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Posts posted by alfierose

  1. Debated all morning between IRS and TIL.

    I think IRS is technically the better song but this poll is about subjective opinion and I have personal fondness for TIL despite it being, as someone else pointed out, a bit like children's poetry in places.

    So today's reluctant choice is IRS.

    • Like 2
  2. I removed social media off my phone quite a few years ago for similar reasons. I was just constantly picking it up and scrolling for no good reason.

    I haven't deleted Facebook because it's still useful for keeping in touch with people and various local based groups but having to go on my laptop to access it means I do it a lot less. I still have the FB Messenger app on my phone - it's a good being able to separate the two functions out.

    I never really got into Twitter so that's not an issue.

    I've haven't tried it but various people tell me Tik Tok is the current worst time suck for mindless scrolling so I'll definitely give that a miss.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Stay.Of.Execution said:

    That guy got ripped off badly

    I don't know. I mean they probably aren't worth that much 2nd hand just yet because they made a load of them and it's only a few years old. Might be another 10 -15 years before a mint, unopened one is worth a fair whack.

    Gotta wait until a decent percentage of the other boxes have been chopped up for firewood or given to kids to make a dolls house from! :rofl-lol:

    • Haha 2
  4. 51 minutes ago, Dean said:

    I love that my opinions on a record by a band has merited this response from what I assume is a grown adult. Thanks for that! 

    I think it was almost inevitable that this album be the most contentious. I love all of it bar the three I mentioned above. Maybe not in the same way as OG band stuff but I'm still a fan.

  5. 7 hours ago, History2010 said:

    Personally, I feel like this was a personal poem instead of lyrics. It's very difficult to imagine lyrics this personal showing up on a GN'R record back in the Illusion era. I don't think the band was equipped to tackle subject matter this intense. This writing definitely foreshadows themes that Axl would later explore on Chinese Democracy, however.  

    Yes it could be. I don't know how his writing process works especially in collaboration with others. I wouldn't be surprised if a number of songs started off like this but in the end product only contains a few lines from something originally a lot more personal.

    5 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    Yeah, it looks more like a journal written in the form of lyrics/"poem" - likely so that lines could be handy to be potentially used in actual lyrics.

    Sorry, just realised you more or less said the same thing. :lol:

    • Like 2
  6. I Don't Care About You this round. Doesn't have any redeeming features for me.

    I don't like much about this album though so I could easily vote for most of them in any order. New Rose, Human Being and Down on the Farm are okay but still meh.

    Ain't it Fun is the only one I listen to on a semi regular basis and I think will probably win.

    Bidding time here for Chinese Democracy which I do have more opinions on. :lol:

    • Like 2
  7. My own misheard isn't really misheard as much as 'I have no idea what that is'. These lines from Paradise City - no idea what he was singing until I looked them up.

    Strapped in the chair of the city's gas chamber
    Why I'm here, I can't quite remember
    The Surgeon General says it's hazardous to breathe

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