. I'm not sure why a lot of you want Beta gone. I mean Irving Azoff,one of the most powerful men in entertainment was at the helm and we know how that turned out.

    Yeah. We got an album. I don't care how Axl's feelings may have been hurt. We got music.

    This. Plus I always think the housekeeper is a petty argument. She's been in the music industry now in one way or the other for more than twenty years, she has experience. A lot of people here act as if Axl just made a random cleaning lady his manager. I don't know if she's any good, I don't know if anyone else could do it better, but I don't like that argument. Furthermore, she had an executive job in Brazil before she moved to the US.

    Doing what? Not being flippant, honest question. What do we know that she actually did during that time?

    You can not like the argument but it doesn't make it any less valid. Especially when people point out how "in over her head" she appears to be. Also, people who are executives in any country generally don't move to the US to become housekeepers. Ordinary citizens maybe, but if she were really an executive, you would think she could have got a better gig out of the gate than folding Stephanie Seymour's clothes.

  9. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the fratboy-mentality vote didn't edge the election and swing him back in office.

    "he said eat pussy on t.v.! right on bro!"

    Thing is, how many of those types (and people that get their picture taken with him for that matter) vote in municipal elections?

    Maybe the same amount who thought it was funny to elect the Terminator? :shrugs:

    If anything, the much-coveted fratboy vote would go to Nikki Benz.


  10. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the fratboy-mentality vote didn't edge the election and swing him back in office.

    "he said eat pussy on t.v.! right on bro!"

    Thing is, how many of those types (and people that get their picture taken with him for that matter) vote in municipal elections?

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