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Status Updates posted by SmellThePoppies

  1. *insert status about hockey*

    1. bacardimayne



  2. 50 Million people in the US don't have "food security" (aka they don't know where their next meal is coming from) and directly correlates to a rise in obesity/Type 2 diabetes. Sickening that we live in a world where government would rather spent 5 Trillion dollars on fighting useless wars rather then feeding and keeping their own citizens fed

    1. LyndaRose


      obesity in the USA and starvation in Africa...

  3. I don't understand how someone gets a 27% on an exam when the prof puts all the notes and slides online and the exam is purely from that. Makes me wonder.

    1. Nulla Lex Ink.

      Nulla Lex Ink.

      Probably too lazy to look up notes, so they just randomly pick things.

  4. You know you've reached a new level of maturity when your contemplating what vacuum cleaner to buy

  5. Just finished week 1 day 3 of #C25K on #Android @c25kfree! #everymomentcounts #run #running #health #fitness

  6. Can someone create a filter (or browser) extension where it automatically hides/deletes any posts involving Miley Cyrus , Justin Beiber or One Direction?

    1. 77Jesters


      Just try a substitution filter, replace those words with insults of your choice! http://tinyurl.com/o89mw2n

  7. Today I saw someone with a pager #retro

    1. Redhead74


      LOL. And when was the last time it buzzed, is was I want to know? 1 pager user is a laugh, 2 is incomprehensible.

  8. the monarch will be crowned

    1. bacardimayne


      no idea why i still watch this tripe

  9. Goes shopping at Maxis in Verdun and there's an obviously looking homeless person standing around and eating different fruits while several employees walk by without saying or doing anything. What the hell people?!

    1. volcano62


      In Verdun? That's normal.

  10. 13 days until my first vacation in two years. Huzzah!

    1. DirtyDeeds


      Not wise to put that info on the internet.

  11. Anyone know where to buy a whip Cream Whipper?!

  12. I can't believe that people still come and ask me for chatr. Somethings never change

    1. ZoSoRose


      Can I have chatr?

  13. "No sir , you can't put iOs 8 on Android"

    1. gunsguy


      why would I want to? lol

  14. Trying to find beauty in an ugly world

    1. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      *passes a copy of Harpers Bazaar*

  15. Time to sell a kidney.

    1. gunsguy


      How much? I am looking for a side dish

  16. Hobbit : Incredible, but way too long

    1. Powerage5


      Haven't seen the extended versions of the LOTR movies, have ya?

  17. What upsets me the most about this woman is that she could have taken this chance to talk about the problem of PTSD that soldiers experience , rather than making it into a political issue and blaming Obama (THANKS OBAMA)

  18. "I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction." -Clarence Darrow

  19. Threw up a outside of the gym after doing kettle bell circuits fml #embrassed

  20. Bob's Burger and Archer crossover! Hahahahahahahaha

  21. I really wish South Park was on the air right now to see what they would do about Lance Armstrong being a fake.

  22. Got a promotion! #winning

  23. I can't believe how dumb everyone is for believing that eagle attacking the child is real. If you believe that then you should reevaluate what you believe while watching mainstream news

  24. Waking up at 6 am to register for classes ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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