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Posts posted by allwaystired

  1. 1 hour ago, default_ said:

    Thing is, the only truly legit and unaltered song we got until now is Hardschool, Atlas is doctored as fuck, the leaker supposedly altered it so it wont lose trade value. 

    'Trade value' - just hearing that term makes me shudder. I'd like to see that notion smashed to pieces by an official release that renders the notion of 'value' to an internet cabal that seem to glean an identity from this stuff obsolete. 

    It's all just the "I've got something you don't" bragging that should have been left in the school playground and makes me embarrassed to be a GNR fan. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, D.. said:

    Alright hahaha ; ) That's funny having tastes so different yet loving the same band! No problem here. I've listened to UYI countless times, but I have issues loving those specific songs I named, + Bad Apples (and maybe I'm forgetting others I don't like). My fav UYI tracks: Coma, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, November Rain, Locomotive, Breakdown, Don't Damn Me, Double Takin' Jive and The Garden. I absolutely LOVE those songs. The rest, doesn't work as much for me. I do love "classic Axl" on there though, and I don't mind watching lives with songs I don't dig so much since Axl looks & sounds so great.

    I think that part of people's appreciation in old Gn'r stuff is that Axl looked extremely iconic, almost like he came out from a comic book. He looked like his "classic" self and sang in a very specific way. And Slash was still in the band.

    On CD, he's alone with a new band, looked very different, and took a lot of risks vocally & lyrically. I appreciate the risk ; ) It takes guts to look naked and despaired when you've had it all.

    Oh, Bad Apples- yeah not really a fan of that one! 

    Yeah, I always appreciate how people can get different things from the same band- and value different songs more. 

    I always think of CD as one of the only big rock albums that took the sound further in the era it was released- which I think is perhaps why I'm not that fussed about Atlas at the moment maybe, as I'm not sure it does that? 

    1 minute ago, AxlSlashthebest said:

    So i't not Slash at the guitard ?

    Are you joking there?! 

  3. 1 minute ago, D.. said:

    Really? Damn... I could name you a lot : p Personally I absolutely love Atlas' lyrics (may have minor things wrong about them), May's parts, and Axl's voice on this track. It sure needs a better mix and clearer vocals. I'm sure the current band can improve on what we have here (as long as they keep Brian's work).

    I don't know how to put it but Axl from that era... I have so much sympathy for him. I can relate to him so much. This is what it is to be human. I don't have his fame, I don't work in the same field, but I can relate so much to him. Like a lot of other people can. That's why we love him so much. You'd think he wouldn't encounter most troubles we've all dealt with given his position. But he has. He was in a very dark place at this time. I find it amazing that he found a way to put all of his anger, his fears, his desperation, basically everything in those CD era songs.

    Songs like "14 years", "Shotgun blues", "Back off bitch", "Anything goes", "You ain't the first", "So fine", "Pretty tied up" and a few others are what I would call average and almost garbage songs to be honest. I have zero care for that kind of song. I might be a bit harsh on 14 years cause the lyrics have some ironical value now. But yeah, I don't dig almost half of UYI and some of AFD. It's not perfect on CD either, "If the world" "Scraped" or "Riad" are not "great songs" imo. 

    But Atlas & Hard School. FUCK. I would have taken them any day over Riad & Scrap. Any day. Fucking amazing stuff.


    Haha- that list of songs you don't like is the total opposite of 'average and almost garbage' to me! Some of my favourite GNR songs in there! Ah well! 

    I agree on the CD era songs in general though. It's always been an incredible album to me and I've never understood the criticism it's always had. 

  4. 21 hours ago, 2020_Intensions said:

    NGL this "EP" being discussed sounds like absolute shit .... We've been waiting 11 years for something new .... 2 20 year old songs 1 30 year old song 1 cover of an even older song and 2 live performances of AFD? GIVE ME A BREAK - If Axl can't figure out how to release a full-length album with two of his original bandmates back then just hang up the coat & spare us any more agony 

    As far as I'm aware the only 'rumour' of an EP comes from a DJ on a rock radio station saying he's heard a rumour that they may release something; a comment he probably made totally off the cuff after playing GNR and wanting to say something...and the 'I hear they may release something new' comment is probably the standard thing for someone to say about GNR now. 

    Please correct me if there's any other 'rumour' of an EP other than speculation on forums, as I'm unaware of it......

  5. 16 hours ago, anaesthetics said:

    My YouTube account I've had for 15 years was terminated on Thursday of last week.  Roughly 20 GNR videos I've filmed from 2011-2016 were flagged and removed.  One of the notable videos removed was my footage from Indianapolis 2011 with Zakk Wylde joining GN'R on stage for Whole Lotta Rosie.  To say I'm upset is an understatement.  Had I known this would happen, I would have set all of these videos to private to anyone except those who have the link.  I took filming seriously, but was not in this for the views or publicity.  I managed to find this thread after seeing similar complaints on Reddit. A dangerous precedent, to say the least.


    I actually watch that fairly recently - hadn't seen it before. 

    What gets me about all this is that I'm the most anti-piracy person I know; I detest illegal downloading, see the damage it has caused to the creative industry, make sure I buy anything I like, etc etc. I'm a firm believer in 'if you like it, buy it' and the notion that I wouldn't expect someone to mow my lawn for free, so wouldn't expect a musician to pay for a studio, record and spend their time doing something that people don't pay for. 

    There's a massive difference (and one most sane rational people without a personal agenda and inferiority complex appreciate) between piracy and sharing interesting clips of one off events that are (and will remain) totally unavailable commercially. So many times I've seen an amazing clip I hadn't seen before, such as the Zakk Wylde one mentioned above, and been reminded why I love GNR......but all that history, all those amazing moments are being lost because of a couple of silly little bullies hiding behind their computers. That's the most tragic part. 

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  6. 15 hours ago, Mangler said:

    Is bagel boy actually involved with any of this? i thought he was quite happy sharing whatever. I thought he'd retired from the GN\R game.

    No. It's him still, at the command of a very peculiar individual who has recently taken to sending out messages regarding a friend of mine to vulnerable female forum users accusing him of all sorts, in order to groom them. I imagine he also sets them off on these little tasks too. 

    He's a festering sore of an individual, and it makes me angry to even think of the things he's told people regarding my friend - none of which are remotely true of course.




    • Like 4
  7. 4 minutes ago, AXL_N_DIZZY said:

    It was pure magic when they teamed up in ‘91. Left a big impression with a lot of folks (myself included). The dual hype around UYI and T2 that summer was off the charts. Very hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice though. It would be a pure nostalgia play at this point IMHO.

    Personally, I loved the subtle “tie-in” they did with Force Awakens back when the regrouping was getting going a few Christmases ago. Something like that with guaranteed eyeballs (NFL? Champions League overseas?) would be awesome this time around IMHO...

    Yeah it was cool in 1991. But that was 1991. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Stress Fracture said:

    Like many of us, they’re simply working under the assumption that GNR appearing on the new Terminator soundtrack would benefit all parties.

    I'm not sure why people seem to hang on to this idea so much - it comes up with every Terminator film, and all seems based on the fact they did a song for one of the franchises films back in 1991! 

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  9. 16 minutes ago, Tom2112 said:

    'A source close to the band' this usually means, "we're making shit up".

    Listen, a soundtrack towards the end of this year? Maybe? But I can't see it being a song co-written by the current band as they will be on tour until what, November? Sure they can record and carry files to any studio anywhere in the world but who knows! I know I'd love to hear a new record. There's one leaked snippet that has a very UYI feel to it, that I'd be interested to hear in full with a new vocal take (seemed like scratch vocals). It's on YouTube, so easy to find if you want to.

    There's a constant stream of radio djs on 'classic rock' stations who play 'welcome to the jungle' then say "keep your ears open for new music from these guys very soon" after it. You might as well listen to the views of next-door's cat as pay it any credence. 

    I'm sure people will start with the 'new terminator film coming soon....' nonsense too. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, alfierose said:

    Just as a heads up we probably are going to lock this thread later today if no more updates are forthcoming.

    It's looking like the time has passed for the moment for whatever reason. I personally think it's likely more stuff will come out eventually but realistically that might not be anytime soon or even in the next year or two.

    Someone upthread mentioned the excitement turning to frustration and I think we can all see that happening - we'd rather the thread isn't derailed into a long rage fest against any or all parties that might be involved.


    Definitely a good idea. 

    I think everyone is a frustrated as each other now. Time for us all, mentally, to put the prospect of hearing fresh stuff to bed again. 

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