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Posts posted by alfierose

  1. If so, has he succeeded?

    Just pondering this after reading an m.sl forum post where a poster said that they found the paradisecity site offputting because it was full of young girls posting millions of pictures. DJ seems to be the member with the most young fans so I wonder if his hiring was a strategic move and not just about his playing or writing abilities.

    What are the demographics like at live shows? Do they reflect this or is it still very mixed? The cost of tickets might be prohibitive for some but by hooking them young it might ensure audience numbers for future years.

    I haven't been to a show myself, I would like to and I nearly went to the Manchester 2012 gig but I find large groups of people claustrophobic. I'm banking on becoming a multi millionaire and hiring Axl to do a show on my patio!

  2. I think generally he looks fine for a 51yr old guy. The main problem, if you want to call it that, is the chin/Jowl area which I suspect is alcohol. The reason I say this is because I have noticed over the last couple of years I suffer similar effects if I drink regularly for prolonged periods. I'm 37 and it is something that is just starting to happen, no doubt if I don't cut down it will happen more with every passing year.

    Having said that, going on a diet and lifestyle change at any age will reap benefits. Go and google Boy George, also 51, and look at the effects of his current weight loss especially around his neck. Although if he looses any more he will tip the balance and be too thin so you can't win in the public eye I suppose.

  3. I can't work out Axl's true motivations behind this deal. He sued because he didn't want an ex band member to be associated with the brand he owns yet he didn't file the suit at the time because Activation promised him a ChiDem version. This doesn't make a lot of sense as the reason he was upset about the game and it's promotion still stands. Surely he should be unhappy about the Slash association regardless of other incentives offered.

    I think if he had taken legal action immediately he might have had a reasonable case.

  4. I stopped following him on Twitter and Instagram. 90% of his posts contain the words "AshbaSwag". It's annoying....

    It's the first time iv seen you saying anything bad about Guns N'Roses lol

    It's not about GN'R. It's about a guitar player who uses a social network to promote clothes he sells. Has nothing to do with GN'R or music. That is all.

    Which probably speaks volumes about new music and what is going on behind the scenes with GnR. If there was something to report DJ would definitely tweet about it. (he might not be allowed though)

  5. This looks so tacky, I can't imagine why Dizzy thought it was a good move. I remember reading a bit about Ron in Slash's book, there were photos too I think. His blatant love of all things porn is one of the few things that puts me off Slash, just seems really sleazy especially when you read about some of the things female pornstars are subjected to and the hideous consequences.

  6. I'm not saying it's gospel truth. I don't know much about cosmetic surgery, I just recall watching a programme sometime where stuff had to be redone. Think that's why it's a slippery slope to go down.

  7. The only two feasible scenarios are serious illness or plastic surgery. It kind of looks like he had a facelift of some sort that made him look like a weird version of his teenage self, if this is the case I think it explains why he looked particularly good circa 2006. By that point the surgery had probably settled down a bit and combined with him working out gave him the youthful, trim, forty something look.

    I'm sure I have read that facelifts have a limited lifespan before they need redoing which may explain along with a bit of weight gain why there is quite a difference in appearance from a few years ago. Of course it could just be middle age catching up like it does for all of us.

  8. There have been too many of these type of stories over the years for there not to be some basis of truth but equally some stuff will be made up or exaggerated.

    However Axl has fallen prey to 'Michael Jackson Syndrome' in that because he is known for being a bit out there it makes it easy for anyone to say anything and it be vaguely believable.


    +1 :thumbsup: Dizzy is amazing :wub:

    I'm sorry, not trying to laugh at Dizzy's expense, but that's fucking hysterical!

    Wow, that was funny. If Dizzy suddenly became gay, his dating profile video would be all set.

    Ha ha ha. I can't believe I spent 57 seconds watching that.

  10. Music doesn't need to say anything epic to be good. The AFD lyrics weren't deep or sophisticated, personally I would quite like Axl to release something more fun and superficial. It would show he was in a better place mentally.

    Yes but your need good riffs and solos for that type of music. (Axl will write you a great introspective piano song but he doesn't know the first thing about creating greasy rock n' roll). Newgnr have not possessed anyone capable of writing greasy rock n' roll riffs since Izzy and Slash.

    Maybe, maybe not. They won't know until they actually try, all being in the same room at the same time would help.

  11. Didn't he say something about not liking to charge fans for meeting the band?

    This is what I was thinking but if that is the case why let your band do it? Maybe he doesn't know that they do it, he's probably still asleep at the point the other members are doing the meet and greet.

    I wouldn't pay to meet them personally, seems a bit lame but I would imagine a lot of the ashbaswag girls see the point.

  12. Didn't know any of that. I've never listened to a Nickelback album but I know their name is mud round here. Maybe I should have kept quiet lol!

    I like this album though, maybe he should have stuck with it rather than going the idol route.

  13. I bought their self titled album a couple of weeks ago. I'd never heard of them but it came up in a music you might like list at Amazon. I think the lead singer was on a TV talent/idol type show so I was a bit dubious but I actually really like the album. He has a great voice and there are some really good tracks. I wouldn't be surprised if GnR was one of their influences.

    Anyone else listened to this and enjoyed it...or not?

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