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Posts posted by GNR123GNR456

  1. The truth is, Axl hasn't given much of a shit since mid 2010. His declining stage performance, physical appearance, and lack of a new album more than attest to that.

    I know, and I wish we would be able to find out why. Something obviously happened in the year that made him lose the passion the he had, but what? He was on fire in 2010, than he came out in 2011 like a completely different person.

    Unfortunately, we'll never know.

  2. I find it funny how people say that Axl's a perfectionist, but he's sure as hell not showing it. You would think he would work on his voice, his weight, his performance. You would think he would CARE about what he looks and sounds like. He sure as hell doesn't seem like he does.

    As far as the topic, Richard and all the employee's have been saying the same spiel for years now. It's not happening as long as Axl gives a damn, and he doesn't. He only wants to ride the coattails of past glory's because he's to lazy, stubborn an bitter to move on or call up his former friends for a reunion. Now, the Memphis Maf.....Team Brazil have him on auto-pilot with hardly no breaks playing Vegas and club shows. It's over people, what could have been a big rebirth of Guns 'N Roses is now nothing more than a nostalgia act with a bloated Axl Rose.

    It's sad, really. Axl could of been one of the greatest front men to ever live, and he threw it all away. When I watch video's of him from the 90's, even from as late as 2010, I see a man with a passion and desire to tour and be the best. Now, I see a man who's a bloated, out of shape, shell of his former self. Hiding behind jackets, sunglasses, and bling, like a big blimp of a mess on stage, with hardly any voice to match the signature songs of yesteryear. No passion, seemingly no desire at all to push this band as Guns N' Roses, just as a touring band. I see a musician who's just going throught the motion's, spinning the wheel to get through each show, like he doesn't seem to have the passion to tour anymore but is doing it as an obligated because he had to. Just like mid-70's Elvis Presley.

    The fact that he got the Lifetime Achievement Award astounds me, when he didn't do much but work on one album for 15 of those years. Someone like like Bruce Springsteen, that's who that kind of award show go to. A guy who continues to put out record, sell out shows, stays in fantastic shape in order to tour excessively, and still have a powerful voice.

  3. blah blah blah , and yet you feel you need to come here and talk about him...........bizzare

    If Axl released a new album tomorrow, I would buy it in a heartbeat. I'm still a fan, I just want him to perform up to the level that we all know he can be. Just because I'm able to find flaws and point out that he's not a good singer anymore doesn't mean I'm not a fan. It's the essence of being a true fan.

  4. So many people here call Axl fat, I wonder what some of you look like who say that. I guarantee that some of the people saying that are more obese than Axl.

    He's got a little belly. Technically, you could call him "fat" because of it, but in reality he's just a little pudgy. People who are truly obese don't have legs like this:


    Are we charging people money to watch us perform?

    I know I'm not, but I can only speak for myself.

    I get your point, but if he was super jolly fat yet singing with inspired strident raspy brilliance, I wouldn't care. You should know that my favorite nuGuns gig is Dublin 2010, where they threw bottles at him and for the entire show (after he left and came back), he was virtually motionless, but was killer on the vocals.

    Yeah, it would be cool. But, he's not singing with rasp, or with any power really. People are paying $150 to see a man go through the motions because he's to lazy to get in shape and get motivated. That's not fair.

  5. So many people here call Axl fat, I wonder what some of you look like who say that. I guarantee that some of the people saying that are more obese than Axl.

    He's got a little belly. Technically, you could call him "fat" because of it, but in reality he's just a little pudgy. People who are truly obese don't have legs like this:


    It doesn't matter if any of use are more obese than Axl. None of us have millions of dollars to hire a personal trainer to get back in shape. Comparing Axl Rose to any "average Joe" is ridiculous. When you compare him to Jon Bon Jovi and/or Bruce Springsteen, than there's an argument.

    "He's got a little belly," yeah, so why does he hide it? Why does he hide behind layers of clothes? For shits and giggles? He can have skinny legs but be out of shape, it's called being bloated. It in his face and his gut. Probably from medication or alcohol. Or both. When you compare him to how he was in 2006, or even 2010, he's out of shape. You can argue all you want, but it's the truth.

    I'm not arguing. I'm just saying that I think people exaggerate Axl's weight, and I feel like there's amplified focus on it for no reason. If he got even fatter and sang like Pavarotti (that was a figurative statement by the way, not literal), people would be praising him. I think part of the criticism stems from his towelie voice, the lack of music, and his refusal to reunite the old band.

    Yeah, I think that too. If he actually looked like he gave a fuck about himself and his band, we wouldn't have these types of threads. But, we do because there's not much else to talk about. I think if he was still singing with rasp, or atleast like he was in 2011, we would not have much criticism regarding his weight. Or, if he, ya know, released a new album. It just so happens we stuck in a paradox of nothing right now and it's getting people pissed off and bored because it's sad to see such a talented singer like Axl Rose neglected to this. There's amplified focus of Axl's weight because is possible that could be playing a part in his vocals. Not to mention he was in fantastic shape no more than 8 years ago and he sounded great. Hell, even 2010 he was in decent shape and was singing great. If his weight is hurting his performance, than it's going to be talk about.

    And why he keep the name? To become a nostalgia act?

  6. So many people here call Axl fat, I wonder what some of you look like who say that. I guarantee that some of the people saying that are more obese than Axl.

    He's got a little belly. Technically, you could call him "fat" because of it, but in reality he's just a little pudgy. People who are truly obese don't have legs like this:


    It doesn't matter if any of use are more obese than Axl. None of us have millions of dollars to hire a personal trainer to get back in shape. Comparing Axl Rose to any "average Joe" is ridiculous. When you compare him to Jon Bon Jovi and/or Bruce Springsteen, than there's an argument.

    "He's got a little belly," yeah, so why does he hide it? Why does he hide behind layers of clothes? For shits and giggles? He can have skinny legs but be out of shape, it's called being bloated. It in his face and his gut. Probably from medication or alcohol. Or both. When you compare him to how he was in 2006, or even 2010, he's out of shape. You can argue all you want, but it's the truth.

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