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Posts posted by StrangerInThisTown

  1. 39 minutes ago, 1991RS said:

    I have PROOF that it very well could sound like shit.. IRS, Prostitute and some others are almost unlistenable on the CD vinyl. To many layers and not enough space for the vinyl. The CD vinyl should have been on 3 records instead of just the two.

    My point was just it's not IMPOSSIBLE to put out a fine sounding 9 minute 7", which incidentally this same band has ALREADY put out. 30 years ago. People need to give it a rest with this shit we have video and audio of it existing, and there's still people denying it lol.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Eye on You could be cool with added and different lyrics and additional parts and instrumentals

    Meaning it could not be cool because none of those things probably happened 

    The lyric change is the big one, which is why it won't be coming out imo.

    We really don't need any more songs with Axl uttering the word "daddy" in the lyrics

    • Haha 1
  3. Japanese Prisoner Of Love that's a legitimate amazing fucking song, that 1+ minute long outro of Megadeth style riffing still blows me away everytime the way it just keeps ramping up at the end, just amazing and heavy as fuck like you wouldn't expect, I literally listen to it everytime I'm at the gym.

    And more ontopic: don't see why people are shitting on Justin reacting, reaction videos have been around since the start of Youtube itself, he just happens to be an actual real singer in a rather well known band. Those other reactors are just random people mostly, so seeing someone known like that react is pretty refreshing if anything. Myles already was on his channel, I'm calling it now he will have Slash on when he's promoting his new album next year

    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Rindmelon said:

    Burnout originally intended to be a GN'R song that found it's way on to a Les Paul tribute album ( unreleased sadly )  where Slash, Duff, Lenny Kravitz, Kenny Aronoff on drums and Iggy on vocals performed it.. 

    “We did a song that was supposed to be a Guns N' Roses song but Steven could never play. It's a slow blues  shuffle called Burnout. It's really different now though ' cause Iggy's singing.” ( SLASH Guitar World  Magazine February 1992) 

    It later went on to become Ain't life grand by Snakepit, the title track of there sophomore release. http://www.snakepit.org/knac00.html 

    This was YEARS before Slash ever thought of forming another band, recorded in 1991/1992, what's this got to do with Snakepit songs?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

    And according to Slash FTP origins from a later situation. I think from 2001 when he was working with some dudes from a band that I forgot the name of. Jellyfish maybe...? 

    Blackstar knows for sure :lol:

    Edit: Eric Dover was the guitarist for Jellyfisch. These guys were from Blackstone Cherry maybe? Something like this.

    He was working on some kind of band with the drummer of The Black Crowes, Steve Gorman, after Snakepit 2 folded but before VR

  6. Back And Forth Again is confirmed to be one of them since there even exists an actual recording of it that we heard a snippet of with Axl whistling over it on the Making Videos DVD.

    The rest I believe has always only been speculation. As far as I know there are also some unreleased outtakes from the 5 O clock sessions that never came out, so it could have been some of those also.

    • Like 3
  7. 9 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    I think it's safe to say that Monsters and Atlas are guaranteed to be released at one point or another (not necessarily together - I still think that The General and Monsters are tied together (not as "one song", of course) or at least were going to be released together, but the plan changed probably due to the poor quality of the vinyl pressing.

    Why would we assume they take off Monsters now just because it's a poor quality vinyl? That has more to do with it just being a poor quality vinyl pressing like many other bands have experienced in the last few years, and they didn't put 9 minute songs on there. This band, when they were one of the biggest bands in the world, released a great sounding 7" vinyl with 9 minutes of November Rain on the A side. All they really need to do is find a better manufacturing facility. So why would we assume they take off a song instead of doing that? Doesn't seem logical to me

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  8. 29 minutes ago, Fozzie Bear said:

    You’re really going to waste a minute of your life doing this? Why? Who gives a shit about some crappy orchestrations for songs that suck. Is this what your life has been reduced to? Go out and get laid! 

    You went out of your way to reply and wasted time of your life complaining about him doing that, is that any better lmao you should take your own advice

    • Haha 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    It went from being to one of my least favorite GnR songs to one of my favorites of the leftovers. It really is a jarring first listen with the lyrics and the mix, but once it clicks, there’s a lot to like.

    I fucking love it, now. Might be the most metal GNR chorus out there. Wish he wrote some different lyrics for the second half though. No biggie

    I didn't believe I would like it at all even after like 5 listens:lol:Strange how that goes, many people will probably never get into it ever. I believe it also had to do with Monsters being kind of an instantly accessible type of song that overshadowed it and clicks immediately with that britpop chorus. Might've gotten into it quicker if only The General had leaked.

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  10. 20 minutes ago, F*ck Fear said:

    I'm concerned with people's hearing, but that's a debate for another day. At least they're playing new tunes.

    Now I'll crawl back into my hole and stop following the live shows.

    I'm not gonna lie the first listen of The General was "what the fuck is this". But a song growing on you absolutely is a real thing, I "get" the song now.  I put it into the same category as something like Shacklers, it was never meant as something with a broad appeal, it's a you love it or you'll hate it, no inbetween thing sort of song. And Axl is over 60 years old. Consider these things when you listen to it.

    I think it sounds better live than on the leak, rasp in parts where in the studio it was sung clean, and the orchestra pops out more.


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  11. 5 minutes ago, Lethalis said:

    Yet so many other bands release albums... including Duff and Slash :lol:

    I'm not saying it's not a valid way to release your music nowadays, just that it isn't the "go to" way anymore that you need to do. These days it is now just put out all the singles before the album has even released, to get the pre-order up, so you can say it charted at #1 when it releases, and then the album is pretty much dead in the water only a month after that. At that point you might aswell just keep putting out singles indefinitely instead of an album. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Paultobiass said:

    Wow just woke up and saw video on Reddit. I saw they sound checked but went to but not thinking Ax was gonna do it. Wow I need better audio so bad but in the YouTube video axl sounded really awesome to me. Slash awesome. If I could hear everything better I’d like live better then leak even. Live doesn’t sound like some say “dated” which I get the leak definitely gave some vibes of trends/music that was cool when it was created years ago. Went to Apple Music hoping for a proper release guess not yet. Rlyyyyy happy w the live performance id wager Monster might be tougher idk we shall see. 

    Glad to see you finally managed to bury the hatchet with Slash, Paul.

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  13. 22 minutes ago, Mikey Whipwreck said:

    Would be a mistake. They should release them together on vinyl.

    The whole drip feed thing seems like an exercise in laziness, cash grabbing and fear of criticism.

    Releasing the songs one or two at a time gets the few fans who still care about new music to spend $15-20 on the single multiple times instead of $15-20 once. And there's no real criticism from the wider world. An album or even 6 song EP would attract more scrutiny.

    Yet it's counterproductive. The General reminds me of the kind of song you find on many concept albums. As a standalone it's kind of weird and off putting. But as a part of a larger theme or narrative it works. It really is enhanced by having it lead in to Soul Monster, regardless of whether or not they're directly connected. 

    I don't agree that an album or even EP is necessary in 2023, it's no longer an album oriented music world and it hasn't been for years now, all you need is a new single every now and then to keep your fans interested. Albums are so much work and they are quickly forgotten and fall off the charts very fast a few weeks after they're out, it's not like it used to be, where albums would only get bigger after they're released.

    But I agree the one-two punch of The General followed by Monsters is awesome to listen to, they should keep that. Especially for the fans who confused Monsters to be The General all these years.

    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Arnuld said:

    After listening to these two tracks a bunch it’s obviously Slash on Soul Monster. But I’m not sure about the general. The more I listen to it it sounds more like Robin and then Bucket on that outro. Is anyone else thinking the same? 

    The fact that people are confusing Slash with Buckethead is hilarious to me as someone who is a guitar player. It will only be about a month from now until these people who still believe it's not Slash will find out what a fucking idiot they are. I literally can't put it any more bluntly than that. I can't wait

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