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Everything posted by BucketEgg

  1. On the Spotify phone app (can't seem to find it on the desktop website or desktop app), Taylor Swift has a countdown for her album release in a few hours. Apparently these countdowns are a new thing Spotify is testing with certain artists https://artists.spotify.com/en/blog/countdown-pages-get-fans-hyped-for-your-new-album-spotify-stream-on If Guns N Roses is releasing something, surely they're big enough of artists to do a countdown, and so we'd know about something releasing beforehand? If they plan to do anything of that sort, that is. Though it's difficult to determine, because the link above says the countdown is for album releases. However, if you look at some of the data spotify sends over, it looks like singles are also classified as "albums", but of the single type. (e.g. "uri": "spotify:track:0UsdtLayy7SqJ4rUsDMRk8"}, {"album": {"album_type": "single", "artists": [{"external_urls": {"spotify": "https://open.spotify.com/artist/1Dw5bHJLyFrbpoKWNvzNQX"}, "href": "https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/1Dw5bHJLyFrbpoKWNvzNQX )
  2. probably better ai upscalers up there, but i tried using the waifu2x website since that was the first one that came to mind not much difference i think
  3. Tried various levels of sharpening. (Still blurry as hell.)
  4. i don't think it's that much clearer when attempted to straighten it up, but have it anyway
  5. lol hahaha! Truly an underwater themed concert we have going on here!
  6. Barbie lives in a big house in Malibu. Axl also lives in a big house in Malibu. Maybe they're neighbours and might have met each other. Barbie movie is about to release. news is of guns n roses barbies collaboration merch
  7. oh no, the stream/ocean dried up! guess we all get to be on dry land now >_<
  8. I hope this streamer records the whole thing, then gets to look back on the facebook page for the fond memories of recording what might be in the running for the worst/best sounding bootleg of all time
  9. imagine if by rare chance, perhaps debuts today, and the first time we hear it live is this weird underwater version
  10. this must be what being Ariel in the Little Mermaid is like. Hearing signs of the human world from under the sea, and wanting to experience the full thing above land for real also heard a YEAAAHH BOOOY
  11. maybe streamer's phone has one of those microphones that try to focus on the voice and noise cancel everything else, maybe that's why the sound is so weird
  12. i had to look up what kind of scented candles Paltrow sells yeah, i don't think i want those sorted of scented candles from Axl
  13. Aaah, the end of this week isn't that long to wait! I hope we won't be disappointed by whatever news Duff is hinting at!
  14. happy birthday to axl's cat! axl hasnt tweeted about it this year. maybe elon's twitter bullshit finally got too much
  15. Has the copyright striking against AI voice axl rose begun already? I've noticed the Aixl Rose channel had privated all their videos, and the only video they've left is this joke one:
  16. I went looking for the tweet, but got rate-limited by Twitter's new bullshit. Fortus doesn't use twitter anymore it seems, but I found that what seems to be his last ever tweet, was him trying to dunk on Ashba in 2022.
  17. yeah, he seems to be a fan of making corny jokes https://www.facebook.com/JoeBonamassa/posts/pfbid02NJ1wLA98nxvaCfrBcnTLU8WYBE9pDhowB5Z1KiP8qCitHvwFVwR7TitCGRQhdFGel
  18. Maybe Fortus is making a weird joke, like how he told someone Hyde Park is not in Argentina. We are tired -> You should rest.
  19. It turns out looking at the results for pathfinder is easier than I thought, since it's just accessible by F12 on firefox. Anyway, unfortunately nothing exciting. Using a VPN and searching for Atlas Shrugged, the pathfinder search seems to have found 958 tracks, but none of them are Atlas Shrugged by Guns N Roses. It doesn't list all 958 tracks in the results though. As mentioned earlier in the thread, it did find Absurd though. There's no explanation on why Absurd seems to be so early in the listing of tracks, especially since there are tracks after it named Atlas Shrugged. However, I did notice the last field mentioning "playability". Maybe the search on the website is only supposed to return tracks with playability set to true, and maybe there's an entry for Atlas Shrugged in the database, where "playable" is set to false, so we don't see it returned in search results. And only open if you really really really love scrolling, it's the results from trying to search for atlas shrugged
  20. It's not 100% confirmation, but I've found supporting evidence of the idea that data could be in Spotify, but not publicly available. Other people know about this phenomenon. Scroll down, and you'll find someone saying: https://github.com/spotify/web-api/issues/194 "I would say this is a critical issue, given that we are no longer able to search using the Echonest set of APIs for music information - for music that is not available on Spotify at all for listening yet is in Spotify/Echonest's database."
  21. Huh, that means spotify might have two different search functions then. one for spotify's internal use that's bringing up the results when people search for things on their website, and one for the public API. because the search function Spotify give to the public via API doesn't return anything GnR related when searching for Perhaps (You can query the API yourself if you watch this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAmEZBEeNmg and read some of the Spotify API documentation. The artist ID for Guns N Roses is 3qm84nBOXUEQ2vnTfUTTFC ) Interesting, while Spotify's documentation does have a "get artist's top tracks", and it has a function to get an artist's albums, i haven't found any function directly get all of an artist's tracks. It's either too advanced for me so I missed it, or Spotify doesn't have it so it's easier to hide stuff from the public, or they expect people to do the multistep process of getting all of an artist's albums first, then get the tracks from each album. (Nothing unknown to the public shows up if you request for all of GnR's albums.) (Results of the API query of searching for tracks for Perhaps. It's limited by 50, because Spotify automatically limits it by 20, but if you try and put the limit as 51 or above, it won't let you query it. Don't open unless you REALLY love scrolling, but there's not much to see since 3qm84nBOXUEQ2vnTfUTTFC or guns n roses doesn't even appear once.) Also notice that a John Denver song is up first when the API is queried, but when I search on Spotify's website, a Doris Day song called "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps" turns up first. Edit: Based on Firefox's network monitor, you can see that the API searches and the website searches are different. The API queries https://api.spotify.com/ , whereas doing it from the web browser queries api-partner.spotify.com. Specifically, api.spotify.com uses a search "https://api.spotify.com/v1/search/" when looking for something, while, it appears doing it on the web-browser uses some other thing called a pathfinder. i'd really like to get the results in text from the pathfinder because maybe it might clue us in on why guns n roses shows up, but i don't think spotify allows the public to get it
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