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Everything posted by MaskingApathy

  1. Yeah looks like it. They cut some good songs unfortunately.
  2. Full show here: https://apurofutbol.net/embed/eventosstar?r=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcHVyb2Z1dGJvbC5uZXQvc3Rhcl9qd3AuaHRtbD9nZXQ9aHR0cHM6Ly9saXZlLWZ0Yy1uYS1zb3V0aC0yLm1lZGlhLnN0YXJvdHQuY29tL2dydTEvcWIwMS9zdGFycGx1cy9ldmVudC8yMDI0LzAyLzEyL1NsYXNoX2Z0X015bGVzX0tlbm5lZHlfYW5fMjAyNDAyMTJfMTcwNzY5MjQ0NjAyNS9jdHItYWxsLWNvbXBsZXRlLm0zdTgmaW1nPWh0dHBzOi8vcHJvZC1yaXBjdXQtZGVsaXZlcnkuZGlzbmV5LXBsdXMubmV0L3YxL3ZhcmlhbnQvc3Rhci81NkYwNTM0NkQyMDUyNEU4OUYyMTZEMDQ1M0I0RTcxMjI5QkFFRjIxNkI5OTdDOEE3NjVFN0FEMzJENjQwRjlCL3NjYWxlP3dpZHRoPTE5MjAmYXNwZWN0UmF0aW89MS43OCZmb3JtYXQ9anBlZyZrZXk9MDkwZWRkMzczNjhhNGIyNDllYzI4YjUxNGVhYTJiYmEma2V5Mj1mYjhiN2IwMTlkZTEwMmU0ODQ3NGMzNDU3YmNiODJjNw%3D%3D
  3. My brother is on guitar, I'm playing drums and bass. Thank you!
  4. I wonder if Taylor Swift has a fan forum, mytaylorswiftforum.com or something. Those people would be even more crazy than us.
  5. They played Too Far Gone for the first time since 2014 or so. Would love to hear Stone Blind also.
  6. Maybe so (because I am a little younger) but it's not like going to your corner guitar shop, this is the NAMM store where people of all ages are around and trying out gear. I mean Friedman, Bad Cat, and some other amp brands like that are also more expensive but they encouraged us to come play the amps. The Magnatone guy was just being a douche. Maybe we'll get a single soon then.
  7. Yeah that looks cool too. My brother played through the new Friedman 50w plexi which is part of their "Vintage" line and that's a cool amp. So we go to the Magnatone booth and finally there's not a lot of people around and it's open for us to play. My brother goes first, jams a few licks and a little bit of Dr Alibi, then I try it. Can't really turn it up at the level it's intended to be at so it's not as overdriven as it should be, but I play some licks and the riff from We're All Gonna Die then the Magantone guy (same guy who's in those videos that have been shared here) is like "hey other people want to play too." Other people was just one older guy who then takes the guitar and plugs into the other amp (the baby M-80 or whatever they're calling it) and plays old man blues licks. Like dude, we just want to play for a few minutes and try it out, we're not going to stay there for a long time. Their overall presention was very disappointing too, certainly not as good of a job that Marshall or someone would've done. Oh the amp itself is just another Marshall copy, super overrated and way overpriced. I'm sure it sounds awesome at concert volume but it's designed for one particular sound, which you can get with lots of other amps too.
  8. Honestly Todd is one of the few people in earth who can pull off what you've just described, and sound really good. I'm completely serious here. He's way more talented than most people realize.
  9. I would rather see Fitzy play it probably than Frank do something weird with it and ruin the song.
  10. Keep in mind though that Todd is also singing backing vocals/harmonies for all the other songs in the set, it's not like he's only singing 3 songs and that's it. He's singing during the whole set. He just knows how to take care of his voice and make it last for the whole show. Yeah I agree about the anger, but (like you said) I think the only person who could replicate that is Axl in 1991-1993. I'm not sure he could do it now.
  11. No way, Todd is 100x the singer that Axl (in his current form) is. No thanks, I don't want to see Frank Ferrer mess it up.
  12. I'm at NAMM too; I played that amp today and it sounds just like any other Marshall. Nothing remarkable otherwise. Also the Magnatone guy was being really annoying when I was there.
  13. Looks like the same one he was using around 2015-2016.
  14. I agree, WOF would be a better closer I love Sugar Cane, idk why you all don't.
  15. That's so not fair. Overall this set is way better than what they did on the US tour in 2022. Wish I could've seen DDM.
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