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Slash says No Chance of GNR Reunion

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Man, this is like a punch in the stomach.

Now I'm starting to think a reunion won't happen.

As if it's some sort of big surprise. Axl's only said over and over it will never happen... for the better part of 13 years in fact. Did you miss the memo? Slash is on again- off again with his willingness to do a reunion. Sounds like maybe his people got in touch with Axl's people asking to do a reunion after CD came out and Axl told him to fuck off.

Slash certainly sounds bitter here. When someone's bitter it's usually because they didn't get their way.

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Man, this is like a punch in the stomach.

Now I'm starting to think a reunion won't happen.

As if it's some sort of big surprise. Axl's only said over and over it will never happen... for the better part of 13 years in fact. Did you miss the memo? Slash is on again- off again with his willingness to do a reunion. Sounds like maybe his people got in touch with Axl's people asking to do a reunion after CD came out and Axl told him to fuck off.

Slash certainly sounds bitter here. When someone's bitter it's usually because they didn't get their way.

He was being sarcastic.

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Man, this is like a punch in the stomach.

Now I'm starting to think a reunion won't happen.

As if it's some sort of big surprise. Axl's only said over and over it will never happen... for the better part of 13 years in fact. Did you miss the memo? Slash is on again- off again with his willingness to do a reunion. Sounds like maybe his people got in touch with Axl's people asking to do a reunion after CD came out and Axl told him to fuck off.

Slash certainly sounds bitter here. When someone's bitter it's usually because they didn't get their way.

He was being sarcastic.

There you go.

And, to be honest, this won't deter some of the hardcore idiots. It doesn't seem anything can be said by anyone to get them to give up their super solid "hey, you never know" line of thinking. And I use the term "thinking" as loosely as humaly possible.

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Warren Beatty supposedly slept with over 3,000 women or something. I don't really buy it. I'm glad Slash is confident enough that he doesn't have to lie about how many women he has fucked senseless over the years. Beatty should hang his head in shame and admit that he is a liar.

Interestingly enough didn't Axl hate Warren Beatty?

Maybe Slash said he's only slept with 500 women as a dig at Warren Beatty, because he knows Axl hates him. Yeah, that must be it. Slash is sending subconscious messages to us and to Axl. He is definitely trying to tell us that the band is going to reunite soon.

I believe it.

My cousin is a was "D-Level" NFL player for about 3 years and you wouldn't believe the amount poo-tang that would be offered to him, by different woman on a daily basis.

My bad.

Beatty's biographer claims he slept with 13,000 women. Not 3,000.

"claims" being the keyword. do you really believe that?

I believe it. My mom said Beatty was a real man whore in the 70's. lol He slept with most of the women he was in the movies with. He was supposed to be with Julie christie for a long time, but then again, my mom didn't think he was faithful. I don't think anyone really knows how many women he slept with, but I'm sure it was a lot. He was a real stud in the 60's and 70's. lol

Maybe he took pictures of the women, like Gene simmons said he did. lol Meanwhile, his love, Shannon denies Gene has slept with all those women. She said if it were true she wouldn't have had kids with him or stayed with him for a long time. I think she's the one in denial. lol

regardless, I'm sure most rock musicians have slept with tons of women. It was part of the world they lived in.

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I don't think a reunion would be as big as some people like to think.

It would get publicity but I can't see them selling out stadiums like they used to all around the world.

You're probably right but it would still be BIG for the fans (at least the majority), if the real deal was back... Now... no further comment.

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It's beyond me how you can call yourself a fan of GN'R and at the same time say you don't like Slash...

How about they hate Slash the PERSON but appreciate and admire Slash the MUSICIAN?

Me personally, I don't like or dislike Slash as a person and appreciate him as a musician because he has laid down so killer riff's and participated in the creation of some of the greatest songs in the world.

Do I want a reunion... not particularly fussed, I am enjoying the GNR we have :D


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I don't think a reunion would be as big as some people like to think.

It would get publicity but I can't see them selling out stadiums like they used to all around the world.

You're probably right but it would still be BIG for the fans (at least the majority), if the real deal was back... Now... no further comment.

Yeah of course, then again some people would be unhappy whether it was Adler or Sorum on drums so you will never please everyone.

It's just the figures of like 400 million, I can't see that being a good investment, the biggest selling touring artists like The Stones, Madonna and U2 would be lucky enough to make that.

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Even if they did ever reunite, they'd be smart to keep saying it will never happen. It adds to the hype of a possible reunion.

Not sure if it could ever happen. Honestly I NEVER thought I'd see Bret Hart reunite with WWE, but there he was standing in their ring last Monday night. Even though he said he never ever would work with them again, and I really though Axl and Slash had a better chance of speaking again than Bret ever agreeing to be on RAW.

Anything can happen if people are willing to talk it out. We'll see....

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It's beyond me how you can call yourself a fan of GN'R and at the same time say you don't like Slash...

The old Slash was cool but the new Slash is a publicity whore who makes bad music.

thats what axl would say. slash stopped being gnr when he started playing with MJ. its been downhill ever since.

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It's beyond me how you can call yourself a fan of GN'R and at the same time say you don't like Slash...

The old Slash was cool but the new Slash is a publicity whore who makes bad music.

thats what axl would say. slash stopped being gnr when he started playing with MJ. its been downhill ever since.

It baffles me that people think Snakepit would've been a good GNR album. Shit has filler written all over it.

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to be honest, i seriously doubt the originals have been offered millions to reunite.

by who?

Last year in an interview, Steven Adler stated that the original lineup was offered, I believe, 30 million to tour in the states in 2005, and everyone was ready to sign for it but Axl.

This has been confirmed by both Scott Weiland and Matt Sorum.

Interesting coincidence that that's the same year that Slash showed up at Axl's house with the alleged note that read "Call me. Let's work this out." ;)

Edit: Here's the Adler quote...I was way off, the offer was for 150 million!!

Dirty Rock Magazine: Well, what I read saw was only a small snippet and not the whole story.

Adler: (Laughs) Yeah I heard the opposite. And the way I see it, that's how it should be. And the thing about GUNS N' ROSES is, for starters, Axl [Rose] ran the whole thing into the ground and still is. It's a shame. Two, he should have named his record W.A.R. — W. Axl Rose. Then I think it would have been a bigger hit. You know what?! It's heartbreaking, because I was there from the beginning and helped get it started, and to see what he did and still doing, it's hurtful. That, and I heard that some big rock agency offered us $150 million for us to do 20 shows. And that was very hurtful that Axl said no and doesn't want to do it. Because that doesn't happen.

Like i said i don't believe they've ever been offered anything.

do i think some promoters have came to the guys and said shit like, "man if you guys would get back together it would make millions."

Yeah; But I seriously, doubt they've ever got a concrete offer.

Nothing concrete- but I do remember rumors (confirmed by one of the band members if I'm not mistaken) in the late 90's that the Stones were working over-time trying to get the "Gilby Era" line-up to reunite for a mega co-tour clearly worth millions upon millions for all involved...

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It's beyond me how you can call yourself a fan of GN'R and at the same time say you don't like Slash...

The old Slash was cool but the new Slash is a publicity whore who makes bad music.

And you're a really bad troll. You suck. And you make me want to drink Bacardi, which I hate. Who wins? Nobody. Certainly not you.

to be honest, i seriously doubt the originals have been offered millions to reunite.

by who?

Last year in an interview, Steven Adler stated that the original lineup was offered, I believe, 30 million to tour in the states in 2005, and everyone was ready to sign for it but Axl.

This has been confirmed by both Scott Weiland and Matt Sorum.

Interesting coincidence that that's the same year that Slash showed up at Axl's house with the alleged note that read "Call me. Let's work this out." ;)

Edit: Here's the Adler quote...I was way off, the offer was for 150 million!!

Dirty Rock Magazine: Well, what I read saw was only a small snippet and not the whole story.

Adler: (Laughs) Yeah I heard the opposite. And the way I see it, that's how it should be. And the thing about GUNS N' ROSES is, for starters, Axl [Rose] ran the whole thing into the ground and still is. It's a shame. Two, he should have named his record W.A.R. — W. Axl Rose. Then I think it would have been a bigger hit. You know what?! It's heartbreaking, because I was there from the beginning and helped get it started, and to see what he did and still doing, it's hurtful. That, and I heard that some big rock agency offered us $150 million for us to do 20 shows. And that was very hurtful that Axl said no and doesn't want to do it. Because that doesn't happen.

Like i said i don't believe they've ever been offered anything.

do i think some promoters have came to the guys and said shit like, "man if you guys would get back together it would make millions."

Yeah; But I seriously, doubt they've ever got a concrete offer.

Nothing concrete- but I do remember rumors (confirmed by one of the band members if I'm not mistaken) in the late 90's that the Stones were working over-time trying to get the "Gilby Era" line-up to reunite for a mega co-tour clearly worth millions upon millions for all involved...

Keith Richards said the original lineup was one of the most promising rock bands ever. I would take Keith's opinion more seriously than anyone else's here (except Dead Flower's, but I'm not entirely convinced he isn't human).

Seriously though, I'm happy to see Axl touring again. I think the new band is fairly solid. But idiots go out of their way to trash Slash -- the guy who, like it or not, contributed to what the general public consider their strongest album -- and it's sadder more than anything else. So I'll side with Keith on this one and say that the day they reunite, I'm first in line. Until then: rock on, Axl, and keep it up. Tokyo boot has some pretty fuckin' awesome spots.

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And you're a really bad cupcake. You suck. And you make me want to drink Bacardi, which I hate. Who wins? Nobody. Certainly not you.

See opinion you vehemently disagree with.

Call it a bad trolling attempt.

So you don't think the new Slash is a publicity whore? lol.

Estranged Reality? More like Denied Reality llolooll

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It's beyond me how you can call yourself a fan of GN'R and at the same time say you don't like Slash...

The old Slash was cool but the new Slash is a publicity whore who makes bad music.

And you're a really bad cupcake. You suck. And you make me want to drink Bacardi, which I hate. Who wins? Nobody. Certainly not you.

to be honest, i seriously doubt the originals have been offered millions to reunite.

by who?

Last year in an interview, Steven Adler stated that the original lineup was offered, I believe, 30 million to tour in the states in 2005, and everyone was ready to sign for it but Axl.

This has been confirmed by both Scott Weiland and Matt Sorum.

Interesting coincidence that that's the same year that Slash showed up at Axl's house with the alleged note that read "Call me. Let's work this out." ;)

Edit: Here's the Adler quote...I was way off, the offer was for 150 million!!

Dirty Rock Magazine: Well, what I read saw was only a small snippet and not the whole story.

Adler: (Laughs) Yeah I heard the opposite. And the way I see it, that's how it should be. And the thing about GUNS N' ROSES is, for starters, Axl [Rose] ran the whole thing into the ground and still is. It's a shame. Two, he should have named his record W.A.R. — W. Axl Rose. Then I think it would have been a bigger hit. You know what?! It's heartbreaking, because I was there from the beginning and helped get it started, and to see what he did and still doing, it's hurtful. That, and I heard that some big rock agency offered us $150 million for us to do 20 shows. And that was very hurtful that Axl said no and doesn't want to do it. Because that doesn't happen.

Like i said i don't believe they've ever been offered anything.

do i think some promoters have came to the guys and said shit like, "man if you guys would get back together it would make millions."

Yeah; But I seriously, doubt they've ever got a concrete offer.

Nothing concrete- but I do remember rumors (confirmed by one of the band members if I'm not mistaken) in the late 90's that the Stones were working over-time trying to get the "Gilby Era" line-up to reunite for a mega co-tour clearly worth millions upon millions for all involved...

Keith Richards said the original lineup was one of the most promising rock bands ever. I would take Keith's opinion more seriously than anyone else's here (except Dead Flower's, but I'm not entirely convinced he isn't human).

Seriously though, I'm happy to see Axl touring again. I think the new band is fairly solid. But idiots go out of their way to trash Slash -- the guy who, like it or not, contributed to what the general public consider their strongest album -- and it's sadder more than anything else. So I'll side with Keith on this one and say that the day they reunite, I'm first in line. Until then: rock on, Axl, and keep it up. Tokyo boot has some pretty fuckin' awesome spots.

Frankly, I'll just take whatever music I can from any of these guys (Slash included)... The fact of the matter is we're damn lucky that it's 2010 and Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, etc. are all still alive and putting out music from time-to-time. Shame it's not together- but the odds of them all even being alive at this point would have been pretty low back in their wild days... Take what we can get I say...

Meanwhile, all things considered... the current line-up does a great job and though not the old band... is a damn good rock band and well worth the price of admission... and that definitely counts for something in this pathetic "era" of popular music.

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Not sure if it could ever happen. Honestly I NEVER thought I'd see Bret Hart reunite with WWE, but there he was standing in their ring last Monday night. Even though he said he never ever would work with them again, and I really though Axl and Slash had a better chance of speaking again than Bret ever agreeing to be on RAW.

Anything can happen if people are willing to talk it out. We'll see....

i dont know if thats a very good comparison.

1.axl is axl. enough said.

2.for bret wrestling is a family business. i think over time he saw the situation from he saw the situation from vinces perspective and time heals all wounds.

2 things about axl : 1.i dont think he is very good at seeing things from others perspectives 2.cross him once and your shut out forever.

i hope that isnt the case. a reunion tour would be great. but im not holding my breath. no where is it written gnr has to reform, or even that they should reform. all good things come to an end. their musical interests grew apart. so now we have axl making music with like minded musicians and likewise for slash. its win win.

the only problem is axl keeping the name. that just complictated the fuck out of this situation. i wish he had dropped it. axls appetite is a pretty sweet name.

Edited by Jackie Moon
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