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Posts posted by allwaystired

  1. 10 hours ago, 6lake sa66ath said:

    Was Hard Skool available on Amazon for 4 quid though.

    Perhaps is a Japanese import so not much of a comparison.

    I don't know actually, I ordered Hard Skool from the official site at the time. 

    Imports do tend to be a little more pricey, but it does seem very highly priced to me. I can see it getting a wider release though pretty soon. 

  2. 59 minutes ago, Nintari said:

    What's really amazing to me is how someone can be a fan of Axl Rose and be such a woke, politically correct, soft little bitch. Seriously. It's beyond me.

    If valuing the feelings and rights of women and not coming out with ignorant tosh about sexual assault and "not being able to enter the same room as a woman without asking for permission" makes you a "woke, politically correct, soft little bitch" then personally, I'm happy to be that. 

    It's a lot more fun then being a sexist neandathal moron. Worth a try sometime. 


    • Like 3
  3. 16 hours ago, Sweersa said:

    I live in a rural area (not a city) where I'm certain a majority of homes have firearms, and there's constant shooting but target shooting for sports and some hunting. I suppose it's cultural, in the city, it's another situation. (Crime is far more common there)

    Haha I'm probably on whatever list that would be so I can Google it for you. :P My gun dealer even says that, as when I purchase exotic things (suppressors, short barreled rifles, machine guns, etc.) my government approval times are shockingly fast. He says I must be being watched because they approve my stuff too fast. Onetime my background check failed because it said I wasn't old enough to buy a gun, it was my 32nd birthday so it must have caused an error. Re-ran the check, and I was old enough lol

    First time I've ever heard of a machine gun being described as 'exotic'. 


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  4. 58 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

    Shocking that they paid for it and no doubt it sounds great, based on his form....my guess they're saving it for some fanclub gift (they still have all those live gigs mixed from 91-93 to use too) or double dip anniversaries.

    My guess would genuinely be that it's been scrapped alongside all those other things we know they have but don't want to release. 

    When Axl dies the floodgates will open as people look to continue to make money from him. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, DoMw94 said:

    Of the five covers they played at the last show I went to, two were on the Illusions albums and were hits (and they'll never cut Live and Let Die or Knockin' on Heaven's Door), and one was a Velvet Revolver song (and I think that has its place – if they're playing CD stuff, then one VR song is reasonable). So that's only really two songs you'd cut from a 27 song set – Down on The Farm and T.V. Eye. 

    T.V. Eye you could replace with So Fine for Duff's spot, and Down on The Farm? Well... okay, so you've cut a 27 song show down to 26, big deal.

    As is the case with most things with this fanbase, the "too many covers" thing is blown way out of proportion. In order to shorten a show (which I don't think they need to at all), it's the 10 minute Rocket Queen and Knockin' on Heaven's Door jams that need slimming down, not the setlist.

    The versions of KOTD and RQ at Glastonbury were perfect lengths. Edited down really nicely. 

    I still had friends messaging me though who were watching it on TV saying "these songs go on forever". They couldn't believe it when I said they were normally way longer! 

    • Like 3
  6. Long shows are good by me. No complaints on that front. I know plenty of music fans though that hate it when bands play for hours and prefer shorter, 'less is more' shows. 

    I see both sides, but I think GNR's music suits the long sets. 

    It's actually one of the few things they seem to give a shit about - they could do a lot less and get away with it. Seeing as the usual GNR way of operating is 'do less than the bare minimum' it's quite surprising. In a good way. 

    • Like 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    You missed the point where I did some speculation on whether such people are angry about all details in their lives, or whether they have nothing more important to be angry about.

    Don't worry about it. It's a band forum. 

    It's no indication whatsoever of what people have going on in their lives. 

    Just now, SoulMonster said:

    I think it is clear that people react differently to what is thrown at them in life. And I think reactions here to The General is representative of this. We react differently, that's just how it is. Some see the glass half full, etc. And yes, of course our reactions online can be an indicator to how we deal with setbacks elsewhere in life, too, although I am VERY cautious to not suggest that people who expresses disappointment over this song has some anger issues or anything like that. I want that to be very clear, I do not believe that. For most, if not all, I am sure this is just an isolated overreaction. But still, I can be happy about not overreacting and try to balance my emotions more constructively. 

    Don't worry about it. It's a band forum. 

    It's no indication whatsoever of what people have going on in their lives. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Yes, it is. And if some of the people who really want us all to agree that the song is terrible, get annoyed that I don't agree and happily express that disagreement and ruin their collective moaning, then that is just a bonus. 

    As for your comment that I must feel good knowing I am not one of those who get pissed of because they are not happy about a song being released. I dunno know. Maybe it would be better if my life was so good I only got angry about irrelevant details in my life - that I had nothing important to get mad about. What I fear, though, is that at least some of the people who get angry about a song not living up to expectations get angry about a lot of stuff, including the minor things in life. I am very happy I am not one of those. I greatly prefer to go through life being happy and mostly content. 

    You do realise that people being angry about a GNR song on a GNR forum isn't actually an indicator that their lives are full of misery right? 

    It's a band forum. To waste time on when you're bored at work, on the bus or on the toilet. That's all it is.

    I think you are maybe taking all this way too seriously. There's no need to 'fear' for people on here or, oppositely,  think their lives have no issues if they moan about a song..... it's just a band forum. 


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  9. 1 hour ago, invisible_rose said:

    99.99% of people won't even hear the clipping. And speaking to those who have heard it, most people won't even like the song! 

    I like The General (it's no Monsters though). I can just about hear the clipping now it's pointed out (annoyingly).

    As for reputation - it won't affect a band with the stature of GNR. It's a dodged digital track. It's a big deal to us, but nothing in the grand scale of things.

    I don't normally care about mixes/production stuff that much, but I have to say, even I noticed this one. It does sound bad, and that's to a totally unprofessional ear who doesn't know much (or usually care) about these things. 

    From people that are big audiophiles point of view I'm not surprised it's a laughing stock of a song. I haven't braces looking at the Steve Hoffman forum, but I bet they're all pissing themselves! 

    As you say though, it has no impact at all on their reputation really with the wider audience. It's just a real shame as (I seem to be in the minority here) I actually really like The General as a song. 

    2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Thanks. I hope I am a appreciated counter-weight to all the people who spend a lot of their time telling people how pissed off they are over details in their lives.

    That's one way of putting it......

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

    My pleasure.

    I didn't get angry when the band released One In A Million, I didn't get angry when the band released So Fine, I didn't get angry when the band released Bad Obsession, I didn't get angry when the band released If The World, I didn't get angry when the band released This I Love. And so on. Why should I get pissed off from having more listening possibilities? I choose to not listen to what I don't like, and happily listen to what I like. 

    What would make more sense would be to be angry when the band does't release new music. But I didn't get angry in the long period prior to CD when nothing was released and I didn't get angry in the long period after CD when nothing was released. I guess it would be great if my life was so harmonious that a band not releasing music was the worst thing to happen and hence would evoke my anger, but I guess I have more important things to feel passionate about. Or maybe people who get angry over trifling matters just have anger issues?

    Now the band is releasing music again, albeit in drip-feed mode, and I am...happy about that. Partly because it gives me listening possibilities, but mostly because I genuinely like some of the recent releases, like Hard Skool, The General and Perhaps. It's hit or miss whether I like new GN'R music, but these I like. And fortunately I don't have big issues with the mixing, at least not to the extent it overrides me enjoying a good song. 

    So yeah, I am not pissed off. Count me out of your "us".

    You do spend an awful lot of your time telling people how you don't get pissed off. 

    It's good to know. You must feel very happy not to be 'us', as you so often point out. 

    A rare light shining in the darkness. 




  11. 37 minutes ago, Stay.Of.Execution said:

    imagine thinking a song in 23 will do harm to a band that has been around for almost 40 years and has one of the biggest hits in music history, just cause some people on a forum dont like it. 

    Yeah this is the situation really. 

    Most people attending shows now don't even know old album tracks, let alone new b-sides. It's an irrelevance to pretty much everyone apart from us. 

    What it has done is piss us all off....but then we're well used to all that. 

    It hasn't done any damage to their rep in my opinion, it's just another thing on the long list of wasted opportunities. 

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