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  1. So much for the tolerant left I'm glad there are few who still retain an ounce of ability to discern multiple points of view inside the mob.
  2. Fake fake fake fake fake fake. It's terrible. It sounds like what's on YouTube already. I'm guessing Dummy was involved in making this.
  3. It's all coming from the same source so you can't cherry pick what parts sound like they could be real. Just listen to Oklahoma and Ides of march. Laughable. They all sound like Ai Axl Silly vocals. Fake. Fake. Fake.
  4. Agreed. All new song vocals are jumbled up gibberish, almost sounding like a word or phrase but not quite. All in the same tone, like those AI YouTube channels, that's how the voice sounds, it's dumb. The person should focus on remixing Oh My God a bit more.
  5. Congratulations Spain. I'm still proud of our 3 lions, we reach finals consistently, we will go again.
  6. England!!! Ollie WATKINS TAKE A BOW!!!
  7. We'd have a hearty disagreement. Let's not promote stereotypes.
  8. his country didn't turn up then.
  9. How do you dare razzle anyone with your American football and the like lol
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