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Posts posted by AxlRoseCDII

  1. 7 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Yeah, like not releasing a song on the date they had initially planned and which we happened to find out about. Fuck them for doing that to us!

    I agree TB didn’t “do this to us”. However I really do firmly believe when there’s a CGI graphic that was rendered with a date, whether we were supposed to know or not, it’s extremely fair for people to conclude that it’s happening then.

  2. 11 minutes ago, doakes said:

    Everybody needs to calm the fuck down… What a study in the the disintegration of social structures this thread is.

    If we hadn’t have learned of this linkfire countdown through some sleuthing then we’d have nothing to complain about now. Our own curiosity has brought us this current anguish. 

    It will come out when in comes out… Although one could sympathize with Axl if he decided to say “fuck the weirdo fanatics” and never release another song after reading what this thread devolved into, regarding his loved ones.

    If we hadn’t heard about the Linkfire thing we would’ve found out about the TouchTunes release. Not to mention multiple band members and a tour manager teasing a new song for years, them rehearsing it for months while refusing to play it, radio station hosts saying the song should’ve already been out, etc. 

    The whole industry knows about this damn song, linkfire or not. Yet this band doesn’t capitalize on any excitement and is releasing it, if at all, near the end of a tour when no one cares.

    • Like 4
  3. 4 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

    Yeah, just not understanding why it actually matters if it's formally released or not. That doesn't change anything. You've heard the song. It won't sound nearly as good live. Wanting it to be released and played live is fine, but if it doesn't come out on the 18th, nothing has changed. It's still going to come out. 

    It would be nice to be able to add it to my playlists in good quality, how the artist intends for us to hear it, without downloading it or having to listen to it as some bizarre upload. It would be nice to be able to send it to some family and friends without explaining how much of a dork I am for knowing this and saying that this is a demo that should’ve been out last century. By the time you explain that no one gives a shit. Not to mention just be excited to see your band pretending not to be a soulless nostalgia act and actually attempting to have any artistic integrity.

    This is GNR. It was supposed to come out the 11th. If they keep pushing and pushing the release, the way this band works, it will never be out. It’s Chinese Democracy all over again. The goalposts will move and move as long as the band allows Axl to, aka forever. It’s been 2 years. Entire albums, hell, entire goddamn films are made and released in that timespan. 

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    I revisited the 2019 thread about the Perhaps leak. It was hailed as if it was the second coming of Jesus, as were some of the other leaks. "One of the best GN'R songs ever", "one of the best songs ever". With that rave response, it's logical that GN'R might have thought that it was one of the tracks to be prioritized for release.

    Maybe the response was the result of a collective delusion caused by the euphoria of hearing previously unheard songs after a long time, but it's interesting to observe the partial shift in regards to the song from then to now.


    I still sort of feel that way about Perhaps, personally. I think it’s a shame that Axl never recorded a second verse though, and why I don’t think I will be able to say it’s one of the best GNR songs of all time. I still think it’s a very good track though, much better than it’s given credit for nowadays. It’s very melodic, epic, and a great evolution from the UYI albums. 

    • Like 3
  5. 28 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    The main difference is in how he sings "behaviour" (the last syllable). Could that be an effect?

    I don't think it's current Axl. Only the low vocals on the chorus could be recent.

    The fact that he recorded new vocal takes for Perhaps at some point makes me optimistic that he may have recorded proper vocals for State of Grace.

    The “behavior” to me sounds more like how modern Axl enunciates in the modern age. It’s hard for me to say if he really would’ve been recording in 2023 though, it’s possible it’s a 2006 or 2007 recording though? 

  6. I wouldn’t say it’s not coming out on Friday just because it was taken off the app. I’ve been pretty vocal about my opinion though that there’s a good chance that they may delay or shelve the release to spite us further now that we’ve heard it. But it being taken off the app isn’t proof of that.

    If it doesn’t happen this Friday though, in my opinion it’ll either come out in months, years, or never. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

    No. My not enjoying CD is more to do with all the beeps and computer effects it has. I found it to be too busy and nothing stood out as memorable and I didn't like Axl's vocals.

    I'm not hating it because Slash isn't on it, that's a bit mental :lol:

    Perhaps not everyone, but I truly believe there’s a significant portion of fans, moreso casual, who never gave CD material a chance purely based off of the fact Slash wasn’t on it.

    I personally feel the material stands on its own and some of the tracks are the best in the GNR discography. There are some stinkers, yes, and I agree some of the beeps and layers are stupid, but I am of the opinion that the album contains some of GNR’s best work.

    • Like 4
  8. 26 minutes ago, Jwalker19 said:

    I wouldn't go this far, but I understand where you're coming from. It's so strange to me. What has happened to him?

    It’s bizarre. I even feel like his tone is nowhere near what it used to be and a lot of his solos (SOD and Dead Horse come to my mind) are noodle fests. I think it’s been a decline on the level of Axl circa 2011-2014, but no one ever talks about it.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Skamos66 said:

    Ok, I may have broken the code:

    If the TouchTunes Jukebox has a headphone port, it should be possible to use a "USB To 3.5mm Jack Audio Adapter", plugging the USB side into a laptop & the audio jack into the Jukebox, then recording the output using Audacity. (Free audio program)

    I’m sure bar owners would be thrilled to see a customer doing this.

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