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GnR Chris

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Everything posted by GnR Chris

  1. HERE WE GO! "This is a new song." Sounds good too. Hell yeah. Man, these are the best two days we've had as Guns fans in years.
  2. I don't care what the majority thinks. "Absurd" is a cool, little song. And it bangs live.
  3. How funny would it be if they drop “The General” tonight live when we’re all expecting/hoping for “Perhaps.” LOL
  4. I’m having a hard time keeping up with multiple threads here because there are ACTUAL things happening now. This is awesome.
  5. Dang, the “Perhaps” tee from tour truck is fire. I wish that one was on the regular merch site.
  6. It’s weird. I can’t play “Perhaps” on Spotify on my iPad. I click it and it plays some different random song. Usually Creedence. Plays fine on my phone.
  7. I really find it fascinating there’s people here who don’t like “Perhaps.” Then again, they might find it fascinating that I love “Absurd.”
  8. I’m so fuckin’ happy. Just copped the “perhaps” vinyl WITH THE MOTHERFUCKING GENERAL. THE GENERAL.
  9. How the FUCK is this band gonna casually just drop the mythological “General” as a b side. Hahahaha wow
  10. I loved Chinese Democracy from jump. I didn’t listen to the leaks a hell of a lot before the record dropped, so much of it was new to me. Blew me away. I still love it.
  11. I’m not pressed that some people don’t enjoy “Perhaps.” It’s just funny how scorched earth some of the commentary is. It’s not that serious. It’s just a song. Listen. Or don’t. The part that sucks is we’re a starving fan base. Maybe we wouldn’t have to scrutinize these songs if they would come out with a handful of them every couple years rather than a song every 14 years.
  12. Robin isn’t credited, so the much-discussed Finck bend seems like it’s Fortus playing underneath Slash. Dueling guitars sort of thing. That part has quickly grown on me. I wasn’t married to the original solo though. I’m still waiting to hear a proper-quality version (other than the radio livestream). I like the effects on Axl’s vocals in parts (“what a weight upon my shoulders” second time), but I would have been happier had it mostly been more “organic” in other areas. I love The song. I get that some people don’t like it. But the comments here that annoy me are the ones who keep calling it a Chinese leftover or B side (it wasn’t). Or especially those who say it shouldn’t have been released. Fuck off!
  13. Guys, you’re wrong. Slash’s solo is fits this songs. It’s nice.
  14. I gotta say, it was pretty cool to be standing by waiting for the premiere on live radio. We don’t really get to experience shit like that anymore. Like the old days when there’d be a world premiere of a song on radio or video on MTV. Had the band actually promoted this, it would have tugged on a lot of people’s heartstrings with nostalgia. Lame they didn’t say a fuckin’ word.
  15. Relax, fam. Finck’s solo isn’t earth shattering. Neither is Slash’s. Only thing I miss locker leak is the “save me” bit. This “Perhaps” final cut is fantastic.
  16. Yeah, I’m on board with Slash’s solo. I prefer it. Love Finck though.
  17. I feel sad now like I had a great big meal and it’s over, and I’m just sitting there looking at an empty table.
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