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American Idol for bands


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I won't start a long-ass rant , butI hate American Idol worse than anything on TV. First MTV came along and started shoving crap bands up our asses and now we have to endure this shit. American Idol is nothing but a fucking hitmaking machine, with all the creativity of a pile of steaming dog shit. This does not bode well for the future of music at all. Bands are handcrafted by the record companies as sort of singing robots like on a frigging Disney World ride these days.


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Expect a bunch of shitty WTTJ, PC, and SCOM covers.


yeah, because GNR's the only band people wanna cover...

I'd be surprised, really surprised if there's any.

I wouldn't. I'd be surprised, if they cover like ''Don't Drop That Dime'' or ''American Man'' though. :tongue2:

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And where else are amateur artists being given an audience for their talents on national television?

Are you going to try to get your band an audition?

I'm not screwing around with you here,just really curious....would you want your talent associated with a Simon Cowell game show?

Would you really be willing to hang the Idol albatross of instant lack of credibility around your neck simply to skip the "pay your dues-earn your success" honourable route to a career in music?

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789
And where else are amateur artists being given an audience for their talents on national television?

Are you going to try to get your band an audition?

I'm not screwing around with you here,just really curious....would you want your talent associated with a Simon Cowell game show?

Would you really be willing to hang the Idol albatross of instant lack of credibility around your neck simply to skip the "pay your dues-earn your success" honourable route to a career in music?

To be honest, I probably wouldn't. But I will still defend the show, it's better than nothing.

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With the bands having the option to perform their own original material, this does bring a different dynamic than IDOL. I mean, if you know you're a special, kick ass band and are extended a stage to rip it up in front of 30 million viewers(typical IDOL audience), then why the hell not put yourself out there? You got Prince, Bon Jovi, Stefani and lots of other major recording artists tryin' to beat each other to the punch in gettin' on IDOL as a guest performer, so that door's already been kicked down to a large degree.

Think about it--other than performin' at halftime of the Super Bowl, there is NO OTHER opportunity to perform in front of this size of viewing audience. If it's your material and you can lay the smackdown, I say do it.

Would respect a good band's decision either way as I just don't think there's a right or wrong here...

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National exposure for an unsigned band could cut years of work out of trying to make it...

And the thing with the entertainment industry(unfortunately) is talent usually guarantees nothin'. It's not like if you got it and you work hard and long, you're gonna make it. The system is so polluted and mostly about connections and a select number of execs controllin' most of the action.

Don't want all our artists chosen this way, but lettin' a mass audience of people outside the industry vote for themselves on a fav band isn't the most unpure thing the entertainment industry has ever seen...

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National exposure for an unsigned band could cut years of work out of trying to make it...

It can also pave the way for boy bands with guitars that 12 year old girls think are cute...and vote for them based on that factor alone.

Insincere slush clogging up the charts while the real bands don't get the time of day because this reality show sham is a huge moneymaker and the industry is going to focus on the money and the in-the-moment hype rather than focus on a band with honest,pure...real talent.

More fake bands with Good Charlotte haircuts is the last thing the music industry needs right now.

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