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Posts posted by NicoRourke

  1. 9/10 - not a 10 because I really can't get into ITW, or at least not all the time. The others songs I can listen day in day out.

    Especially TWAT which is (based on my iTunes' most played list) the song I've listened the most in my (iTunes) life apparently.

    I just love it.

    Great album, but it's hard to grasp that what we have isn't even the 100% final product :-S

  2. Yes indeed. And also that he says he wasn't looking for the most technical player that could align fast notes etc.

    Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore what Bucket did on CD (some playing like the Sorry solo is to me full of soul) but he's like the anti-Slash. Same goes with BBF.

  3. I can agree with the above, however it seems to me that Axl wanted it to work as a band. With collaborations from everyone involved in the making of the album. With the same people defending the material live.

    But for whatever reasons it took an eternity and an an ocean of difficulties and all the crap that we know (and what we don't!). Not saying Axl is not partly responsible. But I think he tried to make it work. As a band. Even with all the contracts and all, some were not afraid to speak their mind (Tommy, Robin, BBF) or show that sometimes they were not happy at all with how things were going. Not like they were forced to silence as some are suggesting.

  4. For people that prefer CD over any Guns album- that's fine but you realize it's NOT Guns n Roses right? It's (for all intents) an Axl Rose solo album. Period.

    I consider it a GN'R album - though created under insane circumstances with a lineup that was everything but organic (as opposed to the classic ones).

    However in spirits and for what GNR means to me it works as a GNR album.

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  5. When somebody says ''they prefer Chinese Democracy over Appetite'' or ''Robin Fink'' or some other tosser ''over Slash'', that says two things about them. Firstly, it says they are up Axl's bum: ''look at me, I am such a hardcore Axl supporter that I have chosen to prefer the new band in order to devalue Slash's contributions''. Secondly, they are saying ''look at me, I'm so bold, cool and different from everyone else''. On the second point, there are people who prefer the prequels over the original Star Wars trilogy or people who think St Anger is ''Metallica's best album''. Those people are rare but they exist because they are rare: they are smug in their obscurity.

    Or just maybe I really do like CD better than Appetite? Regardless of all the crap you wrote?

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