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Everything posted by allwaystired

  1. Well, it is one of their biggest gigs ever. Sorry about that. Grew up near there and it was my regular place for gigs/record shopping. Moles Club has to be seen to be believed, if you ever get the chance!
  2. Yeah. I suppose, what else have they go to do today? Might as well watch some bands! Don't imagine Axl isn't though! Definitely there. No sign of Axl.
  3. Josh Freeze absolutely hammers those drums! Imagine him still on drums for GNR!
  4. The days when people just to wander in without paying! Amazed that went on for as long as it did!
  5. Oh nowhere near that. Capacity of the whole Glastonbury festival is 210,000, then there's nine main stages and nearly 100 other ones!
  6. A friend of mine who very much isn't a fan of GNR asked me earlier if it was the biggest gig they've ever done. I wasn't sure. I thought Rock In Rio might have been bigger, but apparently not in terms of capacity.....although it's difficult to guage as obviously we know the capacity of Glastonbury but there are such a vast number of stages and areas that people are spread across. How many will watch GNR we don't really know.
  7. What happened to the people that said they'd never heard of Glastonbury and it wasn't a big deal at all?! Did the refuse/deny branch of the GNR Defence League call them off when it emerged that the band did, indeed, think it was a big deal and worth taking seriously?
  8. Yeah- that bit I bolded is the key part for me. They won't be doing the mix at Glastonbury, the BBC will. Hearing what a live mix is like somewhere else is sort of irrelevant. The only reason you'd want to listen to mixes in a studio is if you are preparing mixes for a release, surely.
  9. That's £80 you'll owe her! Gig shirts have got to ludicrous levels recently.
  10. Yeah, it's pretty much all I'm doing this weekend! BBC make such a good job of this. Filming, sound quality, massive range of stuff, got to hand it to them really. Nearly worth the licence fee alone!
  11. Good point actually - you could have gone to see Oasis, what, a year or so before Beady Eye? That's probably a big part of it. I preferred the second album actually - a real grower, with some great production. So Nu-Guns era. I have never heard this before! Where was this reported?
  12. Surely he must already be aware of which ones he struggles to sing though? The timing of this just seems like it can't be coincidence. In my view it has to be related to new material of some sort.
  13. I don't see any reason to listen to a mix of a live gig in that environment really. What would be the benefit to them? What would they be hoping to gain?
  14. Yeah Beady Eye was strange- all of Oasis (bar Noel) form a band, people weren't interested! But they are when it's just Liam? I don't think Beady Eye's music was any worse or better than Liam's solo stuff. Perhaps people are just so unaware about music that they didn't realise it was Liam Gallagher's band? When they see his name on the label it attracts them? Who knows!
  15. Didn't know it had started yet actually! There's a few weird things like that at Glastonbury- bands further down the bill than I'd have thought they would be.
  16. My hopes are up, despite me absolutely knowing better. I think the fact Axl is there is really promising though.
  17. I think "a massive Guns N Roses fan" is a bit of a reach! He played before them at one point (I think at a festival somewhere) but other than that, I've barely heard him mention them.
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