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Posts posted by Powderfinger

  1. 3 hours ago, action said:

    Slash has called NUGUNS hacks before, refering to DJ as "the one with the top hat"

    but when Steven does it, he needs to shut up.

    aren't people shutting up enough already as it is? god dammit, it's not like GNR are working on a secret alien spacecraft is it? the secrecy surrounding this band is bordering on the insane.

    Steven, dude, say what you want. you deserve to be behind that kit, and so does Izzy.

    Well said Steven.

    Izzy’s a shit drummer that’s why he moved to guitar....

    • Haha 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Tom-Ass said:

    He is listed as a co-writer.. His drumming on that album is iconic.. His contributions to songs like Brownstone, Jungle and Paradise City are more than noticeable and the songs wouldn't be the same without them.  He was also on an 8 song masterpiece called LIES and was involved with the creation of many of the Illusions songs.. Songs that in the end would have sounded better with him on them.

    His drumming on that album has held up well compared to what a lot of drumming had become in the 80s. Over produced, terrible sounding echoey crap.

    His drumming was a mix of punk, rock, metal, bluesy, groovy, funk stuff. I think people who play in bands know how they work, what makes things unique and how songs / drum parts are written. There is a real blend of style between the different sections of the songs, they still sound great today.  

    I’d put my life on the fact that while Slash Izzy & Duff were jamming on acoustics, Steven was banging on pillows or pizza boxes with his sticks feeling out the song, and suggesting how many beats something should go for and how to transition between the intro/verse/bridge/solos.... 

    Listen to him jam locomotive during that mates rehearsal! That’s the difference between Appetite & Illusions. Sorum was more plodding, his drum sound was shit  though in his defence on the illusions tour...

    Songs like Don’t Cry sounded better with though with Steven behind the kit than the epic ballad shit they became with Sorum

    Steven was a big part of the bands sound if you know what you are hearing.

    Probably his greatest accomplishment in GNR was he a made the fucking cowbell sound acceptable. It was there in a cool Stones’y kinda way, and not in a Will Ferrell / reaper way... It gave them a unique quality as did all the rest of the guys with their nuances.

    I guess if all you hear is the dude singing and maybe some guitar your gonna think “what the fuck, I could be a drummer it’s piss easy, he just sits there” 

    It’s Like he’s the Homer of the operation. 

    Well he is. But he can do one thing. Play the bollocks out of the drums.

    He’s a genuine guy in he holds nothing back, he describes it in the wrong way, and with too much detail but he’s essentially an ok guy.

    But he’s also a bag of spiders that’s been set loose, he’s akin to having a conversation with 18 chihuahuas....  that fucker will live until he’s 100. He’s too fucking happy. I couldn’t be around him for any longer than 90 seconds before something bad might happen. 😂 

    Its obvious the guy never grew up. Cmon dude. It’s 2018...., average suburbia is doing drugs, having threesomes and drinking. Shut the fuck up and get on with it. It’s a part of life, but so is going to work and getting some shit done.

    He clearly can’t do that. He’s like a child. Slash, Duff & Izzy could get their shit done. Not Steven. I doubt that will ever change.

    But his contribution to the bands sound is there on any number of songs in any number of ways to be heard. 

    • Like 1
  3. I started reading the thread on link you posted and came across:

    "This I Love' is actually an old GN'R song that the original GN'R wrote and recorded for the 'Illusion' records. I like that song a lot.. it took a couple of weeks to find all the tapes, because they finished recording 'Use Your Illusions' on the road and one tape was in Paris, another in London, and another in Sydney, I believe." (Dave Dominguez, Sp1at, 04/21/05

    This I Love was recorded by the original band?

    Its a great read, thanks for posting it.

  4. 3 hours ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    What's this logic behind your statement wtf? Why would that question stop him from getting guests?:shrugs:

    It’s only my assumption, but asking shitty questions is not the best way to entice someone into an interview. If you knew the guy on previous to you was raked over the coals you’re hardly likely to want to be next! 

    Maybe sidman can fill us in? 

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  5. On 2018-03-29 at 8:39 AM, Alejandro GNR said:

    I still cant believe you wont ask anyone about Axls vocals change in the 2000’s....specially to Sean and Doug.

    You should interview Axls vocal coach

    Be grateful for what you get! This guy does an excellent job. There’s some shit that can’t be asked if you want to keep getting guests!!

    But given you know exactly what you’re looking for in an interview, I suggest you watch Pump up the volume and start your own podcast. 

    I still can’t believe you haven’t done it! 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, kiwiguns said:

    Why does it even matter.

    These people have no involvement or influence with the band or current band members. 

    Its all in the past.

    These people and some posters need to start looking at the now and the future.

    The only thing that matters is 2 people have put there past issues behind them, and the current band seem happy, content and getting on with life.

    Others should do the same.




    I recall some wankers on here saying the same pre NITL. 

    “Move on Slash ain’t coming back” 

    I like the original 5, if only Izzy came back great, but that’s what I like and fuck anyone who thinks they will tell me what I like and don’t like. 

    “No involvement with the band” .... Who wrote the songs they are playing for $$$$$ on this tour. VIP packages where you don’t meet the band.... 

    You can choose to go or not go. But you have to allow it to be discussed. 

    • Like 3
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  7. 9 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

    Why fuckin' say he won the cup you dozy cunt, thats narrowing the fuckin' field down a bit isn't it?  All someones gotta do is think back to when you opened at the Hard Rock for GnR and you've narrowed down at least what team he plays for, that fuckin' bloke sorted you out with mushrooms and he gets nearly grassed up for it, nice one Jim :lol:

    Not everyone knows the code.... 😉

  8. 4 hours ago, rudolf1978 said:

    What id the meaning if this like....un from Spain i undersand all the song id about less this

    But that old man IS a real motherfucker im going to Kick him down the líne. 

    I always thought the line was “but that old man he’s a real motherfucker gonna kick him on down the line. 

    It could be looked at a few ways:

    - To quit drugs

    - To get a fix and keep the withdrawals from kicking in. You “kick” the withdrawals down the road until the fix starts to wear off.

    - Shooting up, mainlining was Izzy and Slashs method. Kick him on down the line, get the vein (the line) and inject. 

  9. On 2018-03-14 at 4:31 PM, Oldest Goat said:


    I never said anything about you and can't be bothered reading all the posts. I simply read something on a previous page and said wow anyone who would do that is a total douchebag, for the reasons I already explained.

    Who is a white knight? Me? I've been called many things but never that lol.

    I can’t be arsed reading about the topic, I see a comment 16 pages in and decide to go “wow” to one post, react and form an opinion.......

    The basis of all great thought.....



  10. 7 hours ago, dgnr said:

    Lol...When I first looked at it I thought they switched Izzy's skull for Frank's. I was so ready to be pissed :P Then I realized they putted red beards on all of them and a shamrock on Izzy's hat (is this a hint for something?) :lol: Happy St. Patrick's Day ☘️☘️☘️


    I'm flying home to see The Stones in Croke Park May 17 and London on the 22.....Maybe it's a hint that they will be supporting The Stones in Croker as a warm up show for their European Tour.....

    AC/DC supported The Stones maybe 10 years ago.

    ( clutching at straws to justify the F**kin $ I'm  spending going to see a band in their 70s) 😂

    Axl & Slash could come out and play sympathy for the devil with the stones. The healing process come full f**kin circle.... Peace on earth & good will to all men, bollocks like that. 

    I wonder if Guns will still be touring in their 70s...... 

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