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Posts posted by BangoSkank

  1. What is with you people voting off the heavy songs before Don't Cry? 

    Right Next Door To Hell, Don't Damn Me, The Garden, Perfect Crime, Garden of Eden are all awesome.

    Don't Cry is so cliched lyrically and a snoozefest, surpassed only by This I Love.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, Arnuld said:

    This. I never thought this song in anyway was reflection of Axl’s or the band’s view on race, sexual orientation, or immigration. Instead I believe it was supposed to be told from the perspective of a character who was probably based on people Axl grew up with in rural Indiana. The lyrics are highly controversial but were not as controversial in 1988. Younger “woke” people would be offended by the song but they are offended by everything anyway. The music in the song is absolutely incredible especially Slash’s guitar solo.

    Agreed. It's OBVIOUSLY about a fictional character, based what he saw, experienced, and understood in rural America. I don't think Axl condones or even has those feelings. He's being truthful about what life is like for a lot people he saw growing up. 

  3. 15 hours ago, Gackt said:

    Since we're throwing recommendations out there:

    • Axiology (Thanatopsis)
    • Unison (Shin Terai)
    • Telescape (Pike #23)
    • Hold Me Forever (Pike #65)
    • Kareem's Footprint (Pike #145)
    • Project Little Man (Pike #104)
    • Coupon (Pike #234)
    • Galaxies (Pike #292)
    • Enter the Chicken (Buckethead & Friends)
    • Dawn of the Deli Creeps
    • Skeleton Farm (Cornbugs)
    • The Big Eyeball in the Sky (Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains)
    • Transmutation (Praxis)
    • Profanation (Praxis)
    • Arc of the Testimony (Arcana)
    • The 13th Scroll (Cobra Strike)
    • Somewhere Over the Slaughterhouse
    • Gorgone
    • The Dragons of Eden (with Brain & Travis Dickerson)
    • Intelligence Failure (with Viggo Mortensen)


    Ashba needs to post a public video apology to Buckethead if he wants any hope in pulling himself out of the hole he buried himself in.

    Hold Me Forever is unreal - absolutely at the top of my recommendation list. 

    11 hours ago, Rovim said:

    to be fair, DJ said he loves Bucket in this interview. I think he kept it respectful and just shared his opinion about his time in Gn'R. Didn't actually say something offensive towards the guy and a lot of other people agree with him that Bucket wasn't a good fit for Gn'R. Personally I think it was an inspired choice and a great fit, but it doesn't surprise me that a guy with DJ's background thinks that about Gn'R and Bucket when it comes to image.


    Yeah, if you actually read the interview with DJ it's not that bad. 

  4. So, so far the official Buckethead album recommendations in this thread are:

    Population Override - Bluesier sound

    Colma - brilliant, mellow, "graveyard music." My favorites are "Machete" & "For Mom"

    Electric Tears - Quiet music composed entirely on electric guitar

    Electric Sea - The sequel to Electric Tears

    Elephant Man's Alarm Clock - Highlights his crazy metal side. Loads of shredding and an intense sound. 

    Monsters & Robots - Just an insane album.

    Shadows Between The Sky - More in the vein of Colma & Electric Tears.

    Healing Inside Outside Every Side - another quieter album that's more recent. I play it while I work - love it. Seemed to help mellow a panicked feral kitten I had inside too.

    Inbred Mountain - Like Monsters & Robots, it's crazy as hell. It's a story album of finding and escaping Inbred Mountain. 

    Island of Lost Minds - More heavy avant garde madness. 

    Giant Robot - Classic early album, shows his full range on it.

    Metaron - Praxis album (I'm unfamiliar)

    Transmutation - Praxis album (I'm unfamiliar)

    Sacrifist - Praxis album (I'm unfamiliar)

  5. 6 hours ago, ToonGuns said:

    10000%. This is my main reason I want the CD vault to be emptied to make up for that missed opportunity.

    Completely agreed. It will hurt because it will also give me a "what might have been" feeling, but I'm still dying to hear it. I'm especially craving the heavier stuff they would have come up with. 

    6 hours ago, ToonGuns said:

    Forget the look then. It’s all about the music! Pop stars might look good but usually sound like shit. 

    Check out:

    Monsters and Robots

    Elephant Man’s Alarm Clock


    Praxis - Transmutation 

    They will get you going 👍

    Fixed it for you 👍

    I will throw in:

    Electric Tears

    Electric Sea

    Shadows Between The Sky

    Population Override

    And the new(er) Healing Inside Outside Every Side

    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, IrishgunnerII said:

    @BangoSkank I think the “axl broke up GNR” is more of a non gnr fan narrative that has become an easy thing to beat axl with. I don’t think it’s one that’s widespread amongst those of us who are hardcore GNR fans. Like most things in life, nuance and context matter. 
    And that’s why I as a GNR fan since the 2000s wished axl had said more because when my non GNR fan friends would say to me “sure axls nuts and he broke up the band”, I couldn’t point to axl saying stuff to dispel their points.

    Yup, I can't lie and say that his silence (and his showing up late to shows) didn't make it harder. Silence was his MO, but anytime he did speak up people would go crazy with excitement (see: his Eddie Trunk interview).

    But I do think the "Axl broke up the band" narrative is even pretty common in fan circles. They blame his erratic behavior, showing up late to things, weird work habits, etc. which is all fair, but even on the boards it seems like a lot of people leave out the huge faults of Slash, Duff, and others.

  7. 1 minute ago, IrishgunnerII said:

    While I’d agree bar one message board it wasn’t very pro axl, but why did axl let the others have free reign in the press to paint him in that light  ? I’ll never understand that as perception becomes reality, and axl let that narrative set in. 

    I honestly think he felt damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

    I agree he should have though. The times when he finally did speak out it shed a lot of light on things. When he came on the boards and talked about the perception that he held them hostage unless he signed the name over and how that was complete bullshit I kept thinking "more people should hear this". I also remember Izzy making a criticism about his guitar being unplugged without him knowing, then Axl later said, "that's cause Izzy was so fucked up! He'd be playing the wrong song." 

    I have always believed that the band mostly fell apart due to addiction issues and that it just got twisted over the years that Axl was a megalomaniac. 

    I fully agree though that he should have spoken out more - might have made his life easier. 

    1 minute ago, darkside259 said:

    omg dude this is like the oldest diss in the history of gnr, axl vs slash whats the point? if somone likes the axl music is just that, if another one likes the slash music is just that 

    The older I get the more I just so take this stance. Like who even cares anymore?

    • Like 3
  8. 10 hours ago, Towelie said:

    It is undeniable that many GNR fans backed Axl over Slash.

    That is so not true. If you spent a minute on GNR forums from 2000 to now it was (and is) a bash fest against Axl. If you read anything in the mainstream press or the alternative music press about GNR it always had heavily critical undertones (or overtones) against Axl. 

    I say this a staunch Axl defender - it was very, very lonely at times if you arguing a pro-Axl stance. 

    People still checked him out because he's Axl fucking Rose and he had the name, but they were also predisposed to hate him because of a lot of misinformation out there. And as far as the general perception in the press, it was always that "he was crazy, Slash and them left, and are so much cooler with their traditional rock music that has no BS attached."

    Side note: one phenomenon I noticed over the years is people who really supported Slash thought there were "Axl Nutters" everywhere online. Axl supporters say the same thing about Slash. I fall into the latter category. It's possible it's all just a matter of perception, but I really have no idea how people think the fanbase was dripping with Axl supporters. Just scroll through a few threads and you'll find some seriously mean shit said about him (mainly his weight) and people have been doing it for years. 

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