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Posts posted by Nick85

  1. Some of you are just incredible.

    All these "I don't want a rerelease even if there's new art & songs, it already flopped here, etc." Are probably the same folks who, if they were releasing a compltely new album this fall, would find fault with that as well. "No one cares about 'Chinese leftovers', it's gonna flop, blah blah blah...".

    As always, nothings official until we see it listed on Best Buy's site. But if it does happen, it's good to see Axl's trying to get something new out to fans, even if it is just a song two. It's still something.

    It seems some folks here are rooting for nothing to happen, so their cycle of complaints can go on forever.

  2. This is exciting and all, and I will buy the rerelease IF it has new songs, not just a new cover. That doesnt excite me.

    And Im with you Rawker, this ,makes 0 business sense, unless their is a substatial amount of new material and a video.

    Say SOD, Better,CITR,TIL,CD,TWAT and SIX NEW TRACKS, UNHEARD.... I could understand that, if there are some great potential hits in

    the unheards, there must be if the record company is gonna fork over the dough.....

    If this is about to happen, shouldnt they be promoting the shit right now?

    Maybe there will be band interviews, Axl interviews, music videos, viral marketing, bonus songs etc??

    Would be shocked if there wasn't at least a couple new songs on it. Either way, this is pretty exciting! :thumbsup:

  3. Well, like I said, we know that the band wanted to re-release CD during the states tour that was supposed to happen earlier this year. Now that it is happening, it looks like they're going to go ahead will the full plan, that is, to re-release Chinese Democracy in a deluxe edition this fall. :thumbsup:

  4. The only dangerous thing about the modern GNR is their dangerously sloppy management.

    Pretty much sums up the last three years in a nutshell.

    A perfectly orchestrated world tour is not sloppy

    Meh. Agree to disagree. Yes, they toured and that's not being disputed. Their PR, fan & otherwise, has been a disaster and a half. But then again, that's nothing entirely new. :shrugs:

  5. hrm, interesting since they have been telling us they couldn't access the site.

    I personally think that excuse is a crock of shit. It didn't stop them updating it when Axl did the interview with Del, or when management shot down the Chinese Democracy reality show rumor, or when Ashba was revealed as the new guitarist.


  6. I just wish there was an official GNR website that was actively run and managed by the band.

    Yeah, I really don't get why everything that happens with this band still gets the 'cloak & daggers' treatment. Weird for a band that doesn't really release music. :shrugs:

    Careful lads you are treading into the Axl police cupcake zone with your blasphemy.................... :rolleyes:

    Yeah, Volcano and Popcorn what's-his-name are going to get angry and bring out their inned "E-thug". On topic, a re-release would be brilliant, especially if there is no new album coming out.

    You idiots have serious mental issues and love to instigate an argument.

    Of course I wish their fuckin' website was a normal updated website but i'm not going to cry about like you guys.

    You know what's funny? You reiterate the fact that you love how Axl is his own man, how he does what he wants and how he is rock n roll and speaks his mind, yet when someone who doesn't think Axl is a God simple mentions what Guns could do better you call them haters. Are the 'haters' not just speaking their mind? Are they not just doing what they want? You say Axl doesn't work for us(he doesn't of course), but we also do not work for him. Praise is given when praise is due, same goes for criticism.

    I always say, some fans have a lot of trouble separating the art from the artist around here. You can buy tickets to the shows and buy his albums and, you know, still be a little baffled by his behavior from time to time.

    Van Gogh is one of my favorite painters. Dude was batshit crazy. Cut off his own ear. Axl's my favorite front man of all time. I can still lament the fact that he really doesn't speak to his fans and should release A LOT more of the music he has allegedly recorded over the past 12 years. See? ;)

  7. I mean shit, we aren't asking for their social security numbers, we just want them to throw us a bone....maybe even a "hey, axl and I have been working on a song together". Not the typical "I don't know,thats for axl to announce, not me" Then we hear 6 months later from Baz "Man, I heard this killer track with axl and dj".

    I can't remember any other band (popular or underground) that has been like this with basic information that every other band in the world relays to their fans.

    Can't argue with that. Tommy's been in GNR for since, what, 1998? He recently gets asked about the one thing the fans really want to know "What's up with the next album?" And he bats it away, stating that it's Axl's business. Lame and strange on so many grounds I won't even begin to discuss it.

  8. I'm just sayin', it's strange that everything that happens or that's planned is still so top-secret...But in the end, nothing really happens. We got, what, 1 album in the 12 years of NuGNR? All the secrecy gets a little idiotic after a while, when there's just not much to show for it...

    It would be nice if there was something actually going on for a change be it a re-release, new album, anything at this point.

  9. people in the u.s have not heard the new songs live



    Chinese D

    The Blues




    Have all been showcased in the states already. I don't think the band playing Catcher In The Rye in Omaha is going to complete the Chinese Democracy circle. :D

    On topic, if they rereleased CD with The General, Atlas Shrugged, & Soul Monster, I could honestly move on with the CD Era and start looking forward to a Ron & DJ Guns album. I think many fans who have followed the band throughout the making of that album would agree that those 3 songs still need to be heard.

  10. Think about it. If there is no new album this fall, like we'd been hoping, and this tour is more or less a continuation of the Chinese Democracy World Tour, I wonder if it would it be wise for GNR to reissue CD as a double album - complete with the new artwork, notes and cover that we've seen, along with a new song or two and some of those remixes that Brain was working on.

    I think that would be a cool way for the band to re-introduce CD to the states, and also would take some heat off the band putting out a whole new album. It also would leave the door wide open for the current lineup to start writing a new album soonish.

    In fact, there are signs that the ball has already started rolling on this. We know that the band was toying around with re-launching CD earlier this year on the heals of the U.S. tour that never happened. Well, now it is. Late this summer, we saw CD get marked down to $1.99 on Best Buy's website, re-enter the charts...then disappear completely from their website. Not to mention, the 2008 version of the album has even become somewhat scarce in Best Buy stores in recent months. Interesting.

    So anyway, how would you feel about a Chinese Democracy relaunch to support the upcoming tour? Good idea? Terrible?

  11. Tickets seem to be selling a little slow. You can still get the limit, 8, in both GA and in the lower 100 level. Tickets went a lot faster for the 06 show.

    I hate to sound like a broken record, but I really hope the band drops a new single soon, both to bring attention to the tour and to showcase how talented this band is. :thumbsup:

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