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The "I Hate Sebastian Bach" Thread

Randy Lahey

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He did a good job on Slave to the Grind, but except for that, I wouldn't mind if he disappeared forever.

I agree, I liked a few songs off the selftitled too though.

I hate his personality, seems like a 15 year old with a constant boner on who's taken too much speed. The guy needs to calm down.

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His asscociation with GnR cheapens GnR for me. It would be like back in the day if the singer for REO Speedwagon had Robert Plant or Mick Jagger singing on his solo album. I just hate to think of the other possibility of having the singer for REO Speedwagon guesting on a Zeppelin or Stones song. Bach on CD is the equivalent of what I just mentioned, in my mind at least.

Finally someone agrees with me. Axl is going to lose a lot of credibility once Bach's cd is released.

Give me a fucking break. Axl losing credibility because he sings on his friend's album? Lose credibility among whom exactly? This forum?

Cripes. This is a dumb thread too. Let's hate on Baz because other people choose to make inane threads about him on this shit excuse for a fan forum. Yeah, great idea dude. Get pissed off at the threadstarters, not Baz.

Skid Row were not credible. Bach was in Skid Row. End of story.

That's nice. Last time I checked, Skid Row and Guns N' Roses weren't the same band, no matter what the morons on this forum say.

Angel Down has nothing to do with Guns N' Roses. Axl appears, and even that has nothing to do with Guns N' Roses. You people just wish it did so you'd have some kind of news to hold on to. Instead, you're left talking about Baz. If you don't like him, that's fine, he's really easy to dislike to be honest, but still, this has absolutely no bearing on Guns N' Roses whatsoever.

You people just relate Bach with CD because he's the only person talking about the damn album. Either way, your dislike of Baz has nothing to do with Axl Rose. The fact that Baz gets so much attention around here is your own damn faults. Like I've said before, Baz is probably laughing his balls off at the fact that we are hanging to his words and he's heard CD. If I were him, I'd be laughing too, because really, all that's here is a bunch of immature, whining bitches who can't stand Baz, when really, it's the forum who keeps broadcasting the shit out of him.

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It'll be a sad day as a GnR fan if we have to listen to SA's annoying voice on Chinese Democracy.

Steven Adler's going to sing on CD!!?

Baz rocks - Seems a really cool guy to go for a beer with - He's pals with Axl, so?

Loved Skid Row back in the early 90's and I think Baz's voice is completely under-rated - GREAT live performer also.

So, No. No hate here at all.

SA is short for Savage Animal aka Sebastian Bach.

The thought of Axl having this fucktard singing on a GnR song is absolutely disgusting to me.

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It'll be a sad day as a GnR fan if we have to listen to SA's annoying voice on Chinese Democracy.

Steven Adler's going to sing on CD!!?

Baz rocks - Seems a really cool guy to go for a beer with - He's pals with Axl, so?

Loved Skid Row back in the early 90's and I think Baz's voice is completely under-rated - GREAT live performer also.

So, No. No hate here at all.

SA is short for Savage Animal aka Sebastian Bach.

The thought of Axl having this fucktard singing on a GnR song is absolutely disgusting to me.

My bad.

...and, I get the picture(but completely disagree with you).

That's cool, to each his own.

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He's amusing, I'll give him that. Some of the stuff he said on the Eddie Trunk Interview still makes me laugh. Like him going apeshit when they find out Axl's coming to the studio. :rofl-lol:

OH MY GOD YES. That interview is fucking hilarious, and still makes me laugh a year and a half later. The one from 1989 when Axl and Baz called Howard Stern was gold, too.

Bach In The Saddle may not have been a great cover, but it was fun. I liked it.

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Bach is like that annoying way-too-excited kid in high school who kind of irritated everyone, but you kind of felt sorry for him and everyone put up with him, but kept him at a distance. He's the guy you can only take in small doses, the guy who is a narcissist but doesn't really realize it, and you kind of feel bad for him when he says stupid things, but at the same time, you don't. He is Jack Lemmon to Axl's Walter Matthau; they should make The Odd Couple III: To Hell and Bach Again together.

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