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El Guapo

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Everything posted by El Guapo

  1. Agreed, Monsters could be considered as a cool, new Gnr track.
  2. The general is a fart in the wind and already forgotten.
  3. I totally changed my mind about the album. First impression wasn't great, now I like it more and more and I'm VERY impressed by the overall quality. Amazing.
  4. I'd say that point should have been reached right now, at the very latest. With the release of The General, the Perhaps "artwork" and the Kat/ Fernando case, how low can you go? Nobody's in it for the music anyway anymore so it can only be Appetite for even more money.
  5. I think the Chinese vault finally lost all it's appeal now that we've heard The General and Monsters. Apart from 3 people nobody is waiting for State, Atlas and all that and the chances of some great, completely unheard of stuff is basically zero. So, new stuff with the current band is the only option for most people still interested, I guess.
  6. Man, the way this already horrible track falls apart in the last 30 seconds is just hilarious. Definately NOT what they intended XD
  7. After the final version of The General, I can totally see Eye on You as the next release.
  8. I agree, in fact, I support GnR trying new things and new sounds. But they don't do that. Everything they released since the reunion is old ass leftovers which sound dead AND dated. There is nothing clever or "far out" about The General, it's just a shitty, unfinished turd of a song with uninspired perfomances and bad production. My most "listened to albums" this year are probably Crime Slunk Scene, Disco Volante and Hackney Diamonds. Not exactely mullethead material, I'd say. Here's hope that The General was the last of the released CD leftovers for now.
  9. Axl would have to repeat that one verse 4 or 5 times then, yikes.
  10. You think that's clever? Mmkay. Since nobody close to him seems to be honest to him - might be a good thing if the negative reactions reach him somwhow.
  11. Ok, I'll stop. Just saying, if you like "The General" in it's released state you will like ANYTHING that has Axl Rose on vocals, anything. Here's a reaction video I'd agree with 100%, I won't comment anymore on this.
  12. It's clearly her voice right at the beginning of this mess ("daddy don't"). The point is, I have a very hard time believing any of the band members think that this is a slamming tune. Because it is really, really bad. It just is. Just listen to that laughable bridge thingy. The ending sounds just like something Dustin Bones would do, it's so bad it's like a parody. You can sit there in your stonewashed Perhaps sweatpants and ignore the truth and force yourself to like this abomination, but why?
  13. Perhaps is ok. Absurd as the comeback single was a bold move, kinda fun and exciting. I always liked Shadow, that was nice to have. The General is the worst GnR release ever, I really hope they just stop it now with the Chinese leftovers.
  14. You can just hear he's not into it, probably hates it even. I wonder what Melissa, Fortus etc. really think of this release. I mean, they're all great musicians and they all look like idiots and shameless and greedy leeches because they're involved with this mess. Maybe it really is a joke, some kind of self parody?
  15. The general public hates it, of course. I just hope that this will be a wake up call for Slash and he either puts his foot down and confronts Axl/ Team Brazil or leaves again. Right now, he's Axl's little bitch and should be ashamed of himself and this release.
  16. I know I'm annoying! You know, this makes me kinda angry. Because I love(ed) GnR. They are pissing on their legacy and their fans with this. I hate because I care.
  17. I don't care anymore who of the incompetent idiots fucked it up this time, doesn't matter anymore anyway since the song is complete and utter shit.
  18. Nothing, hopefully. They clearly don't give a single fuck about their output anymore.
  19. Intentional or not, it fucking sucks ass. Just like that turd of a song and it's "production".
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