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Winnipeg Show: Official Thread

Gordon Comstock

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So "The band was tight, the pyro and lights were awesome", but the show sucked. How can that be? What exactly sucked?

Of course the band will be tight. They are all top notch guys. Pyro is timed, no brainer. The sound was not good. Axl was very hard to hear unless he was screaming. I know thats the sound guys thing and not the band, but it clearly takes away from the show. And as the nighttrain video shows, nobody was into it. Are we all fucking stupid and not know what a good time is? What RUINED the show was the lack of energy from the fans. I go to an arena show and if the fans are going nuts, you go nuts as well. Golf clapping after a song, not cool. Thats why the show sucked. Why were the fans not into it? Who knows. All i know is that i left early and dissapointed. Out of the 4 shows that i have seen with this group, this was a 1 out of 5. It sucked, plain and simple and if you fuckers were there, you would have to agree. Justlike the rest of the crowd standing there waiting to rock out, which never came. Winnipeg is a hard rock town. This was just a sad night of music. The band cannot get into the show 100% if the fans are not into it 100%. Thats the bottom line. First show since before xmas, maybe some buggs had to be worked out? Whatever. You fuckheads who think the people telling it as it is is the same person are a bunch of douche bags. I went with 6 people, and we all thought it was bad.

Obviously, the thing that sucked at the show were the fans who behave like the cupcakes on here.

No, Winnipeg is the Alabama of Canada, nothing happens there, but when something does.....they dont know what to do.

Not like Georgia though, we party hard here.

Well youre clearly an idiot. Go back to the trailor park

In Johns Creek, Georgia we have no trailer parks, just 500k-2.5mil dollar homes that are owned by Usher, Whitney Huston, and Jeff Foxworthy....all of which are(well were) my nieghbors.

hahhahaahaa. You da man!

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So "The band was tight, the pyro and lights were awesome", but the show sucked. How can that be? What exactly sucked?

Of course the band will be tight. They are all top notch guys. Pyro is timed, no brainer. The sound was not good. Axl was very hard to hear unless he was screaming. I know thats the sound guys thing and not the band, but it clearly takes away from the show. And as the nighttrain video shows, nobody was into it. Are we all fucking stupid and not know what a good time is? What RUINED the show was the lack of energy from the fans. I go to an arena show and if the fans are going nuts, you go nuts as well. Golf clapping after a song, not cool. Thats why the show sucked. Why were the fans not into it? Who knows. All i know is that i left early and dissapointed. Out of the 4 shows that i have seen with this group, this was a 1 out of 5. It sucked, plain and simple and if you fuckers were there, you would have to agree. Justlike the rest of the crowd standing there waiting to rock out, which never came. Winnipeg is a hard rock town. This was just a sad night of music. The band cannot get into the show 100% if the fans are not into it 100%. Thats the bottom line. First show since before xmas, maybe some buggs had to be worked out? Whatever. You fuckheads who think the people telling it as it is is the same person are a bunch of douche bags. I went with 6 people, and we all thought it was bad.

If what the band showed was good, then we agree that the crowd ruined what could have been a good concert?

I would agree but the crowd is not a bunch of robots under control. Most of them just were not into it, which took away from the moment. Nothing is better than going to see a show and having 10 thousand people go crazy, This was a night with a half empty arena and people not getting into it. WHY? bad sound? Poor performance? I cant answer for all, but this is just my opninon and i saw and heard what i saw and heard. Ive been to GNR shows that blew me away.. Not this time, so theyre 3 for 4.. Not bad. Oh well.

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This rumor of being banned because of shirts is just that, a false rumor. It's just not true. I've been to 25 new GNR shows, and never has anything like that ever happened. Christ, Axl autographs shit with Slash's picture on it all the time.

It happened last night and in 2006. I'm not shitting you. It really happened and I asked security why it mattered? They said it was Axl's rule.

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This rumor of being banned because of shirts is just that, a false rumor. It's just not true. I've been to 25 new GNR shows, and never has anything like that ever happened. Christ, Axl autographs shit with Slash's picture on it all the time.

It happened last night and in 2006. I'm not shitting you. It really happened and I asked security why it mattered? They said it was Axl's rule.

Well, one of you fellers is lying then.

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This rumor of being banned because of shirts is just that, a false rumor. It's just not true. I've been to 25 new GNR shows, and never has anything like that ever happened. Christ, Axl autographs shit with Slash's picture on it all the time.

It happened last night and in 2006. I'm not shitting you. It really happened and I asked security why it mattered? They said it was Axl's rule.

Bullshit. I went to shows in 3 different cities in 2006 and never saw anything like that happen.

If it was "Axl's rule", it would've happened at every show.


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Looking at these pics, the bandanna is WAY too high on his head. I think he looks cooler when he's not wearing a bandanna or a fedora. The bar-handle stache also looks very strange and makes Axl look much older than he is. I think his look in the Osaka video of Shacklers was perfect, minus the bar-handle.

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This rumor of being banned because of shirts is just that, a false rumor. It's just not true. I've been to 25 new GNR shows, and never has anything like that ever happened. Christ, Axl autographs shit with Slash's picture on it all the time.

It happened last night and in 2006. I'm not shitting you. It really happened and I asked security why it mattered? They said it was Axl's rule.

Bullshit. I went to shows in 3 different cities in 2006 and never saw anything like that happen.

If it was "Axl's rule", it would've happened at every show.


I have no reason to make this up whatsoever. Sillypuppyheh, did you see them doing that?

Here is the website for OBO security who were handling the event. Phone and ask them.


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This rumor of being banned because of shirts is just that, a false rumor. It's just not true. I've been to 25 new GNR shows, and never has anything like that ever happened. Christ, Axl autographs shit with Slash's picture on it all the time.

It happened last night and in 2006. I'm not shitting you. It really happened and I asked security why it mattered? They said it was Axl's rule.

Bullshit. I went to shows in 3 different cities in 2006 and never saw anything like that happen.

If it was "Axl's rule", it would've happened at every show.


I have no reason to make this up whatsoever. Sillypuppyheh, did you see them doing that?

Here is the website for OBO security who were handling the event. Phone and ask them.


I'm talking about 2006. I can't speak for 2010. Three different cities in 2006 and I never saw them doing that. Not once.


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Sweet. I believed you. I saw this posted on other boards as well. I hope somebody can confirm this and then my other thread about this subject can be unlocked. You have NOTHING to gain by making this up. Nor does the guy over on SLUDGE who posted a long ,detailed review and mentioned the no Slash/VR shirt policy. But all the "GNR-educators" on here are gonna call you a "hater" and "old" since you saw GNR back in the day. I can't blame them for not knowing what they missed.

Wow. Quite the hypocrite with the "they're gonna call you old" thing, considering your first retort to anyone who likes the new band is "LOL YOU'RE PROBABLY UNDER 30 LOL".

Grow the fuck up.

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Axl looks terrible in that pic...

He badly needs to hire a stylist, because some of these pics he looks awful. The bandana is starting to resemble the one Brett Michaels has glued to his head that just looks awful.

It is sad he has chosen to go down the Vince Neil/Janie Lane road of front men who let themselves go physically.

It is not an age issue at all, because you look at Cornell, Bon Jovi, Weiland, Vedder, Roth, Springsteen or a Billy Idol and every one of those guys is within 5 years or older than Axl and they don't appear to have aged nearly as bad or let themselves go the way he has.

For as good as anybody thinks he sounds now, if he got serious about getting in the gym and getting his ass in gear he would sound even better.

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Sweet. I believed you. I saw this posted on other boards as well. I hope somebody can confirm this and then my other thread about this subject can be unlocked. You have NOTHING to gain by making this up. Nor does the guy over on SLUDGE who posted a long ,detailed review and mentioned the no Slash/VR shirt policy. But all the "GNR-educators" on here are gonna call you a "hater" and "old" since you saw GNR back in the day. I can't blame them for not knowing what they missed.

Wow. Quite the hypocrite with the "they're gonna call you old" thing, considering your first retort to anyone who likes the new band is "LOL YOU'RE PROBABLY UNDER 30 LOL".

Grow the fuck up.

Reported for insulting a Forum member. Go dig up one of your witty Internet pics to post underneath here now.

Like I said, grow the fuck up.

You go around subtly insulting anyone under 30 who likes New GNR, but can't take it when someone tells YOU to grow up? Go take some hypocrite medicine, Jabroni.

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Sweet. I believed you. I saw this posted on other boards as well. I hope somebody can confirm this and then my other thread about this subject can be unlocked. You have NOTHING to gain by making this up. Nor does the guy over on SLUDGE who posted a long ,detailed review and mentioned the no Slash/VR shirt policy. But all the "GNR-educators" on here are gonna call you a "hater" and "old" since you saw GNR back in the day. I can't blame them for not knowing what they missed.

Wow. Quite the hypocrite with the "they're gonna call you old" thing, considering your first retort to anyone who likes the new band is "LOL YOU'RE PROBABLY UNDER 30 LOL".

Grow the fuck up.

Reported for insulting a Forum member. Go dig up one of your witty Internet pics to post underneath here now.

Like I said, grow the fuck up.

You go around subtly insulting anyone under 30 who likes New GNR, but can't take it when someone tells YOU to grow up? Go take some hypocrite medicine, Jabroni.

You are still two pics away from that private meet and greet with Frank Ferrer. Get on it,Junior.



Can't wait for my private drumming lesson. Maybe he'll teach me his secrets to playing the AFD songs better than Adler.

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And now he's going to go and make a poll entitled

"Who plays the AFD songs better? Adler or Ferrer?"

with these two options:

1. Adler

2. Ferrer (I also admit that I am a huge retard who should be raped in the face)

In order to prove me and all the GNR-educators wrong.

You're so predictable, rancy!

Edited by jjCardi_gnr
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Brother, the options are there and the people will have their say.

Let's see. Even on the off chance that I was being serious, what would your poll prove? That people disagree with me? Stop the presses!

I should make a thread about how gay wrestling is.

No,you were being serious and it's cool. Defend your choice! Wrestling rules. Vince McMahon and his billion dollar empire are proof of that.

In all honesty I don't care who's drumming, as long as he can keep a beat and isn't Matt Sorum.

Wrestling is fake. UFC is better.

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