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Everything posted by AxlRoseCDII

  1. I tried to make a thread for what I brought up by the way. Don’t know if it’s a glitch or whatever but it wouldn’t let me make the thread so that’s why I asked it here.
  2. Wanted to make a poll but it won’t let me make a new thread. What’s your guys favorite song of the 3? Mine is Perhaps>Hard Skool>Absurd Absurd’s production is better than HS but I like HS more as a song. Absurd is still great though. Perhaps is a musical treat to me. Love it, but I’m also a CD nerd.
  3. I really just want The General because it’s basically all new to us. Yeah there’s the shitty cell phone clip and Evaders thing but to me I don’t get a good feel for the song at all.
  4. I like Atlas a lot for the record. But it just didn’t seem to resonate with anyone here, I’d say it’s more disliked than liked on average. I really would hope they fleshed it out since the Village leak, especially due to how grand everyone says it became over time.
  5. Judging by the fan reception to Atlas I don’t know if they would be chomping at the bit to redo it. It seems like no one really liked it here or at very most were underwhelmed by it. I’d say The General is more likely since we’ve seen it on setlists.
  6. I know it hasn’t been officially released but I would personally throw Going Down in there. The mix certainly isn’t grand but it’s basically a finished and polished song that would fit right in on CD. Sucks it was all but done but never got played live and will likely never see the light of day.
  7. One thing I really love about Perhaps is that I really think it has some of Axl’s best lyric work of the Chinese era. It’s the first song since the UYI era that really had lyrics that made me sit down and think about what they could mean, Axl’s state of mind, and despite listening to it for 4 years I still don’t fully know what it’s about. It’s not in the same way of TWAT, which feels kind of like a man just rambling, or TIL which is a soppy love song, but something really artistic and thought provoking.
  8. Because Finck’s was one of the best GNR solos of all time.
  9. I hope they took it down for a week to record a better Slash solo. All jokes aside, I'm super happy and excited. Glad to have been wrong about this coming out or not. Gonna listen to this on loop for days to come.
  10. Weren’t there a month of dates throughout October though beyond the 3rd that got postponed?
  11. The tour was meant to go on for another month or so but got cancelled due to covid. In that tour it was only a few months long so Hard Skool was roughly the intended 2/3rd point. However I think if they did another physical release they’ll want a second song so I won’t give up hope entirely. It could still happen just not holding my breath.
  12. Yeah. I think for Hard Skool there was more hope because it was soundchecked in 2019 and 2020. The General has never been soundchecked (to our knowledge). Maybe that bizarre clip from last summer was it but I really doubt it. At a minimum, they could plan to release it anyways without a live performance when the physical CD comes out, and just put the song on the setlist to be safe. But I’m not holding my breath.
  13. That is true. But compared to the grand scheme of the world tour, they are at the end of it. Would’ve made more sense to drop a single in the first half and then another in the second half, not two back to back. But who knows.
  14. The General is on the setlist. Or at least was. However, I agree the chances of hearing it are low. Hasn’t been soundchecked, the tour is close to wrapping up and we don’t have much time for another single.
  15. First GNR supports local pubs around the worlds, then helps out radio stations. Good guy Axl Rose.
  16. I’m thinking GNR is probably finding this thread funny so they’re just gonna delay the song another week to see the chaos that erupts.
  17. They soundchecked Hard Skool at a significant number of shows since 2019, and that song took an eternity to come out. In fairness, I could see a 2025, maybe 2026 release date for this song if the 18th doesn’t come true.
  18. I agree TB didn’t “do this to us”. However I really do firmly believe when there’s a CGI graphic that was rendered with a date, whether we were supposed to know or not, it’s extremely fair for people to conclude that it’s happening then.
  19. The “just live your life” people mean well but should know we are living our life. We’re not sitting around all day staring at the counter or unable to get out of bed or function. But by the same metric it’s extremely valid to care and I think it’s not fair to say you shouldn’t be anticipatory or focus on new music. GNR means a lot to all of us, and some us fixate and focus on our hobbies in life, in general, more than others.
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