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Posts posted by Bards

  1. Coppola himself said he needed another six months at least for it to be ready but the studio forced him to get it out for a christmas release. Apparently he also wanted the title to be "The Death of Michael Corleone" but was overruled again by the studio. The title may have been a good move as it would add drama to certain scenes as the viewer is going in waiting for Michael to die. It would have really heightened the tension in the opera scene, which felt like it took 3 hours on its own.

    And no mention of this movie is complete without saying how terrible and over her head Sofia Coppola was in it. I know Winona Ryder walked at the last second and they were stuck for options, but jeez she was bad. While we're at it about casting, they should have just met Duvall's number. Everyone realized it was a cash grab so they may as well have shelled out the bucks to get Tom Hagen aboard.

    My favourite scene was near the beginning with Vincent and Joey Zasa. The ear-bite and aftermath. I got a kick out of him picking bits of Joey's ear out of his mouth afterwards and still talking.

  2. If everyone quit new gnr and also Axl and slash made up, you could get what you want but Axl would not dump the new gnr to do an only old band tour. So if they made up and that's a big if. There would most likely be tour with both bands involved

    The fatal flaw in that idea is that such a tour would no doubt be marketed as a "classic GNR" reunion. That's the ticket-seller. When the audience shows up and realizes they have to sit through an hour or DJ Ashba until Slash and Duff join the stage, things would get ugly.

  3. Can there be consideration to renaming a section after something relating to GNR post 1994? Like, rename My World to If The World or rename Anything Goes to Street of Dreams or something like that?

    But seriously. Will the administrators and moderating team put this into consideration?


  4. I knew they were gonna kill Bobby the second they said "Stay tuned for anarchy aftershit immediately following this episode (which make Hardwicks talking shit look like a work of a godly genius btw). And excuse me, as I was half asleep by the time they got to actual exchange scene, but when everybody left just Jax, the kid, and Marks alone UNARMED, why didn't Bobby who's hands were tied IN FRONT OF HIM, pull off his gag and say -"Jax this guy has a gun planted on me, tackle his ass"? I mean yeah, he'd been through hell, but you couldn't do more than just stand there when all three of your lives on are on your line? Just found it kinda shotty.

    I think that was the point of them breaking Bobby's jaw. When Marks finally shoved Bobby forward, he tried to warn Jax with something that sounded like "he's got a gun", but it just came out like Charlie Brown's teacher.

    As for Abel, I like the dead eyes thing he's got going. It seems believable enough that a kid that age would turn all creepy given what he's seen.

  5. Maybe it's time that he realizes that he can't write Slash out of GNR. Give it up.

    On an other hand, Activision could have used a Slash song if they really wanted to use Slash as a character.

    Or they could use him the right way as the lead guitarist of the popular GNR songs that everyone remembers.

    Okay, but that was kinda like advertising him as a part of GnR, which he wasn't at that time.

    I'm not saying that it was ok or nok to hurt Axl's feeling, I'm saying that Slash wasn't a member of GnR anymore at that time. Advertising him as such is a lie. Did they advertise him as the current guitar player of GnR? I can't remember.

    It's like saying his own material was probably not strong enough or appealling to justify portraying him otherwise than as a member of a band he left several years ago.

    It's worth pointing out that all the TV ads from that time featured Slash playing Slither, not anything from GNR. The argument that Slash was advertised as being a current part of GNR just isn't true.

    Once again we see this Beta relaying things to Rose which turn out to be inaccurate.

    This is the biggest takeaway.

  6. Seeing as holy wars and religious oppression have severely retarded social progress throughout history the only reasonable answer is a Godless world. God = human conflict. Why not try it the other way around for a while?

    Religion and God have always been the scapegoat.

    One always seems to assume man is a peaceful race...when in reality, the exact opposite is true.

    I agree with your second point. Calling religion a "scapegoat" seems to be a cop-out on an epic level though.

  7. This seems like a waste of resources. They could have used that money to make something that could have been a lot more interesting.

    It's meant to draw eyeballs. As people have noted, even though Sandler's films haven't exactly been high-quality fare recently he's still a legit big-time movie star and people will watch something with his name attached to it. It's a big move for Netflix.

    • Like 1
  8. Does anybody else find it weird that Bobby isn't being the voice of reason currently ?

    He hasn't said anything about Jax's current plan other than the club would understand if he wanted to slow down.

    My pet theory is that when shit inevitably flips and it's the club taking all the heat for the damage they're causing this season, it'll be Bobby that has to pull the "Old Yeller" on Jax.

  9. Slash wasn't bashing the video, he was saying he didn't get it and wasn't really involved outside of his scenes. As others have pointed out, he had nothing but love for the song.

    Gilby and Matt both said similar things in the Nov Rain documentary, and that was while they were filming it. The video was Axl's baby, the rest of the band were basically background during the narrative parts.

    • Like 2
  10. I hope the guy beats this. He is quite the character, and for some reason, I have grown to respect the guy.

    Interesting enough and I don't mean this as a joke, more of a cautionary tail. Rob Ford smoked crack, more than he let on for sure, I also knew a guy that was into crack for a time. As "rare" as this cancer is (less than 1% of all cancers) he too had this one.

    Correlation does not imply causation, or as some scientists and statisticians are known to say the plural of anecdote is not data.

    Thank god someone is taking up for the crackheads!

    Addiction is a disease that results from a chemical imbalance of the brain the same as bipolar or schizophrenia, but I suspect that you know this, and you just thought you were being clever.

    EDIT: besides, you are just making shit up, I didn't defend crackheads.

    Lighten up, Francis.

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