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Posts posted by Powderfinger

  1. On 2018-07-13 at 2:14 PM, DieselDaisy said:

    You can buy a Guns passport; you can buy merchandising relating to a Guns airline: I sense an itinerant theme occurring here?

    Axl has convinced Slash and Duff to join him in his dictatorial mission.

    A National Airline.... Passports for their own Country...... GNRJIHAD Starts Now...

  2. 14 hours ago, Towelie said:

    I think it was beyond tacky to cover SFTD anyway. There are just some songs you don't cover and Sympathy is one of em.

    For anyone who wants to know why: 

    Richards and Taylor’s solos are fucking brilliant. Superior to the studio version for me by a long long shot. 

    Slash said Ya-Yas was a live album he listened to along with Aerosmith’s. He also has mentioned Mick Taylor as an influence on him. I’m sure he played it differently for a reason, a reverence for what can’t be improved on. 

    As much as I love Guns, and saw them at their peak, but maybe not their best in 92 (still have the bootleg shirt I bought outside the venue) the Stones win every time for me.... 

    Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers & Exile on Main Street is a great run of brilliant albums, they were also killer live from 69-73. 

    • Like 2
  3. Commiserations to the English Forum members, I think this team is the first group of English players & Manager who have deserved a World Cup since probably 1990. There’s a spirit and unity in the squad, they are a young team and a young manager. Southgate is a class act, much as I like Big Sam, he wouldn’t have got them as far as Southgate has. 

    Be proud, get over it, have a few pints.... You’ll be celebrating winning the Euro’s at home in London in 2 years time. 

    (I can daydream about Ireland beating England, in London, but y’know...... 😂) 


    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, rossco said:

    i pre ordered the SOYL t-shirt (released 29th june supposedly) from the gnr online uk store back in may this year, 

    I've just received an email to say that they have been deleted from supplier and are currently unavailable. ( what a load of crap ) :facepalm:

    also managed to find my way onto the german online store and to my amazement they have twice the products that the uk store has, and some new t-shirts I've not seen before. :smiley-confused2:

    why the f••• is this, seriously talk about utter bullshit. :question:






    the joys of being a guns n roses fan in 2018 :shrugs::facepalm:

    anyone else had this issue with t-shirts?

    can you post the link to the german store? Cant seem to find it. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Bitchisback said:

    does anyone here have the slightest idea how this stuff works?  The record label is putting this out with the bands blessing.


    The fact is Geffen never ended up making any money on Chinese Democracy.  This is them making that money back and giving something cool to the fans.  


    You guys act like this is what Axl and Slash talked about at their reunion dinner.


    The record label probably went to the guys and said "hey we have all these great demos in the vault, with the tour being so successful we think it is a good time to release them"  Ask Slash and Duff agreed, the label remastered the album out together the sets and A/S/D signed off on it.


    I mean Jesus.  Only GnR fans would act like the band is out to get them by releasing a pretty par for the course Deluxe Edition.


    Go to a cd store.  Tons of bands have sets like this out today.  Since the label isn't making money on 15 dollar CD sales anymore they have to make it somehow.  Box sets like this sell.


    If ANYTHING people should support this because the more money the label makes the more money they will be willing to give Guns to record a new album.


    Music is still a business when it comes to record labels. 🙄

    You’re deluded, I collect a lot of music stuff and box sets. This is most expensive box set I’ve seen for ONE album! You might pay a few hundred for a box set of EVERY album a band releases but a thousand bones for ONE.... 

    If you for a second think the band had no say in the pricing you’re sadly wrong. This is EXACTLY the shit the shit they talked about!  Look at the gnr merch site before and after the reunion. be payin' their hard

    “Ripping off the kids while they be paying their hard earned money” 

    You are their target market. 

    Dont tell the rest of us we have no right to complain. Some take it in the ass and some don’t. You buy it and I’ll steal it from you. Thanks. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 8 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Rose's sizable arse now accommodates a whole manner of people, Messrs Adler, Sorum and Izzy. Adler briefly got pulled out, but then got reinserted after a show too many in Argentina. Probably poor Marc Canter is up there somewhere also (no wonder we don't hear much from him these days)?

    Should Roses sizeable arse ever prolapse it will be like the birth of a new band galaxy . 

  7. Why can Axl sing fine with AC/DC but sounds crap with Guns. There’s flashes of the old Axl, but not for an entire song. 

    I saw Guns 3 times on the NITL tour and while some parts were brilliant, mostly I was just bored out of my tits. 

    Whereas I saw The Stones 5 times on their current tour and they blew me away each time. There was fuck ups, dud notes, missed que’s. But it was live and real, and they got better every show, the songs were changed around to accommodate age but they played the songs live and differently each night.

    I also got £90 & £400 tickets for £35 with the Lucky Dip tickets. The Stones felt honest. They’re not the same band they were in 72, but I don’t expect them to be. Its 2018. I expect them to still be a band though and they are. 


    Slash and Du$$ coming back has been an anti climax. The Chinese songs were  toured for almost 10 years. Pull your ginger head out of your arse Axl and cut out the shite. I don’t want a 3 hour show. I want 2 hours of YOUR music! Not an hours worth of fucking cover songs. The whole thing smacks of money. The stage show is to distract you from the car crash you’re hearing. 

    Keith is the soul of the Stones, he keeps them a band. Izzy was the soul of Guns, he wanted to keep them a band.

    It would have made more sense for them to have toured 10,000 seater venues each year from 1991 until right now than have all the members leave and the band gone awol for years. 

    The original 4 minus the ginge would be great.

    • Like 2
  8. On 2018-02-26 at 9:57 AM, DieselDaisy said:











    I did 

    Dublin May 17

    London May 22

    London May 25

    Southampton May 29

    Coventry June 2

    They were excellent every show, still the worlds greatest rock n roll band.... 

  9. 4 minutes ago, TheHelgo said:

    well, i was on the fence at $650 - leaning slightly to 'yes' depending on the whole package.  at $1000, I can't do it.  I went ahead with the super delux though.  I'm a sucker for memorabilia, and that package appears to have the bulk of what is in the box - minus the 'hand made' stuff.  I bought through the gnr site as well - not sure why, but that is the way I went.

    This is me also. It’s twice the price I expected it to be. I’ll buy the super deluxe version and in keeping with the spirit of Appetite and GNR, I’ll steal the $1400 version. Fuck the man.

    (in this case the man is: fat Axl, fat slash, and money grabber Duff) 

    I don’t need all the bollocks that comes with the locked n loaded release. I need the vinyls and that’s it. How much extra does it cost to have five fuckin skull rings and bandanas and a plethora of other bollocks. 

    Theres no in between vinyl only box set type thingy, that they coulda flogged for $650.

    I even have a title: 

    “Nevermind the Bollocks here’s only the shit you want” 

    10,000 units is not that limited. I’ve seen a lot of box sets of that quantity in record stores 7/8 years after release. To a 17 year old kid who downloads most of their shit, wtf does a skull ring, badge and Bandana mean to him. Unless he wants his ass kicked at school. That kid is going to look at this release the same way I looked at money grabbing fuck bands in the 80s/90s. Kiss scream and beg to be number 1 on the list of offenders. 

    (I won’t steal it from an independent store, it’ll be a chain, if I can find one, if not it’ll be the bastard local guy that over prices every fucking record) 



    • Haha 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, Tadsy said:

    All of this is just another way to take your money and keep you interested until the next merch release! 

    Until this band decides to reunite properly, or release NEW music, then the whole thing is just a PR money making machine and I won't be giving it anymore coin! 

    Wake me if something happens! 😎

    Who the fuck complains about an album like appetite possibly being released with some unheard stuff and maybe an appetite tour doc, they didn’t just have cameras around on the illusions tour... 

    I would have bought a reissued deluxe AFD 2 weeks after it was released, and so would a lot of other people... Instead we bought Lies.....

    If Lies has been released as part of a Appetite for destruction reissue 2 weeks after the original dropped, it would have sold. That’s 30 years ago. It will sell again. Not to you it appears, but if it’s done like the Metallica reissues, it could be great.  

    And if this kick starts the opening of the vaults and the slightest glimmer of hope for the Illusions out takes and your doc coming along, I’ll buy 2 of the fucking things. 

    I’m sure it’ll be open wallet surgery but c’est la vie. 


  11. 40 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    There was a bootleg that was leaked awhile back, Ritz 1987 if memory serves, and I was instantly reminded of what that band sounded like. I urge you to listen to it. Adler is as important as any of them. 

    This, if you want to know the difference between then and now watch this show. Adler is GNRs drummer. Not brilliant, not amazing, not Axl. But he’s the best Guns drummer to date.

  12. I fucking love The Doors. 

    I would rank the studio albums:

    Starnge Days

    The Doors

    LA Woman

    Waiting For The Sun

    The Soft Parade

    Morrison Hotel

    I also like American Prayer, but top of the pile for me is the “In Concert” album. There’s a killer version of The Celebration Of The Lizard on there, and a Brilliant version of Not to touch the earth also.

    Backdoor Man & Five to One sounds great on that album also. CD 1 is out there on vinyl as Absolutely Live and I spin it at least every month.... 

    The doors are the one band I would use my gig time machine for. 😂

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Maybe they should change their lyrics? 'Thou shall not be on the Nightrain''. ''Back off (that woman who should have equal dignity with men)''. 


    I get up around seven, Go to yoga about nine.

    Head to the gym around 11, sippping green tea and feeling fine.


    We’ve been Jogging with, Sensei Benny. He ain’t rockin, motherfucker, motherfucker won’t let me get stoned. 


    I used to jog a little, but the little wouldn’t do it, so I started to jog more and more.

    Just kept trying to jog a little further, a little further than before. 

    I used to Kick box a little, but the little wouldn’t do it, so I started to kick box more and more.

    Just kept trying to get my foot a little higher, a little higher than before.


    We’ve been sober, for far too long now, we can’t remember, motherfucker motherfucker it’s ok to get stoned.



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    • Haha 2
  14. 3 hours ago, BorderlineCrazy said:

    No, that's bullshit made up by you (like the whole Loaded tour bullshit that you've repeated at least 100 times).

    Argentina was when he showed up a day before the first show, stayed in the same hotel as the rest of the band, went to the soundcheck with all of them (except for a certain member who never shows up) and a few minutes before the show, Axl saw him and said "what the fuck is he doing here?" showing he lives in his own world and has no idea what's going on with his own band. Other than him, everyone knew Steven was there since they were all with him.


    Picture from Meegan of Steven doing the soundcheck "the wrong day".

    Picture from Susan from the nigth Steven "wasn't supposed to be there".

    Everyone was clearly pissed off and upset at Steven for being there. Everyone, not just some guy with control issues... :rolleyes:

    SHOULD be impossible but this is the most fucked up band ever. Let's not forget the very same thing happened to Slash when he tried to see a show in Las Vegas (then they claimed he showed up guitar in hand, blah blah blah). And let's not forget many """GNR fans""" were ok with this and thought it was the right thing to do and that Slash was a mediocre asshole who shouldn't be anywhere remotely close to GNR :jerkoff:

    I couldn't tell you with words how disappointed I felt that day when Steven left the stage after playing only ONE SONG. I wasn't even expecting this stupid band to play the entire Appetite with the only drummer they have who actually knows the songs, I was just expecting them to give me the TWO songs that they had been playing with him before. It was the easiest thing in the world and still they failed to deliver. Intentionally. It was the ultimate demonstration that they don't give a shit about their fans.

    Whats with all the sense youre talking, it’s kinda freaking me out! 

    You can’t just go around telling the truth and backing it up with quotes around here!!! 😂 

    Begone foul “real news” demon. I cast you out in the name of Izzy. 

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