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Posts posted by allwaystired

  1. 12 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    Well, not really, if we want to be fair. Nobody promised work on the album during the 2016–2018 touring years; they said not until the tour is done. And then they said there would be solo activities for a few months. And only after that, this spring/summer, they said for the first time there would be just this short fall thing and after that the real work would start. 
    It sort of reminds me of people stating the band breached the promised CD release date numerous times during early 2000s, even though the first time Axl ever really promised any date was in December 06, where he said the tentative date to be spring 2007. 
    So this is the first time anyone (Slash) gave us something concrete regarding a period when the band is actually planning to sit down and start working on the record for real. And that hasn't been breached yet. Just to be fair. 

    We had the vague 'ideas being worked on' (which seems to be the stock response from any band member when questioned) but you're right. I've always maintained that expectations have been unrealistic in terms of when we can hear new material (i.e. suggestions that they're going to suddenly debut something on tour, or drop a surprise new album- these things take time). The concern with me is that no time is being dedicated to that creation at all.....it's going to take (in my view) a significant amount of time off the road for the band to create something as a focused unit. With every batch of touring comes the notion that the 'time off' before that was simply a rest period. And with each batch of touring I feel we just move the goalposts further away. 

    I understand that touring makes money. There are also a lot of people who stand to make money from a GNR tour that aren't in the band, who won't be making anything if the band spend six months writing and recording behind closed doors. My fear is that the pressure is on the band to tour in order to make more people more money, rather than disappear from the public eye and spend time doing something that will give them more of a shot at a long-term future. 

    At the moment we're looking at short-term gain for as many people as possible at the expense of a long-term plan I can't help but feel. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, jacdaniel said:

    This is my big fear. An instagram in mid January of Slash in the studio with SMKC, followed by a major GNR announcement of more shows in Europe in 2020. 

    And then the March shows start and are the exact same as every other NITL show. 

    May that point, even the most optimistic fan would have to concede that Guns are officially a touring act. 

    That's exactly how I see things panning out. I'm already at the stage where all I see is a touring act really, and I consider myself a fairly optimistic fan. 

    We've been at the 'this will be just a few more shows, then I'm sure they'll get on to new material' point so many times now over the last couple of years. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    Like I said, the difference is in the solo touring – we knew it would be happening in 2019, and they said nothing much for GN’R would be done during that time. But as of November, no solos should be happening, unless Slash starts something new with SMKC. So that’s the difference. 


    I'd go for 'extended Christmas break followed by news of Slash starting work on a new SMKC album in the new year' though personally. I hope I'm wrong. 

  4. Just now, Crowebar said:

    Comparing guns to Kiss is a huge stretch 😂 Nobody will ever be able to top the absurdity of the Kiss brand and merch. Not sure why anyone would even want to attempt that and they're not even done milking Kiss yet either. Gene will be dead for 50 thousand years and somehow/someway his offspring will probably be still milking that brand ffs. He's the epitomy of greediest dude ever with Paul right there going along with all of it 😳

    Not really wishing to defend Kiss TOO much here.....but their concert tickets aren't too pricey (a fraction of the current price of GNRs) and they release music to go along with all the tat. Both things should really be commended! 

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    The difference is, There Was No Time for serious work on something new before this fall mini tour, as they all were touring solo. But now they will have had some time before March 2020, albeit not much, to have created something and maybe to introduce it then. And if this March thing doesn’t get stretched to more and more months to follow, the March dates could be but a partial public rehearsal for new material. Or not. In any case, one month wouldn’t stand in the way of anything as long as it’s just that single month (and maybe an occasional appearance on a festival later on). They can work on stuff throughout the year. 
    I still don’t understand why they haven’t released a NITL DVD though. 

    We were saying exactly the same for this run of dates though.......

    10 minutes ago, CCudder said:

    Of course it will. They are now equally as big of a joke as KISS

    Kiss released a new studio album in 2012 and a live album in 2016......

  6. A certain individual has faked former band members social media accounts, and been pulled up on them by it. These reddit posts seem entirely in-keeping with their (increasingly) odd behaviour. 

    I honestly think it's only a matter of time before restraining orders start to happen. 

    I also think it's only a matter of time before this 'announcement' becomes a clickbait article. 

    • Like 2
  7. 35 minutes ago, Creed said:

    i dont believe that random guys are taking them down. gnr pays someone to do it.

    Nah- why would anyone give the bunch of socially retarded, lying, bullying, self-important incels sat in their basements that role? If you were going to pay someone to do it, you wouldn't get any of them. No one wants any contact with them whatsoever so they just trawl forums they're barred from, creating new usernames, and blocking any videos they see being discussed. 

    They're happy to hint they're being paid though - it makes them feel in some way important and special. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    That's a good idea in theory but it sounds kind of complicated to get it to everyone who wants to see it.

    Is there no way to ban them from seeing the threads? I thought you couldn't see anything here unless you were logged in as a user.

    I think they just log in as different users. I get messages from people with one or two posts often asking where I got stuff, and for links. I can't say for certain that they're not genuine, but alarm bells do ring and I never reply. 

    We're dealing with social-incompetent incel losers here after all- they'll just keep creating new emails/usernames as they have literally nothing better to do. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    WTF, is there nothing we can do about the videos being taken down?! I guess we should just not post videos here anymore or they'll be gone in no time.

    They'd be hard to find if they were listed as something different. Perhaps something could be uploaded using a different title, and then the titles given to others via DM? 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

    Appart from the person who post in the thread of the show, there were other sources. GNRsudamerica  reported the soundcheck and they had a source there. In the same thread Gibbo reported the same, so 3 people said the same thing

    Sounds like it definitely happen then. Based on that alone, I'd say we'll hear it at some point later on in the tour then....

  11. 1 minute ago, Gibsonfender2323 said:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_in_This_Lifetime..._Tour only data for spain and germany aviable 

    Ah ok. Well, that only shows that a couple of shows sold OK really then, and there's no other information to be gained from that. You can't form a percentage and generalise it across a whole European tour based on a couple of shows.

     One can speculate as to why data wasn't made available for all the other shows......


  12. Is the person who apparently heard this soundchecked reliable? I've seen a few people saying Easy and Jungle were soundchecked, without vocals, which definitely seems more believable.....

    It's worth remembering too that Oh My God was an 'alt' song on the setlist for most of the NITL tour. I'm (fairly) sure that was never going to get played. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Gibsonfender2323 said:

    No just look up the tour data. Not that hard


    31 minutes ago, Gibsonfender2323 said:

    False. GNR has sold 96% of all tickets available 

    I've never heard that figure before and can't find it anywhere online. If you could share a link that would be great. 

    we're talking the Europe second leg here of course.....from what I myself saw, and others have told me, shows were far from selling out. I'll happily stand corrected though if there is factual evidence to say otherwise. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Towelie said:

    Metallica can, I see no reason why Guns couldn't.

    Metallica are VERY different now. They have a loyal fanbase that they've cultivated through many years of album releases, interesting promotional events, etc. Their fans care and are loyal. GNR just don't have that fanbase really. The only reason they got to step up to stadiums at all was the box-ticking casuals coming out for a look and the 'not in this lifetime' thing. That load has been shot now. Some of the stadiums were very notably undersold on the second run too - I think Paris were even giving them away free as I recall......

  15. 2 hours ago, Thorbear said:

    Cool, thank you! 

    To be honest, I am not that excited about Dead Horse, So Fine and Locomotive. But it is good to see so many CD songs still in the alternate section, and the fact that Hard School makes an apperance gives me hope for the future.  


    I think that might be used for 'in jokes' a bit. Oh My God was on the 'alt setlist' for most of the tour as I recall......

  16. 9 minutes ago, Draguns said:

    Did you become a fan during NU-GNR era? It might explain your viewpoint.

    I became a fan in October 1987 when I watched MYV fir the first time. 

    GNR was and will always be known as a hard rock bluesy/punk rock band. This is not their strength.  The same thing can be said with Metallica. Metallica failed with Lou Reed. Their album with Lou reed and St Anger are considered their worst albums. There's a reason for that. 

    As much as I like Axl and consider him to be my childhood idol, the one risk that he should have taken was going solo and dropping the GNR name for a bit. 

    No. I became a fan in 1988. Why would it explain my desire for a progressive view of music if I became a fan in the NU-GNR era? Would that discredit me as a 'true GNR fan'?   

    Again- it's your opinion that Metallica 'failed' with Lou Reed. Nothing more than that. Many people, including myself, respected them for doing something risky and different. 

    Metallica even called their fans out on their small minded attitude to risk-taking: Lars Ulrich also noted the negative reaction to Lulu, and stated that he wasn't surprised by the criticism due in part because, "In 1984, when hard-core Metallica fans heard acoustic guitars on "Fade to Black", there was a nuclear meltdown in the heavy-metal community," and also noted that Reed's poetry is "not for everyone."[36] Talking about the negative reactions, James Hetfield expressed understanding of "fearful people", who are "typing from their mom’s basement that they still live in", stating that the band needed "to spread our wings" and try something new,[37] while Lou Reed stated that the album is for "literate people".[38]

    I'm afraid I can't really understood the viewpoint of people who want time to stand still and bands to do the same thing over and over again. It's totally alien to the way I feel about the creative process, and art in general. 


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  17. 14 minutes ago, Draguns said:

    You have your opinion and I have mine. I respect yours. Please respect mine.

    Look, you may like the music. I don't. It doesn't fit with me. If I want that I can listen to NIN, Manson, Garbage, etc.  

    Hard School is a perfect example of playing to your strengths while having some modernization to it. 

    Lastly stop with this 80s/90s BS. Bands like Halestorm, Pretty Reckless, Shinedown,  Rival Sons, Black Stone Cherry, etc. are still bring that sound and are newer bands. 

    Not liking the music is one thing- that's objective. 

    Criticizing a band for not repeating their sound is something else. Just because bands 'still bring that sound' doesn't mean they're any good. There's always people and bands who seem hellbent on recreating the past- they're usually the ones history forgets in favour of the ones who search for something new. 

    I'm not really sure what you mean by 'playing to their strengths'. I'd probably say Axl's biggest strength has always been that he's been willing to take risks. it's sad that that confidence seems to have been somewhat eroded recently, as the seemingly unquenchable thirst for nostalgia consumes the music industry. 

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