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Everything posted by 2020_Intensions

  1. Right ... Still not much of a touring break. And there was the situation going on of members leaving and Axl planning on ending the feud. My point stands. GnR has never had a very long period of time where they weren't touring.
  2. I mean when was the last time GnR wasn't on tour for an extended period of time? 2003-2005? They've been on tour ever since never longer than a year off. Also, looks like I managed to be the first post of both pages 99 & 100 lol
  3. Nothing is going to stop this gravy train ... There will definitely not be a couple year touring hiatus
  4. No. You are completely making up a reality that does not exist, per Slash's own words. He clearly and plainly stated they have not wrote or worked on ANY NEW MUSIC. I've already had to say this about a dozen times today alone. Why is that such a hard fact to grasp?
  5. You are the exact type of person I'm describing. You are completely making up your own reality. The songs that were worked on during lockdown were the 4-6 ChiDem songs that we are getting. There is no open interpretation. THERE IS NO NEW MUSIC
  6. What he said was they would begin writing new music. That doesn't mean that new music will ever evolve into anything but ideas. What he said is no confirmation on an eventual album, just that the process would begin.
  7. It's like groundhog day with people on this forum when it comes to new music. You could tell them 100 times that Slash said we're only getting 2-4 more songs and that they haven't wrote or recorded anything new, and they'll still come back the next day saying things like "I hope they release a full album soon! ... I think we'll get a full album soon ... I can't wait to hear the full album!" .... It's incredibly frustrating to read, especially when this thread, just like the previous, is full of it. Yes, we all want new music. But when the 2nd most important member of the band is telling you verbatim that there is no new music and only 4-6 old ChiDem songs are coming, how the hell can you possibly still fool yourself into thinking otherwise???
  8. I have the quote. It's from the same interview where he said 4-6 new songs. But what he said was they haven't begun writing new music yet. Let alone recording. So obviously that album is nowhere near release given that is doesn't even exist !!!!!!
  9. Yeah he totally can't remember if it was 4-6 or 10-12 ... Cmon man are you really that simple? He can't remember because it was 2 years since he did the songs and it was only a handful ... 4-6 .. He doesn't remember the exact amount because he doesn't care ... But he wouldn't have said 1-2 more then another 1-2 more and that's it if there were 10-12 for a full album's worth. Stop pretending like there's more to what he said when he was very matter of fact about it. It's not my point of view, it's literally what he said.
  10. We’re just gonna put out like one or two songs, and another one or two songs. And I think that’s gonna be pretty much all of ’em. I’m not sure exactly how many we did in total. That is the exact quote, and from that quote we can surmise that the current plan is to release 2-4 more songs and then that will be it. There is no other way to interpret that answer. "I think that's .. all of em." is a Slash way of saying "that's everything" ... 4-6 songs total including Hardschool and Absurd ... Trying to deny that and continue to postulate baseless theories is just plain stubbornness.
  11. Vocals every year doesn't mean full vocal takes for individual songs. All the tinkering he did with his vocal takes on the 2008 release could be what Tommy meant.
  12. Yup that's exactly where I'm at. I used to be a big believer in Axl and his vault, but Pele made very good points and made me start thinking otherwise. But what's even crazier is even with Axl not doing many vocals after the Village, surely he had more than just 6 total songs completed? So it's very strange why he isn't releasing everything, unless only what Slash & Duff picked is what got reworked. The entire thing is just nonsensical. All the way back to ChiDem taking until 2008 to be released and then never having the sequel released.
  13. I don't know why people are expecting a full album! Slash has given a very specific plan for what is happening in regards to new music by GnR. He wouldn't have given such specific information to trick everybody while they have a full album brewing up for release. He said they reworked 4-6 songs from what Axl had and would be released 1-2 at a time until they're all out, and then would be put together and released as an EP. Hardschool and Absurd were included in that 4-6 count. That leaves potentially 2-4 more songs.
  14. Not he did not mention a potential album. Why are people either willfully ignoring what he said or choosing to not read the dozens of times myself and others have clarified .... Slash said they already released 2 songs, and that there are potentially only 2-4 more coming. They would then all be released together as an EP ... 4-6 songs total. Those being ChiDem 2 songs that Slash and Duff reworked. It's like a broken record. For whatever reason we will never know, Axl has abandoned what remains of his ChiDem project except a few songs .. 2 of which are Hardschool and Absurd. We will be seeing only 2-4 more songs from that era, going by what Slash said, which is the most recent and only information on new music plans we have to go by from an actual source.
  15. Why wouldn't they just do the full album (ChiDem2) from the start then? It doesn't make any sense. It can't be anything BUT those songs (minus new covers of course) because Slash confirmed they haven't recorded anything new and haven't even begun the process of writing anything new. Slash and Duff already did their parts on whatever ChiDem 2 songs were slated to be released, so the plan hasn't changed, because they wouldn't release half an album redone by Slash and Duff and then the rest still original.
  16. Why are people still speculating and holding out for a full album release? Slash said exactly what the plan was in regards to what's coming and how it's coming ... 4-6 songs total released in 1-2 song increments ... NO FULL ALBUM
  17. Well we know they're not the same because of the leaked cell phone clip and the orchestral instrumental used to start shows in 2009-2011 ... The only similarity is the one chord progression ... But what we know of the two as of now they are not the same
  18. I've noted before, as have others, how very similar the chorus of SOG sounds to what we know of the General
  19. If you say so .. They played an instrumental part of the song to start every show for years and never got around to releasing it ... Now if it does get released (over 10 years later) it's going to not even be the same as it was then ... This band is a JOKE
  20. Don't falsely get people's hopes up ... NOTHING is happening ... It's just yet another theory and more speculation ... Remember the spotify episode?
  21. It will only turn out to be utter shit because of the changes made since the reunion .... Hardschool made me incredibly nervous about any other ChiDem songs ....
  22. One mystery that's always bugged me is that Bumble said Atlas was going to be on the 2008 release but last minute was dropped due to there not being enough space for it, but members of this forum have pointed out that there was indeed room for it .... ??
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