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Camera's @ toronto concert


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I just got a call from ticketmaster.The call was about camera's at the toronto concert and they told me that No Camera's will be allowed in what so ever.I asked about cell phones and blackberrys ,They said that they should be allowed in but it is up to venue/security,also booze.I was told from a buddy that works part time at the ACC,that booze will probally stop being sold about 10-10;30 at the ACC..I just thought i would pass this along.

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I'm going to bring mine anyhow and see how it goes.My hotel is a 5min walk to if they say no i'll just run it to my room.it's not a really good one anyhow so it don't take great pic's unless i am real close.I only put the post up because i found it strange that ticketmaster called me to tell me that.1st time ever they did that to me.usually it's to tell you show is cancelled or postponed or it a dry show with no booze.

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I'm going to bring mine anyhow and see how it goes.My hotel is a 5min walk to if they say no i'll just run it to my room.it's not a really good one anyhow so it don't take great pic's unless i am real close.I only put the post up because i found it strange that ticketmaster called me to tell me that.1st time ever they did that to me.usually it's to tell you show is cancelled or postponed or it a dry show with no booze.

Staying at the Sheraton?

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I'm going to bring mine anyhow and see how it goes.My hotel is a 5min walk to if they say no i'll just run it to my room.it's not a really good one anyhow so it don't take great pic's unless i am real close.I only put the post up because i found it strange that ticketmaster called me to tell me that.1st time ever they did that to me.usually it's to tell you show is cancelled or postponed or it a dry show with no booze.

Staying at the Sheraton?

No i am staying at the Strathcona on York st.

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This was the policy at the Edmonton show as well. There were computer printed signs on EVERY door saying NO CAMERAS. Regardless people brought them...

In regards to alchohol sales, I don't see why anyone wants to drink the shitty expensive beer and get drunk. I find being drunk makes you enjoy the show less and reduces your stamina. STamina is paticularily important at a GNR concert...

I agree Ernie, i catch a buzz other ways lol..and drink lots of water which cost a arm and a leg also.I only put that up so people that do drink no that.

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There's no cameras, like digital camera's and everything, at most events now-a-days...for example at STP back in the summer there was those signs, and it was on the tickets and everything, but I got my digital cam in fine and we were the FIRST ones in the arena, and we were right on the rail, front and center and the only time security hassled me was if I had it out for a long period of time where it was obvious that I was taping..

Strange that they would actually call you though..must be cracking down at that show

Edited by GunsNRevolvers2
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I'm going to bring mine anyhow and see how it goes.My hotel is a 5min walk to if they say no i'll just run it to my room.it's not a really good one anyhow so it don't take great pic's unless i am real close.I only put the post up because i found it strange that ticketmaster called me to tell me that.1st time ever they did that to me.usually it's to tell you show is cancelled or postponed or it a dry show with no booze.

Staying at the Sheraton?

No i am staying at the Strathcona on York st.

Oh sorry, I for some reason thought we were talking about the Hamilton show. i'm staying at a Sheraton for the Hamilton show

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I was left a voicemail by TicketMaster about this today as well. :shocked:

It's the first time it's ever happened and I have to say, I'm not very fucking impressed at all. :fuckyou:

This is, IMHO, a most unprecedented move on somebodys part. :confused:

Perhaps somebody, somewhere, isn't being completely honest with the public in general. :crazy:

I ain't talking about Axl.

And no, I'm not referring to peterboroguycanada either.

What a fucking joke. :anger:

So, basically, 9/11 has served to fuck all of our lives up completely. :devil:

Even if it's just attending a fucking rock concert.

WTF else could it be??? :question:

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There's no cameras, like digital camera's and everything, at most events now-a-days...for example at STP back in the summer there was those signs, and it was on the tickets and everything, but I got my digital cam in fine and we were the FIRST ones in the arena, and we were right on the rail, front and center and the only time security hassled me was if I had it out for a long period of time where it was obvious that I was taping..

Strange that they would actually call you though..must be cracking down at that show

Yeah, they called me too. I couldn't believe it. Forgot to ask if my binoculars would bother them!

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I just got the phone with ticketmaster,They said they were contacted by the promoters and it will be strickly enforced all the way to cell phones.and pat downs etc..this was a supervisor i spoke with and i asked about the other show's in the area and if they were also contacted ,she said NO..only the ACC..for some reason the promoters for the Toronto show want to make sure there is no pictures or recording of this show they lady said to me.She also said she found it strange that a voice mail was sent out to everyone who bought tickets online..i don't have my ticket yet i get mine at the will call center at the ACC,but she said that maybe they forgot to print it on the tickets and want to make sure everyone know's that camera's are not allowed,BUT there was also one other thing she said which really got my attention.and that was maybe there is something else going on at this concert that the promoters Do Not want anyone recording or getting pictures of..Maybe just maybe they are going to be recording part or all of this concert .It is possible,The lady could not confirm this but she did think it was a good reason why they would call people.But she made it a point that it will be strickly enforced what ever that means.I guess time will tell..

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Maybe there's a special guest? What day is the concert?Del James wrote something on his facebook about something special happening on a Saturday in Toronto. He's there now apparently.

Edited by PTZ
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I just got the phone with ticketmaster,They said they were contacted by the promoters and it will be strickly enforced all the way to cell phones.and pat downs etc..this was a supervisor i spoke with and i asked about the other show's in the area and if they were also contacted ,she said NO..only the ACC..for some reason the promoters for the Toronto show want to make sure there is no pictures or recording of this show they lady said to me.She also said she found it strange that a voice mail was sent out to everyone who bought tickets online..i don't have my ticket yet i get mine at the will call center at the ACC,but she said that maybe they forgot to print it on the tickets and want to make sure everyone know's that camera's are not allowed,BUT there was also one other thing she said which really got my attention.and that was maybe there is something else going on at this concert that the promoters Do Not want anyone recording or getting pictures of..Maybe just maybe they are going to be recording part or all of this concert .It is possible,The lady could not confirm this but she did think it was a good reason why they would call people.But she made it a point that it will be strickly enforced what ever that means.I guess time will tell..

"Something else" sounds intriguing. Could just be camera crew filming pro-shot for a DVD.

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The ACC literally always says no cameras, and they've never hassled me before when I show up with one. It is bizarre though that they went out of their way to tell people...

Yes you are right about that.i;ve taken my camera in many times and no problems . But they seem to be going out of there way to contact people for this show.So i went alittle futher and i got hold of a good friend of mine who happens to be Baz's brother and lives in Toronto.He will be talking to Baz either tonight or tomorrow and i asked him to ask Baz if he know's about anything special happening.He said that Baz may no what's going on but may not beable to say but if he finds out he will let me no.And now to all asking why don't i have backstage VIP..Believe me i am working on it,Baz can only get so may comps and VIP per show and he has a big family and they are all going to the show in T.O and Hamilton BUT if there is 1 extra it will have my name on it .But i don't got my hopes up.Fuck it i won;t lie to you,, YES i do lol..,,,so i'll let you no if i hear anything new.

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This must mean that they are filming a DVD. I would have picked Montreal but the band has a few days off after this show so they can really go for broke I guess. Luckily I'll be attending both shows. Maybe they are going to play something off CD II.

Edited by ITW 2012
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This must mean that they are filming a DVD. I would have picked Montreal but the band has a few days off after this show so they can really go for broke I guess. Luckily I'll be attending both shows. Maybe they are going to play something off CD II.

they're picking Toronto because it's (close to being) sold out

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Hey all well i got a message back from Baz's brother,He talked to Baz last night and Baz has no idea of what's going on at this point.He don't no if there is going to be a film crew or not,He said that someone has been taking video and pic's of all the show but no big film crew,So who know's what's up.I guess we'll all find out soon enough,

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